How many of you here are over 21 and still a virgin?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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muhuwahaha said:
Losing my virginity didn't change a thing. I'm still stuck in the same hole I've been trying to dig myself out of for a long time, in fact I think that these days I've gone deeper that hole, and have become bitter and envious.

With that said, I believe the only way to cure myself will be by believing in myself and to learn to love the person I am, aka confidence. I am working on it, and believe me it is far more challenging than getting a lay. And what sucks is that unless the girl is solely into you simply by your looks, you won't get laid without confidence.

The only positive outcome I see from losing my virginity was getting experience. Seek out the neighborhood freak. Or you might get lucky have the freak come to you:p

No matter how confident you may feel in your abilities to please a woman (and I know I can), you won't accomplish anything without believing yourself and coming to terms with your persona. Trust me.

read what you wrote. It did change something didn't it? You DID something about it. Which is more than you can say for the rest of these guys here. You sound like you are on the right path.
May 23, 2006
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Warrior74 said:
read what you wrote. It did change something didn't it? You DID something about it. Which is more than you can say for the rest of these guys here. You sound like you are on the right path.
But experience does not seem to translate into confidence which is really needed to attract women. In fact, you realize what you are missing, and will just have something less to blame your lack of success of women on.

This guy's post didn't really seem to sound very happy about it either.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
But experience does not seem to translate into confidence which is really needed to attract women. In fact, you realize what you are missing, and will just have something less to blame your lack of success of women on.

This guy's post didn't really seem to sound very happy about it either.
it depends really. Personally I believe that confidence comes from experience.

However my issues didn't come so much from being a virgin, but rather personality oriented (in a nutshell, I hate myself a lot)

If any virgins feel that their V card is holding them back then yes, it will be a great help. But from what I see most virgins have deep inner game issues, so really losing the V is useless (like myself)


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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Losing your virginity is one aspect in life everyone looks forward to. Although its an important part of one's life, it does not lead to satisfication or happiness. Alot of people on here have slept with a girl once, but are still depressed because they have not come to terms with themselves yet. You can't have sex once, twice, or even three times and expect to be happy. It may make you happy for a certain period of time, but like all things in life, you need consistancy. You need to strive to make yourself better, to improve yourself, make goals and achieve them, join things, explore things, make new friends, meet people. There are people are here 26-28 who have not lost their virginity, but are extremely comfortable with themselves and live life to the fullest. Others who are 19 and lost it and 16 are completely depressed and lonely.

Losing your virginity = winning a shortfall of cash. It may give you a burst of happiness for a little while, but sooner or later, you'll want more.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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If you are over 21 and still a virgin, I can't help but think that getting laid would help your confidence and self-esteem. Just get out there and beg for it if you have to; just lose that V-card. Once you get it and know you have the ability to get laid, I think you will be more confident when you approach women.
May 23, 2006
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muhuwahaha said:
But from what I see most virgins have deep inner game issues, so really losing the V is useless (like myself)
Exactly. So, if you have deep inner game issues, what I believe that I have myself, then it's not likely going to be helpful at all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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San Francisco
You don't win anything once you lose your "virginity," you just kind of slap yourself and say: "Why didn't I do this earlier?"

People who are past 20, and are still virgins, have bigger challenges than getting laid in my experience.

And for the record, I lost my virginity at 16 in Cancun, don't remember her name, but the hotel was named Tucancun, which confused the **** out of me when I was trying to get there. And, don't trust condoms in Mexico.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
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Yes, losing your virginity is overrated. The OP makes it seem like once you lose your virginity your all of a sudden this big alpha-male. LOL I know a lot of guys who had sex like 4-5 times in their life act like AFCS.

All of the posters are right, virginity doesn't change sh*t. Its all about the meaning you attach to losing it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
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I'm almost 23 and still a virgin. I've been trying to lose it since I was 16 and it seems like I've tried everything possible (being social, parties, clubs, bookstores, being confident, different clothing styles, meeting girls through social cliques, meeting girls through classes, meeting girls at work, talking to random girls, lifting weights). I think I've even tried not trying (like I don't care about getting laid), but still had no luck.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2008
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Demystify said:
I'm almost 23 and still a virgin. I've been trying to lose it since I was 16 and it seems like I've tried everything possible (being social, parties, clubs, bookstores, being confident, different clothing styles, meeting girls through social cliques, meeting girls through classes, meeting girls at work, talking to random girls, lifting weights). I think I've even tried not trying (like I don't care about getting laid), but still had no luck.
Take some deep breaths and relax. There really is no rush.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
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Not a virgin, but why do posters like the OP insist on being condescending asses who must actually prey and berate virgin people with this constant imperative tone?

So pathetic, this site is completely unbearable.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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i've had too many opportunities to lose this fcuking v-card man....but my ass gets too scared of not performing well that I just go limp. Then from there, IM the one that decides to stop things from going any further. I should just chop my piece of right now....


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
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South Africa
slaog said:
But the best players don't make the best coaches. Usually because it comes natural but the players who have to work hard on improving themselves usually make the best coaches because they consciously observed the game in more detail.
amen to dat! i lost mine about a year and a half after i joined this site, i was 23 then. i can't say i didn't get laid before cuz my game was weak or anything, but cuz i would never get the oppotunity to. i read somewhere here that sex = perception + oppotunity, and that was very true in my case, i'd get the chick so sexually into me to the point she'd actually arrange the hookups, but would turn them down cuz i was busy.
when i finally got laid (about a year ago) i wasn't going to college anymore and was on a break, and it was easy as hell, the chick was older and it felt good, but nothing really changed except that we really got into each other. i still had a lot to learn, infact i still am, cuz im comin to this forum on a regular learning new stuff. you might think gettin laid is the final goal of being a DJ, its not. is all in the mindset, gettin laid is simply the gross result of applying the stuff we learn here. and on the ubject of virgins not being eligible to give advice, i totally disagree. i've given some good advice to my friends when i was a virgin, and they never suspected i was a virgin. i'd had a lot of my mates think i sleep around a lot cuz i was so smooth with the chicks, and not one of them knew i was a virgin. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Most likely everybody that is a virgin at 21+ has some deep personal issues that are holding them back. Those issues are beyond the scope of the DJ Bible. Not getting the important issues handled can have very adverse effects on ones self-confidence.

The issues that are holding me back is the fact that I'm almost 27 and yet I live with my grandmother. Also I haven't really accomplished anything (been in Jr. college a long time, and don't work) in my life and I feel like I'm much younger than I really am.

Getting those things taken care of is much more important than getting some pussy. There's also a 100% chance doing what I need to do would boost my confidence and you know what? Increased confidence makes it easier to get girls :D

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
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But the best players don't make the best coaches. Usually because it comes natural but the players who have to work hard on improving themselves usually make the best coaches because they consciously observed the game in more detail.
Look, I hate to break it to you, and some of the other delusional people on this site, but there isn't really a such thing as a 'natural' when it comes to bagging chicks. You have people that work on their craft, and people that don't. Sure, some people are naturally more social than others, but you don't have to be social to get femals.

Honestly, do you think that Chris Rock's world famouas stand-up specials is him being 'natural', or do you think he spent countless hours working on his craft and making it seem effortless. Think about it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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im 15 and not a virgin :D

it doesnt matter if someone is a virgin or not, they can stil have game and have been very unlucky.
A virgin on this website is different to most other virgins,
they have seeked advice and are going to do something about it.