Girl that flaked 2x times is begging to see me!?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
First off, kudos on the hook-up!

You definitely beat the odds on this one happening, so congrats is in order for making it happen.

Now, with that said... I still don't like the drama this chick seems to have floating around her. You really need to step back and be observant about how deep you want to get with this chick.

Furthermore, you still don't know WHY she decided to suddenly hook up with you. It could be a revenge f--k against her ex-boyfriend, or she may have felt like she HAD to do it for flaking so many times so she'd have you back in her graces...

I don't say any of this to scare you, but it's so you'll keep your eyes open and avoid getting the dreaded "One-i-tis" with this chick.

In answer to your question: the moves that got the chick are the moves that will keep her around. And how did you get this chick, exactly?

1. You waited a few days to communicate with her
2. She hit YOU up (a brilliant move - since you hadn't called her, she started wondering if you found her attractive, got self-conscious and figured she needed to call you FIRST. Works every time!)
3. You made definite plans and told her flaking was unacceptable
4. You took charge when she came over

So, rinse, wash and repeat!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score

I'd call her today and say hi just so she doesn't think you are trying to ditch her after the lay. After that go 1 for 1 on the return call ratio unless she gets too sticky.

Then Call her Tuesday and try to set something up for next weekend if you are interested.

This is what I would do at least...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Harry Wilmington said:
Furthermore, you still don't know WHY she decided to suddenly hook up with you. It could be a revenge f--k against her ex-boyfriend, or she may have felt like she HAD to do it for flaking so many times so she'd have you back in her graces...

Brothers Thank you! Still surprised myself that it all went down, on that note...

Harry you are right...if she has "ex drama" then who knows why she ended up doing it..still was a blast though LOL.

It's funny because as you mention that above quote I recall a few moments when we were dancing and her responding to a few of my comments like "Oh well I'll just really have to make it up to you." etc. You know she put up a pretty decent fight with not going all the way..but I kept teasing her over and over until she broke down.

One of the greatest quotes I got from this site is "What a woman says and what she does is two entirely different things" This quote couldn't of proved more true. She said everything SHE needed to hear in her own head about how she is not an easy girl, blah blah blah. Meanwhile 20 minutes of intense teasing and her pants are off lol.

Now regardless, is this a chick I want to make into a LTR?....honestly ehh lets just say I need to proceed with extreme caution, and move very very slowly (while spinning other plates) and stick to what I have been doing (like you put in bold Harry)

Lets see if I can pull another get together in a few days...
(she left her Ipod at my if she flakes at least I have a new Ipod!) kidding lol...but she really did leave it haha


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Just a random thought...

Since we did have sex last Harry stated it is best to keep doing what I have been doing in the first place. I understand that changing my methods would make things turn back down hill so I need to keep what I have been doing UP.

So on that note reaming NC for a few days IS the BEST move right now after sleeping with her right? When we left off talking about what we were going to do next time we get together, towards the end of the night she said "Well you have a much more busy schedule then I do so you let me know when you are free so I can come over!"

So if I saw her Wednesday night, hitting her up Friday evening to invite her over for Sunday night is that okay? Am I jumping the gun rushing it?

I don't know WHY I am over thinking this...maybe because I slept with her I feel like thats a pass to contact her which I KNOW IS NOT lol...

Set me straight one last time please men!