Girl that flaked 2x times is begging to see me!?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Made out with this broad at a party a week ago and we were basically ready to tear each others clothes off, but couldn't find privacy so I didn't get to **** her.

I got her number and set a date for later in the week. She called in the morning and said she had a friend that was suppose to come in the night before is now coming in today (day of our date) but she said "Pick any other day and that works for me!" I put up a decent "Oh I am not sure when I can do another day." game play, but I picked another day.

That day came and now I am sitting outside her Apartment. She calls and says OMW down. 15 minutes later she texts me this huge bull**** story about her ex showing up at her door, please don't hate me, I know this is twice...this has never happened to me before with my ex...blah blah.

I drove away, deleted her number. A few days go by. Sunday night rolls around I get a phone call and I saw it was her number...I ignored and 1 hour later said to myself "WTF who cares ill call and see what she wants lol." (By then I already met other women over the weekend and have dates set up)

I answer, she starts by apologizing and saying she hasn't heard from me...and wants to make it up to me for canceling the 2 times. I was straight up blunt and said "How can you make it up to me? You are just going to cancel if we make plans." She basically starts begging "Please please let me make it up to you."

After a little bit of a back and forth, (me being sarcastic and REAL) I said if you really want to make it up to me, you need to come pick me up and take me out.

She goes "How about I come to you apartment and I will bring some music and we can dance and go from there?"

I said fine. Picked a day and time this week.

1.) I was a bit surprised by this, why would she BEG me for her to make it up to me? Why does she even care?

2.) I am betting 99% she flakes again...but for some reason if she doesn't what should be the game play? Obviously just push to **** right?

Greatly appreciated guys!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
id put the flake odds probably at about 92% instead of 99%. but yeah, still high odds.

there probably is something you can do or say from now till then to bring down those odds but i couldnt tell you what that would be.

you should do a preemptive strike and cancel on her, see what happens because with such high flake odds its probably worth the
crap shoot experiment to see her reaction.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Let's see what happens. Don't get your hopes up. I've had girls do the whole "how can I make it up to you" too. Quite a few have shown, but it's only delaying the inevitable. Meaning, we might mess around a bit and things are good for a while but then she starts flaking again.

Basically, it's a sign of being not that interested so don't invest much yet.

But maybe this one is genuinely interested, lol. Let's see. Good luck!


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2011
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Brave New World
She wants the attention you were previously giving her before she flaked out twice. She wants to collect you as a trophy for her sphere of beta orbiters.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Oh, to add, just remembered your original story about driving all the way to her apartment only to have her give you that BS about her ex.

Man, if she does show, she better really make it up to you. I'm not even sure I'd give her another chance after that.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
NewAndImproved said:
Oh, to add, just remembered your original story about driving all the way to her apartment only to have her give you that BS about her ex.

Man, if she does show, she better really make it up to you. I'm not even sure I'd give her another chance after that.
Brother I am thinking the same thing. Wasted my time & gas. Straight up the ONLY way she can "make it up to me," is by tearing my clothes off and having sex with me when she comes over lol...BUT EVEN THEN...I am not going to give her a pass with what she pulled last time.

I don't want to jump the gun because my gut says she will flake again. If she doesn't my only goal is to sleep with her. IF that happens, then I can go from there but honestly I see her for more of a "potential future **** buddy" then a girl I am going to take to dinner and date...not after that other crap she pulled.

Lets see what happens right? Nothing I can do until tomorrow night and see if she flakes or actually shows up...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
So I had to send this broad my address. So I simply texted her my address and said see you tomorrow. No response for 3 hours LOL....

Anyone want to take bets on if she shows or not!? LOL...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The thing is, never forget that there is always a psychological cost to you to flaking.

Please explain more?


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Most likely she either has an ex still in her life who she chose over you twice or is spinning that many plates that she just has you at her disposal for whenever traffic is slow.

Most to near all women will try their guts out to make dates with men theyre keen for but will come up with the worst thought out and caring excuse on the map.

You should next her and if you are both at the same social gathering then try to fvck her.


New Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Some girls just seem to get some sick pleasure out of acting like they want nothing more in the world than to hang out with you, then all they ever do is flake. I don't understand what's wrong with some people. I'd be surprised if she showed up but hey maybe you'll get lucky and she was being straight about the first two times...but I doubt it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
she does have an ex in the picture..

I was trying to keep the story short but when she left me sitting down at her apartment and sent me that huge text saying she can't go out, it was due to her "ex showing up at her door."

Since then I deleted her number and did not contact her until she reached out this past Sunday...begging me to please let her "make it up to me." that "her ex is causing a lot of problems and she has a lot going with her past."

That would explain the wishy washy behavior. What I don't get is WHY not just leave things how they are, why call me and beg and I mean BEG for me to see her again..

I mean she can still show up tomorrow (like we have planned) but I texted her at noon today my directions, and she has not responded at all..(and its now 930pm)

You all agree to not reach out again and just see if she flakes or shows up tomorrow right?

I don't understand why I let this broad get under my skin I just find the bailing after I drove 45 mins and sitting outside your home to be so disrespectful...and when she called I wasn't having it..but she seriously must of said over 5 times "please let me make it up to you."

Keep in mind this girl is 19 years old, which probably has A LOT to do with it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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spiegel549 said:
You all agree to not reach out again and just see if she flakes or shows up tomorrow right?
Do you really need to ask this? I mean REALLY??? How many times do you want to be treated like a fool?

spiegel549 said:
I don't understand why I let this broad get under my skin I just find the bailing after I drove 45 mins and sitting outside your home to be so disrespectful...and when she called I wasn't having it..but she seriously must of said over 5 times "please let me make it up to you."

Keep in mind this girl is 19 years old, which probably has A LOT to do with it.
It appears that she is intentionally and sadistically trying to inflict mental suffering on you. And you don't have enough self-respect to tell her to f*ck off. Believe me, she's got you figured out. She knows that you will look past her worst behavior for a chance to stick your pee pee in her (even though deep down, even you know that this will never happen). So far, her assumptions about you have proven correct.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
At 19 she doesn't know if she's shot, phucked, powder burned, or snake bit. Since you don't have to physically displace yourself for tomorrow night, see what happens. If anything, you get to see what this AW will come up with. Expect some for dissapointment, though. Her track record so far sux gorilla ball sacs!

If she flakes again, do loose her number and tell her to grow the phuck up with thes c0ckteaser games.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
[N]ever forget that there is always a psychological cost to you to flaking.
I like this. Heck, I am a Psychology student; why didn't I think of this?

Anyway, those simple words carry a large load of meaning if one can interpret it correctly. +1 rep :cool:

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
A quick note on the ex: as much as she's saying her ex is causing problems, the reality is, if those "problems" he's causing really bothered her, she wouldn't be feeding into it.

Think about it: they don't have kids together, so there's really no reason for him to keep seeing her... unless she's opening her door to him. She could have blocked his number, got a restraining order, called the police, had someone go over to where he lives and threaten him if he came near her again... the point is, if she didn't want him in her life, she could have taken care of it on her end.

Based on what you've said here, though, the girl likes drama, and is very good at keeping it in her life. Far as I'm concerned, if you got rejected by a dramatic chick, you got off lucky. I wouldn't even be pressing her for any kind of date at this point, be it a real date or a f--k date.

Not every girl's pvssy is worth taking down. Hers is going to bring drama with it. Learn to differentiate between girls you should f--k and girls you should stay the f--k away from.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Drama-loving, serial flaker with an ex hanging around? Nah. Time to look for a new plate to spin, my friend.

spiegel549 said:
I answer, she starts by apologizing and saying she hasn't heard from me...and wants to make it up to me for canceling the 2 times. I was straight up blunt and said "How can you make it up to me? You are just going to cancel if we make plans."
(emphasis mine)

Never, EVER do this. Don't call women out. Instead, flip it around and eventually disappear.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
At 19 she is a child mentally. They never grow up.

Imagine back to when you were about 6-8 years old and how you thought about things.

That is about how women of all ages think all the time.LOL

If she comes and ****s you then yes why not.

If she flakes again because her tiny brain has once again malfunctioned then it's goodbye forever.

We must never reward thoughtless behavior.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Well played so far Spiegel. I would call her once earlier that day to confirm and show some interest. Then wait for her to come over. I would tell her I didn't feel like going out, maybe order food if she was being really nice. And try to bang her that night. Anything less than success would result in NC... have a movie and drinks ready...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
**Update**The clothes came off! happened. She ended up showing up to my apartment tonight. We started with some wine, 20 minutes of dancing, I started engaging the Kino..kissing her neck, slightly pulling her hair etc.

She put up a decent defense but I kept breaking her down until she said out loud "I can't take this anymore." Clothes came off, and we ****ed!

Afterwards she laid there for a good 30 minutes, asking me questions, and I kept my mystery.

She said "next time I will have to sleep over." walked her to her car, kissed her. night over.

SO WHAT DO YOU THINK!? LOL...I thought this broad would of bailed FOR SURE but nope!!!! LOL

1.) My only question on a serious note is were do I go from do I reach out to get her over again without sounding desperate? Wait a few days then just invite her over? How do I play the game perfect from here.