my friend is in a situation that is not making sense to me. he lives in usa and he is looking to get married. due to money problems, no girl in the usa wants him. he can afford to pay the rent and buy food, but that's it. so he got an online dating profile and after a long time he matched with this girl in south america. to protect his privacy I am not going to mention which country. he chatted and did video calls with the girl for 3 months and finally last month he went to her country to see her. I was concerned about drug cartels kidnapping him, you know the usual concerns, what if there is no girl and this is just a trap? but to my surprise, he came back. he loves the girl and considers her his girlfriend. now the girl is moving to usa soon and they want to get married. what I don't understand is why would this girl waste her time with a guy 3000 miles away? are there no guys in her own country for her? i've seen her pictures, it doesn't appear that there is anything wrong with her, she is not fat, she is not bald, she doesn't have some weird mole on her face. doesn't make sense to me.
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