Fvck Fitness!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I don't wholly disagree with him... He makes decent points.

If you don't like lifting weights and building muscle, you don't have to. Not everybody has to like the same things. I think your biggest point was that you still like to be healthy(play sports outside, basketball, etc). That's a great idea.

On that note, I can't stand doing cardio in gyms.(treadmill, cycling, etc). My cardio now is basically either running on the street, mountain biking around town, kayaking, or sprinting. I play sports too, so I really don't like the lack of mental stimulation involved in hamster-wheel style activities.

Lifting weights is a different story for me, its great mental courage, and pushing yourself to the limit is so easy with iron.

But yeah, to each his own.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
shagnscoob said:
okay cool. get the **** out of the HEALTH AND FITNESS forum then.
If you don't want to talk about fitness (and its importance to getting women), YOU get the "****" out of the HEALTH AND FITNESS forum.

No, I understand what you're saying though.

What this thread is really about, it's about working out for the right reasons.

This thread is about my realization that developing my fascinating personality has brought me far more success, fulfillment, and empowerment than all the time I've spent in a gym.

But if you love working out, do it for that. I love people who do what they love.

This is about me realizing that I was working out for the wrong reasons. And that I felt insecure about my body.

Now, I'm not fat. But I feel like even if I were fat (which I don't want to be), I would still land HB10s.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Ricky said:
This is actually a very interesting thread.

I have often wondered how many guys go to the gym just because they want to improve their physique because they think they can meet more girls this way? It really makes me wonder.

I'd say the guys where that is the main motivator, may not stick with it as much.

The other thing is, it seems like that for guys that are in their early 20's there are tons of them that are in great shape. Heck you really don't even have to workout that much to be in that good of shape at that age since your metabolism is sky high. In the early 20's there may be more guys in good shape than girls. So what the hell is going on. The guys are competing to get in the best shape to go after fat girls with pretty faces. It's kind of unfair.

As guys get into their 30's though, especially with many of them married, you really don't see nearly as many guys in good shape. That's a shame but it's true. Metabolism slows down as well.

In any event I do like working out. I like the challenge and the instant feedback with numbers that you get (weight lifted, time ran, weight, body fat)

I think I got a bit addicted to the buzz of working out and if i stop for too long I feel bad.

I don't blame the author of the thread for his thoughts though. In fact I've thought the same thing. I think alot of the guys at the gym may be AFC's who feel like they have to get a perfect body to meet a girl. This also explains that muscle dysmorphia (not sure if that's the right name), where guys look in the mirror all the time and are never big enough. Kind of like an inverse anorexia deal.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

Yeah, if you love working out, that's great. You'll have a much easier time figuring out how to live a healthy life. I hate working out so I'm always thinking of fun ways to make my body happy with exercise.

Thank you also for sharing you personal experience and feelings. I tire of reading the abstractions of others, divorced from anecdote and emotions. Well, every emotion except, say, bemused rage.

I love the change of pace. I love to hear "I've felt like this before" or "in my experience..."


Fo' Shizza


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
I get turned on by turning a girl on.
Me too.

Kwello said:
Ding ding ding ding ding. You just won the thread.
Yeah, ValleyDJ is great. I always have to keep my eye on that guy :)

Seriously, I used to think like you guys. I used to think women were visual creatures just like men. I used to think my body wasn't good enough to turn a girl on, no matter what my personality was like.

But I have changed a lot of my thinking in that area. Now, my feeling is that women are emotional creatures, and are turned on by any guy that can make them feel the emotion "turned on."

I'm not fat. I don't want to be fat. I am pleasantly plump :D

But if I were, I am beginning to realize that my personality is powerful enough to score the hottest women I can imagine.

I feel liberated.

I still want to follow my body's commands: I exercise when my body tells me it needs it.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
mr_elor said:
Experience tells me that people who are against exercising tend to be lazy, weak-minded and lacking in self-discipline.
LOL! I'm going to have to tell my friends that quote. I hope you don't mind. I think they will find it amusing.

No, I don't mean to make fun of you or say you said something dumb. All we know is our own experience. I don't know who you know, and perhaps you're right about the people you know.

And I realize that you don't know me, and aren't claiming to know me.

Let's just say that I am working really hard in life to be more lazy, more weak-minded, and to lack more self-discipline. It's not easy for me, but I am starting to make progress.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
BluEyes said:
I don't wholly disagree with him... He makes decent points.

If you don't like lifting weights and building muscle, you don't have to. Not everybody has to like the same things. I think your biggest point was that you still like to be healthy(play sports outside, basketball, etc). That's a great idea.

On that note, I can't stand doing cardio in gyms.(treadmill, cycling, etc). My cardio now is basically either running on the street, mountain biking around town, kayaking, or sprinting. I play sports too, so I really don't like the lack of mental stimulation involved in hamster-wheel style activities.

Lifting weights is a different story for me, its great mental courage, and pushing yourself to the limit is so easy with iron.

But yeah, to each his own.
I like the tone of your last post. I felt disagreement with respect for me. I like that.

Right, you got it. I hate lifting weights, but I have found other things I like.

I think an even bigger realization for me was that I should design fitness around the desires of my body for exericse, and around fun. Not around a mirror. That was a huge epiphany for me.

One thing: I'm not fat. I don't want to be fat. I am pleasantly plump

But if I were, I am beginning to realize that my personality is powerful enough to score the hottest women I can imagine.

I feel liberated. And I think that is the most important aspect. I realized that I don't need to conform to what everyone thinks is physically attractive to get the most physically attractive girls.

I don't want to be fat. But things happen, and if I were fat, I would still love myself and therefore women would still love me.

But maybe that's just me, and you feel another way. I'm not trying to say how you should think. I'm just saying how I feel about fitness now.

As you said, to each his own.

Respectfully yours,



Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Is it that bad to work out to become more attractive to women anyway....as a lot of ppl, especially the OP seem to be saying. I have no problem admitting thats the primary reason I work out.

And Izza, yea, its good to pick up a girl with a regular body, but wouldn't you wanna be the guy who already makes the woman a little bit wet and horny before you even talk to her? Personally, I always wanted to be that guy that women fantasise about when they're on their own, rather than the guy who merely picks them up with personality/game.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Working out should not be done to make yourself more attractive. It should be done for yourself.. a woman will appreciate a guy who does something for himself because he wants to, rather than for her own benefit.

And a woman who REALLY likes you (and the only kind you should be interested in) will fantasise about you no matter what you look like...


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
First off, I do it cause I enjoy it and I love anatomy and science. I hate doing cardio in gyms as well though cause yes, it's very much like a hamster wheel. Even if women didn't exist, I'd still be hitting the gym.

There's a snowball effect though that I find with women. When they get turned on, I get turned on... which turns them on even more... which then turns me on even more. When a girl is straddling you and giving your muscles a rub down with her hands and she runs them over your abs, pecs, biceps, you can just visibly see the lust building in her eyes. It's powerful. It turns decent sex into hot sex. It turns hot sex into mind blowing sex.

Don't under estimate the power of physique on a woman. It's a primal urge.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
L777 said:
Is it that bad to work out to become more attractive to women anyway....as a lot of ppl, especially the OP seem to be saying. I have no problem admitting thats the primary reason I work out.

And Izza, yea, its good to pick up a girl with a regular body, but wouldn't you wanna be the guy who already makes the woman a little bit wet and horny before you even talk to her? Personally, I always wanted to be that guy that women fantasise about when they're on their own, rather than the guy who merely picks them up with personality/game.
It's neither good nor bad to work out to attract women. It just so happens that I hate working out, and I hate attracting women with my body.

That's just me. I'm not saying that applies to you, or should apply to you. If you are at peace working out to attract women, I would recommend you keep doing it.

To answer your question, actually I would rather be a guy who girls feel repulsed by just to look at me, but then my game/personality is so strong, my aura so positive and sexy, that women change their minds quick and want me in the sack.

But that's cool if you want women to fantasize about your body. I don't think there's anything objectively wrong with that. In the attract phase, I don't want her to like me for my body, and I would prefer if she likes me *despite* my body.

Of course I'd like her to fantasize about me later, but only because my personality was so amazing that she suddenly finds my body sexy.

But you know, maybe we have different tastes and that's fine. I'm sure what you do is working, and that you feel fulfilled, or else you wouldn't believe what you believe. Even though we have different points of view, I really enjoyed reading your post, and I will continue to consider what you said.

Thank you for sharing your feelings on the matter.

My love and best wishes to you,



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Warboss Alex said:
Working out should not be done to make yourself more attractive. It should be done for yourself.. a woman will appreciate a guy who does something for himself because he wants to, rather than for her own benefit.
And a woman who REALLY likes you (and the only kind you should be interested in) will fantasise about you no matter what you look like...
Exactly. Amen bro. I like your thinking. I think you understand true confidence.

My ex-gf was obsessed with my lite-beer belly. I was like uh, ok?! But she loves me, and loves who I am.

Personally, I liked her large boobs hahaha. Awww, ok so I wasn't doing a great job reciprocating the love.

I kissed a scar on her back once and said I loved the scar. She started crying. I don't think I meant it though, :( *ashamed*.

These posters are right. I mean, I am hypocritical. Women will love me no matter what I look like. But I do have standards for how I want women to look.

It's kinda unfair to women, but it seems to be the way the world works. I do feel bad about that though, and I try to date people based on their personality. But then I feel like I failed by dating ugly women, just as everyone seemed to expect that I would in grade school (*issue*).

I would feel embarrassed to have a gf I thought was a 10, and everyone else thought was a 1.

I feel like a bad person because of it. Oh well.

Buuuuuuuuuut I digress lol. I was starting to feel like I must be crazy if none of these gym rats thought my OP was a good idea. I'm glad to know that I'm not insane.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
izza said:
If you don't want to talk about fitness (and its importance to getting women), YOU get the "****" out of the HEALTH AND FITNESS forum.

I talk about health and fitness in the threads that warrant it. this thread is just trolling.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
shagnscoob said:
I talk about health and fitness in the threads that warrant it. this thread is just trolling.
Your replies don't warrant this section.

Stop trolling my thread.

*gives a pizza*

If you have a personal experience or a different set of preferences, please share.

Say something that actually benefits me, for god's sake. I'm feeling a bit sensitive right now. I'm not even giving people advice, I'm just saying how I feel, you jerk.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Kwello said:
First off, I do it cause I enjoy it and I love anatomy and science. I hate doing cardio in gyms as well though cause yes, it's very much like a hamster wheel. Even if women didn't exist, I'd still be hitting the gym.
That's awesome, rock on. I like people like you.

There's a snowball effect though that I find with women. When they get turned on, I get turned on... which turns them on even more... which then turns me on even more. When a girl is straddling you and giving your muscles a rub down with her hands and she runs them over your abs, pecs, biceps, you can just visibly see the lust building in her eyes. It's powerful. It turns decent sex into hot sex. It turns hot sex into mind blowing sex.
Fvck yeah. !!

Don't under estimate the power of physique on a woman. It's a primal urge.
Don't underestimate the power of my personality to make a woman want to have sex with me.

We all say on this site that women are emotional creatures (and that men are visual creatures). In my experience, having an amazing personality is more than enough to turn a woman on - during the approach, and then anytime after that.

Then again, I'm a decent looking guy. I'm going to start dressing worse and generally be less physically attractive when I approach women.

See, all you guys are trying to make getting women easier, because you think it's hard. I'm trying to make getting women harder, because I think it's too easy. I just feel bored.

And I was realizing today that I had always relied on my physical attractiveness to get women. And I hate that. I fvcking hate using my physical attractiveness to make up for a lack of personality. God, how many years I've wasted doing that!

I am all about self-improvement. But I only want a woman to be attracted to my personality, especially at first. Past that, I improve myself for me, and I don't give a sh!t about fitness right now.

So now I'm all about looking mediocre or worse, as unkempt as possible, and sweeping up initially dubious women in a hurricane of expression.

You ever hear of Juggler, who picked up women claiming to be a garbage collector and wearing an eye-patch? To pick up women he read items off his grocery list, and told women that he was actually in the middle of a seminar on how to pick up women.

If you love the gym, that's fabulous. I'm really happy for you that you pursue a passion. And I can see how it's therapeutic. I just hate the gym, personally. And that's ok, people have different tastes.

And yes looking good helps pick up women, but it can become a crutch for a boring personality. In fact, looking too good can get in the way of developing a kick-a$$ personality (anybody else ever talked to an HB10 that was so dull you wanted to drill into the ground and bury yourself right there?)


Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
eh, I have terrible scars and stretch marks on my biceps because of lifting (yeah yeah, I'm gonna get accused of being a chest-and-arms guy know ;)), my wife actually gives those lots of attention (nuzzles, kisses, caresses). imperfections make you who you are, after all, and only through being imperfect will you actually seem perfect to the right person.

your attitude is piss-poor though. you're hypocritical and superficial but don't want people to judge you on what you judge them by. if you don't want something done to you, don't do it to other people.. adjust your attitude 'cause this way, NO-ONE is gonna want you. and I'm not talking about finding a girl for the night, anyone can do that and there's plenty of desperate slags out there.

but your saying you want a woman to appreciate your personality suggests you want a deeper, longer relationship than just a one-night stand. your attitude will do you no favours for this!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Warboss Alex said:
eh, I have terrible scars and stretch marks on my biceps because of lifting (yeah yeah, I'm gonna get accused of being a chest-and-arms guy know ;)), my wife actually gives those lots of attention (nuzzles, kisses, caresses). imperfections make you who you are, after all, and only through being imperfect will you actually seem perfect to the right person.

your attitude is piss-poor though. you're hypocritical and superficial but don't want people to judge you on what you judge them by. if you don't want something done to you, don't do it to other people.. adjust your attitude 'cause this way, NO-ONE is gonna want you. and I'm not talking about finding a girl for the night, anyone can do that and there's plenty of desperate slags out there.

but your saying you want a woman to appreciate your personality suggests you want a deeper, longer relationship than just a one-night stand. your attitude will do you no favours for this!
Don't call me names, you jerk.

Yes, I don't like my attitude toward looks. I am sensitive about this, because I feel bad. This is changing as my attitude toward myself changes, and I begin to judge my own worth based on who I am, and not based on looks.

*offers Mars bar*

Sorry to hear about your scars.

Personality and niceness is a must chez moi. Besides, I am decent looking and so I definitely don't hold anybody to a different standard than I have for myself.

I can't control attraction. I'm either attracted to a girl or I'm not. There's nothing I can do, except work on past issues. But until then, attraction is not a choice. I either feel it, or don't.

There was this girl who is kinda fat and not very physically attractive, but her self-confidence and goodness was like "boom." She's very powerful and has a kind heart as far as I can tell. I asked her out. She already had a bf, though.

Please don't call me names based on my posts. I don't appreciate being judged, and I am not trying to judge anyone here. I am speaking from personal experience.

I am not a hair more or less superficial than you or the next guy. Like I said, I have issues related to being teased in the past, and feelings of unworthiness, and I'm working on it.

You're right, though, superficiality does me no favors.

adjust your attitude 'cause this way, NO-ONE is gonna want you. and I'm not talking about finding a girl for the night, anyone can do that and there's plenty of desperate slags out there.
Ouch. Besides, yes, plenty of women want me. I don't do ONS', and I don't do desperate hookups. Ever.

but your saying you want a woman to appreciate your personality suggests you want a deeper, longer relationship than just a one-night stand. your attitude will do you no favours for this!
Even though I don't like the way you present your point (what's your personal experience in this?), I think you're probably right about the content.

I'm WORKING on it.

eh, I have terrible scars and stretch marks on my biceps because of lifting (yeah yeah, I'm gonna get accused of being a chest-and-arms guy know ;)), my wife actually gives those lots of attention (nuzzles, kisses, caresses). imperfections make you who you are, after all, and only through being imperfect will you actually seem perfect to the right person.
Aww, that's sweet.

Also, fvcking awesome sentence right there. I'm loving it: only through being imperfect will you actually seem perfect to the right person.

So quotable. I love it.

With that ex of mine, I just said what I said out of guilt. But there were other imperfections of hers that I loved because I really did just love them. You don't know me, so I don't like hearing statements that sound judgmental to me.


Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so you don't want to be judged and you don't want anyone to call you names and you basically want everyone to agree with you, yet you post in H&F with a thread called 'Fvck Fitness' .. What was the point of posting it? Is it a discussion about whether physiques/looks are that important? You're bound to get people disagreeing with you. If you can't take that don't post.

I for one don't disagree with you, looks are very secondary because in the eye of someone who truly is meant for you you'll be beautiful no matter what everyone else may perceive you as. But for you to not want to be with someone you think is a '10' because other people would think they're a '1' is superficial and hypocritical in the worst way - and completely undoes all your good work in justifying personality over looks.

I haven't read about your issues. You only have issues because you let yourself have issues. You don't need to work on them, you can just say to yourself "No more issues." You were teased? So what. Everyone gets teased at school, children are spiteful little buggers

And sorry, you


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Warboss Alex said:
Okay, so you don't want to be judged and you don't want anyone to call you names and you basically want everyone to agree with you, yet you post in H&F with a thread called 'Fvck Fitness' .. What was the point of posting it? Is it a discussion about whether physiques/looks are that important? You're bound to get people disagreeing with you. If you can't take that don't post.
Expression. I was expressing myself, and how I feel about the gym, and fitness. If you look at my posts, you will see a series of 'I' statements... I like this, I hate that, I'm afraid of this. There is very little abstract, they are just emotions. (I might have made some abstract statements by mistake or out of laziness lol, but in general, I like to stick to expression and to speak from personal experience only.)

There is infinite room for disagreement there. In fact, I want people to disagree with me. I love hearing people express different emotions and preferences and operating assumptions than my own. There's some kid who disagreed with me. He said "I like to work out, I like women to be attracted to my body." I said, "that's awesome rock on." And I meant it.

Disagreeing doesn't equal judging in my book. I love hearing disagreement. I don't like being called names.

I express myself using I statements, speaking from personal experience. I am very careful to speak about my emotions and preferences, and always keep in mind that other people may be different. I had and still have no intention of converting people to what I believe. By fvck fitness, that was a decision for my life, based on a set of assumptions that I hold (women dig men with good personalities, women care less about looks than men, looks are not necessary to attraction.)

I don't think anybody would be a bad person for working out to get women. I think that's fine. I just don't like it personally, and I don't want to do it in my life. My operating assumption is that I won't and shouldn't have to.

I for one don't disagree with you, looks are very secondary because in the eye of someone who truly is meant for you you'll be beautiful no matter what everyone else may perceive you as.
Amen! Yeah man, I really like your attitude. I feel so empowered eh?

But for you to not want to be with someone you think is a '10' because other people would think they're a '1' is superficial and hypocritical in the worst way - and completely undoes all your good work in justifying personality over looks.
Sorry I disappointed you. Yeah, I'm definitely not perfect. Hopefully, you love me so that makes me seem perfect in your eyes. :)

I definitely agree with you, and I'm disappointed in myself for having this attitude. So, I'm sorry.

I am sensitive about this subject. I don't like my attitude. I'm aware of the problem, and doing my best to change. I can't always change everything I want right away, and that's ok. If you can change anything you like in the snap of the fingers, man, good for you, that's amazing. But I don't think I'm like that. I'll try my best.

And before you cast your stone, are you saying you have never, ever dated a girl based in any way on looks? Your wife, she is butt-ugly with a great personality then?

Maybe have never, ever seen looks as a factor in women. In which case, still be nice to me please. I'm just not as flawless as you, I guess.

I haven't read about your issues. You only have issues because you let yourself have issues. You don't need to work on them, you can just say to yourself "No more issues." You were teased? So what. Everyone gets teased at school, children are spiteful little buggers
Yeah they are! Well, the kids that teased me were probably feeling sad and insecure.

I hope you're right that I can get rid of "issues" that easily. I'll give it a try.

And sorry, you


Ooo, I love that trail off sentence. How... imperfect.

You're turning me on, Warbaby (I've done that before too).

Much love,



Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
I still don't see a point to this inane thread. What is it exactly that you are hoping to accomplish with this? Did you need a place to vent your feelings? Are you trying to convince others that they too might be lifting weights for the 'wrong' reasons? Perhaps just looking for some attention?

Could you please explain your reasoning for starting this thread. I don't think a thread is required everytime someone comes to some grave revelation about their life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
donjuanjovi said:
I still don't see a point to this inane thread. What is it exactly that you are hoping to accomplish with this? Did you need a place to vent your feelings? Are you trying to convince others that they too might be lifting weights for the 'wrong' reasons? Perhaps just looking for some attention?

Could you please explain your reasoning for starting this thread. I don't think a thread is required everytime someone comes to some grave revelation about their life.
I don't see the point to this inane reply. I mean, what is it exactly that you're hoping to accomplish with this?

Were you just venting your feelings about this thread to me, or are you trying to convince me or others that really, this thread is inane as you believe?

Perhaps you are just looking for some attention?

Could you please explain your reasoning for replying to a thread you see as inane? I don't think a reply is required "everytime" someone thinks a thread is inane. Because sometimes a thing can seem inane to you that inspires something useful in someone else.


*offers cherry coke*

If you don't like it, that is a valid feeling. I'm sure you have had personal experiences that make you feel that way. Or perhaps you like working out to impress women.

The point of this thread is to share and be mutually richer for the collective experience and thought of others. So share or if you don't feel like it, go away to a thread that inspires you more. If it's not for you, that's fine!

That's great that you disagree. Would you please tell me some personal experiences you've had that lead you to think this way? You have the right to your opinion, but just calling this thread names and questioning my motives doesn't help me or really anyone else. Maybe it helps you feel smarter than me.
