I've got a theme party in a couple of days and i need some ideas for what to dress up as. You are required to dress up as "when i grow up i want to be" ... can't be doctors or dentists cos thats what we will be.
Ideas are things like construction workers, pimps, h. heffner, fireman etc.
I have very little in the way of costumes- can't do stuff like policeman or plumber. I want to do something simple and easy- so that after the event i can go out to a club or whatever in the clothes i am wearing.
I was thinking something like james bond, or zorro... a formal attire, black outfit... or suit... with something easy like a mask , bandana etc.
Need something that will also be effective.
I've got a theme party in a couple of days and i need some ideas for what to dress up as. You are required to dress up as "when i grow up i want to be" ... can't be doctors or dentists cos thats what we will be.
Ideas are things like construction workers, pimps, h. heffner, fireman etc.
I have very little in the way of costumes- can't do stuff like policeman or plumber. I want to do something simple and easy- so that after the event i can go out to a club or whatever in the clothes i am wearing.
I was thinking something like james bond, or zorro... a formal attire, black outfit... or suit... with something easy like a mask , bandana etc.
Need something that will also be effective.