Closing Tips


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Well I've read Bang, and DayBang, I wrote a post on the DJ Discussion that explains my situation a bit more. However, I haven't read Game nor that Chapter so I'll check that out. I don't really mind DayGame or NightGame I just want to practice and get out more.
Specially since guys I know don't want to go partying so it's all on me. I need to learn how to go out and approach by myself.

What's your take on that Nick?
Hey! I just checked out your post. Sounds like we come from similar backgrounds. I'm a Computer Science student as well.

Let me give you a disclaimer that says I am nowhere near where I want to be at all. Not even close. But I have made some progress, so I should be able to point you in the right direction. I'll give you what others gave me when I was starting out.

1.) Definitely read Game by Roosh V. It'll give you a specific program on how to break out of the rut you feel like you're stuck in.
2.) Hit the gym consistently. Get a nice body.
3.) Make more friends, a bigger social circle has many benefits. Try to go out more.
4.) Try to do 100 Approaches. You'll learn a ton.
5.) Keep your grades up no matter what. I know first-hand how hard CS is. Don't be like me, make awful grades, ruin your self esteem, and then have to dig yourself out of a hole lol.
6.) Have a goal that isn't women related and work towards it. Stay on your purpose.

I can't stress how good Game is. It's basically a holistic, updated version of Bang. It's pretty comprehensive. It should give you all the answers you seek. I say that cause Roosh can probably explain it better than I can. That Roosh Program will give you some structure for breaking out of your slump.

I'd also watch Todd V on YouTube if you want some more content.