Asian Men and White Girls


Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
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Are Asian men really that bad and ugly? I see White guys with Asian women almost everyday, but not the other way around. Unless the Asian guy is rich of course. I feel really bad because I'm Asian myself. Have anyone actually seen a decent Asian dude with a pretty White girl?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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I'm Filipino myself (depending on who you ask, we're not asian) but I've never really gotten a compliment about my looks from a white girl before, however black girls always say that I'm really fine looking and a black woman that was once my classmate who was 35 and had like 3 kids already said that if I wasn't so young she would have been all over me.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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Are Asian men really that bad and ugly? I see White guys with Asian women almost everyday, but not the other way around. Unless the Asian guy is rich of course. I feel really bad because I'm Asian myself. Have anyone actually seen a decent Asian dude with a pretty White girl?

I tell you why us Asian girls love going out with white guys:
1: White guys will go down on you, while Asian guys say they will but dont.
2: Asian guys treat white gf like goddesses but think they can walk all over their asian gf's.
3: Still a large number of Asian guys are happy to sleep around with girls from their Country of residence, but when it comes to marriage, expect a village virgin from back home.

are you beginning to get the picture.....


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2009
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Actually to the thread starter, yes I do see. Just because you don't see does not mean it is not happening and just because in your life you see lots of it does not mean it is happening all around the world. This is not statistics you are not looking at normal distrubtion.

We all see plane crashes on the news, deaths going up by a few digits. That gives us the impression that flying is dangerous. But the fact is that the chances of dying on your way to the take-off lane is higher than you flying. Cars are more dangerous than air planes.

And to Cinamon, your comments are too general. I do not want to go into details but you do have negative thoughts about Asian guys.

Do you have a bad experience with Asian guys or something? Were you borned and raised in Korea and now over at England just for studies?

I'm guessing maybe you had family problems that lead you to think this way.

No offence though.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2008
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It's all in your head.

I'm asian and I have a hot white girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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*puts hand up*

I'm an Asian guy 1st gen immigrant who dates mostly white girls. I do OK in the money department but am not rich enough to flaunt it. I'm OK looking, get compliments from girls regularly on my fashion sense. I like going down on girls. In fact, that's my highest rated skill, according to the ladies.

I date mostly white girls as I meet way more of them than Asian or other girls through my hobbies & social outings. I have nothing negative to say about girls of other races, including my own. They're all bloody women. I definitely do not treat any of them as "goddesses" or doormats.

Cinamon is a typical self-hating Asian girl who somehow has to justify her dating white guys with negative sh!t about a minority of Asian guys she's had experiences with.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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And to Cinamon, your comments are too general. I do not want to go into details but you do have negative thoughts about Asian guys.

Do you have a bad experience with Asian guys or something? Were you borned and raised in Korea and now over at England just for studies?

I'm guessing maybe you had family problems that lead you to think this way.

No offence though.[/QUOTE]

I was born and raised in England, and I am not of Korean decent. I have dated a fair few Asian guys, and in my experience, the few that i have dated have shown the characteristics above. Mind you, they have all been south Asian rather than Asia-pacific, that may make a difference. I only met one south Asian guy that weren't like my earlier points, he was a decent guy.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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Jitterbug said:
*puts hand up*

I'm an Asian guy 1st gen immigrant who dates mostly white girls. I do OK in the money department but am not rich enough to flaunt it. I'm OK looking, get compliments from girls regularly on my fashion sense. I like going down on girls. In fact, that's my highest rated skill, according to the ladies.

I date mostly white girls as I meet way more of them than Asian or other girls through my hobbies & social outings. I have nothing negative to say about girls of other races, including my own. They're all bloody women. I definitely do not treat any of them as "goddesses" or doormats.

Cinamon is a typical self-hating Asian girl who somehow has to justify her dating white guys with negative sh!t about a minority of Asian guys she's had experiences with.
Good for you, you probably are one of the few decent Asian guys out there! Take a trip down to Birmingham and check out the Asian guys for yourself, and you will see a lot of truth in what i say. I am Asian, Pakistani and proud of it, and I dont need to justify why dating black and white guys by putting Asian guys down, but as I have said before, I have only dated 1 decent Asian guy and the rest were selfish and arrogant.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Cinamon- wait are you talking about South Asian or South-East Asian guys?

OP- wait are you talking about South Asian or South-East Asian guys?

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
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Cinamon said:
I tell you why us Asian girls love going out with white guys:
1: White guys will go down on you, while Asian guys say they will but dont.
2: Asian guys treat white gf like goddesses but think they can walk all over their asian gf's.
3: Still a large number of Asian guys are happy to sleep around with girls from their Country of residence, but when it comes to marriage, expect a village virgin from back home.

are you beginning to get the picture.....
Village virgin? You're ignorant if you think there are still ****ing villages in Japan/Korea/China lmao


Feb 10, 2005
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Cinamon said:
I tell you why us Asian girls love going out with white guys:
1: White guys will go down on you, while Asian guys say they will but dont.
2: Asian guys treat white gf like goddesses but think they can walk all over their asian gf's.
3: Still a large number of Asian guys are happy to sleep around with girls from their Country of residence, but when it comes to marriage, expect a village virgin from back home.

are you beginning to get the picture.....
I think you have a point. I have seen men from many other traditional cultures who view their women one way, but when it comes to white women they think they found their personal harem of hors. Arabs are a good example of this. They'll look at a white American male like they want to cut his head off if he advances on an Arab girl, yet they think white women should be freely available.
Jul 2, 2009
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Yes, I've gone out with many white women. Some were pretty, others were average.

Asian men are at an disadvantage. It's not fair, but life isn't fair.

You have to bring more to the table. Build up your body, develop your game, work on your career.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
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The Muscle Guy said:
Yes, I've gone out with many white women. Some were pretty, others were average.

Asian men are at an disadvantage. It's not fair, but life isn't fair.

You have to bring more to the table. Build up your body, develop your game, work on your career.

Why are we at a disadvantage? This whole thread just seems ridiculously racist.

And isn't the site's purpose to convince all men, not just asians, to "build up your body, devlop your game, and work on your career"?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Stblack said:
Why are we at a disadvantage? This whole thread just seems ridiculously racist.
I think the big problem for Asian guys is that western society doesn't perceive them as "sexy" or "suave". There's no Asian equivalent of a James Dean or LL Cool J in popular culture. So Asian guys who want to be cool typically end up just trying to emulate white guys, (which seems insecure), but they haven't really invented a "coolness" that is unique to them and that appeals to all women. Maybe the closest I've seen so far is some of those Japanese rocker dudes that seem to have come up with their own look that's pretty cool. On the other hand Asian girls have it good, you have the images of Japanese school girls and Bangkok bargirls flooding porn sites that white guys the world over are wanking off too. The Asian women has no problem marketing herself as a sex symbol and gaining wide acceptance by many types of guys. A beautiful Asian woman seems to be in high demand by all kinds of guys, maybe even moreso than white women. Personally, I'm not that into them because I like women with huge asses and you don't find that on Asian girls, but to each his own.

Black guys get the short end of the stick too, but there is at least an image of black masculinity that is marketable in the media and can appeal to many non-black women. Even women that don't like black guys will still admit that they have a "coolness" about their culture. Asian guys just haven't reached that point yet and it's something they have to work on. Also, why do you only hear Asian guys complaining about not getting white girls? You never hear them complaining about not getting Hispanic girls or black girls or Indian girls or Arab girls, etc. Maybe Asian guys themselves need to open up to something other than white chics.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
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I see a couple of Asian guys with cute White girls, as time goes by I think we will see more of this trend. Come on, its not bad being an Asian guy. There are plenty of Asian guys hooking up with cute/pretty Asian girls.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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ketostix said:
I think you have a point. I have seen men from many other traditional cultures who view their women one way, but when it comes to white women they think they found their personal harem of hors. Arabs are a good example of this. They'll look at a white American male like they want to cut his head off if he advances on an Arab girl, yet they think white women should be freely available.
aren't Arabs white?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Berlex said:
aren't Arabs white?
Does this guy look white?


Arabs are Caucasions, but remember Caucasions are something of a "supergroup" that includes Europeans, Indians, Persians, Asia Minor peoples and Arabs. Whites are just one subset of Caucasians. All whites are Caucasions, but not all Caucasions are white. In the USA people think Caucasion=white, but outside the USA it means something different. For example, the word used in Russia refers specifically to people that live in the Caucases region.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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I think speakeasy came closest in my opinion. There are several factors that play into why this happens. As he said, the media creates an almost A-sexual perception of Asian men. Who have been the mos recognizable Asian men in America? Probably Jet li and Jackie Chan right? Do you remember ever seeing either one of them hook up with a female in their movies? I was shocking when Harold kissed the girl at the end of Harold and Kumar go to white castle. In fact name one Asian male sex symbol in the U.S. Another thing that maybe be uncomfortable to talk about is that in Asian culture and world wide there's a mentality that white is better, more beautiful, etc. Many Asian American girls maybe on a subconcious level think that being with a white guy makes them more American or raises their social status.

Now like speakeasy said, black guys have it tough to although it might not seem that way on the surface. The social stigmas that non black girls still often face for dating a black guy is a huge barrier.