Another situation


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Man, I don't what it is, but I seem to get myself in bad situations lol. It seems like I attract girls with boyfriends, and I don't even try. This girl, HB9, always checked me out in lunch and always smiled at me. She has a boyfriend, so I didn't want to get to involved. I would smile back and that was about it. We had no classes together so I really didn't see her much. She would randomly comment me on myspace, asking how I was, etc. She even said she wanted me to teach her guitar. This went on for a bit, but then we talked a bit in school, nothing major. So then like 2 weeks ago she started commenting me on myspace like crazy. She private messaged me saying that she wanted to talk and gave me her sn. So we were talking online and the whole time she would drop hints, that she liked me or wanted to hang out, like watch a movie together, etc. So she gave me her number. I felt kinda weird cause she had a boyfriend so I didn't call her. She private messaged me the next day again saying that I owed her "a night of fun", since I didn't call her. Now at this point I am kinda lost cause I don't know what this girl wants from me. So last night we talked online and she kept saying she was bord, so we ended taking a walk together at like midnight. There was alittle kino action, but again I didn't want to push it cause she does have a bf. We walked around for awhile and had great conversation. The end of the night came, and we just said bye and she said she would talk to me tomorrow. So what am I to do? Is she using me maybe as an excuse to break up with her bf? I don't know what to do and I know that I wouldn't want anyone to mess around with my gf. Any advice guys, please? Thanks


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ask her if she still gets along wth her b/f....if she says no then she probably likes you, thats what it sounds like to me.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Ya I will give that a try I guess. She just told me that she wanted to have a "movie night" together. We'll see what happens.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
You gotta make a choice, bro. Keep on straddling the fence and it'll just show her that either you're not interested or that you're afraid of rocking her bf's boat. Neither one is what you want.

There's also the possibility that she's just f'ucking with ya. Knowing high school girls, I've found some will scheme like crazy to get what they want, whether that's jealousy out of her bf or genuine interest in you.

It's entirely your call. Do what feels right.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Ben15 said:
Man, I don't what it is, but I seem to get myself in bad situations lol. It seems like I attract girls with boyfriends, and I don't even try. This girl, HB9, always checked me out in lunch and always smiled at me. She has a boyfriend, so I didn't want to get to involved. I would smile back and that was about it. We had no classes together so I really didn't see her much. She would randomly comment me on myspace, asking how I was, etc. She even said she wanted me to teach her guitar. This went on for a bit, but then we talked a bit in school, nothing major. So then like 2 weeks ago she started commenting me on myspace like crazy. She private messaged me saying that she wanted to talk and gave me her sn. So we were talking online and the whole time she would drop hints, that she liked me or wanted to hang out, like watch a movie together, etc. So she gave me her number. I felt kinda weird cause she had a boyfriend so I didn't call her. She private messaged me the next day again saying that I owed her "a night of fun", since I didn't call her. Now at this point I am kinda lost cause I don't know what this girl wants from me. So last night we talked online and she kept saying she was bord, so we ended taking a walk together at like midnight. There was alittle kino action, but again I didn't want to push it cause she does have a bf. We walked around for awhile and had great conversation. The end of the night came, and we just said bye and she said she would talk to me tomorrow. So what am I to do? Is she using me maybe as an excuse to break up with her bf? I don't know what to do and I know that I wouldn't want anyone to mess around with my gf. Any advice guys, please? Thanks
Yo man, trust me on this, Boyfriends do not matter. I have broken up girls with their boyfriends before (this was back when I used alot of Mystery and RJ ****), and it was simple man. All you need to know, is that she wants you. Now its your choice, I mean if its in your morals not to, then don't, but if you don't know the guy, screw him if you aren't going to feel guilty (not literally of course).


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice guys, man I don't know what i would do without this site lol. She just went on vacation and when she gets back, I think I will let her know how I feel during our movie night. Thanks ;)


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
I would assume that he suggests you set something up with her.
I personally suggest that you don't phone her the day she gets back, like I expect you to. Maybe wait a couple of days.