Almost zero interest in women


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Are you doing cardio excessively? And are you consuming lots of alcohol? Any of those two alone can drop your test levels down somewhat. I was on my first deployment, same age as you, forced cardio damn near every day (read: mandated) to get down into standards while in the heat of the middle east, combined with constant 20 hour work/qualification days. No alcohol for me except in a few foreign ports, but I felt exactly how you are feeling presently. Funny thing is I was within bodyfat standards but they couldn't officially take me off the program because I was attached to that unit temporarily. But I could handle any of their CF workouts thrown at me.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2019
Reaction score
Honestly, I don’t think there is anything wrong with you. You’re just a guy who is no longer controlled by his lust and that’s a wonderful thing.

A lot of guys won’t admit it but they are addicted to sex (I know I was and I’m still working on that). Tell the average guy to go a year with out sex/orgasm and he’ll lose his mind.

Right now, I’m kind of in the same boat as you. Since the dating scene isn’t what it used to be (ex. meeting women in person and not OLD), I’m going monk mode for a few months to work on my body, learn the stock market, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2019
Reaction score
the last time you checked your T was ok. At that time how did you feel, do you remember?

this does sound like low T and possibly circulation issues. Somehow T and circulation work together, maybe slightly depressed ( that's pretty common).

your age show as 27, that is young for these feelings. It's not wrong if you're ok with it. If you're trying to figure out how to get the old feeling back then do the normal same old prescription.

- running (sprints)
- check T, if it's not ok fix it. (morning wood to be strong). If not T, look further.
- do some guy stuff
- focus on something else so you don't care. I get that you don't care already, but a little to ask the question.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Eh you just need to have a good time and have some nice titties pushed in your face.

Sounds like having high expectations and being consistently disappointed has you losing interest in women as a whole. When you go into a bar or party do you get turned on by ANY girl? The hottest girl there should still have your interest, if nothing else but for the fun of the challenge.

You are the stage, the actor, and the audience. What I mean by this is you set the mood. Live quietly and you'll have a quiet life. You can choose to focus on the positive sexy unique aspects of each girl just as much as you can focus on what makes them all the same. You're writing the narrative, so write an exciting one.

When you're young you're learning to control and direct your energy so life is more chaotic. When you get older you start to master it and only do things in moderation, only within your comfort zone. If it seems boring then you're not challenging yourself enough. Challenge yourself to turn women on with nothing but your words, or nothing but your eyes and movements. Challenge yourself to stay open minded and not write off half the human population because of the few you've met. Challenge yourself in hobbies that interest you.

You should be clenching your teeth and pushing yourself to your limits(metaphorically or physically). If you don't do that of course you'll be less interested in everything.

The irony here is you have the ideal IDGAF attitude for crushing poon. Go exploit it. Don't let your apathy control you.

Go to different countries where the girls look and act different. Shake up your life and remind yourself of it's endless nuance.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
(for instance I straight up refuse to sleep in the same bed with a girl overnight)

I'm not even trying to be MGTOW and I don't actually have any specific problems with women or any bitterness towards them, but I just flat out don't give a **** about them anymore. Does this sound like an actual issue or is it perhaps just a phase? I've felt like this for almost 2 years no and it shows no sign of changing.
This sounds quite unusual and specific

Are you an only child? Or childhood issues?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not even trying to be MGTOW and I don't actually have any specific problems with women or any bitterness towards them, but I just flat out don't give a **** about them anymore.
I'd probably be the same way if I were to become single again. Hell, I became that way before I met my GF. There's so many terrible women out there that it just doesn't feel like it's worth the effort to pursue them. Meet, date, fvck, dump. the "keep" option is usually not there, and even when it is, it usually disappears.

If I were you, I wouldn't be analyzing what's wrong with myself. Instead, embrace the fact that you don't need a woman dragging you down. Indulge yourself in your hobbies because you're always going to have the time for them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
A man should be smashing everything with a pulse at OPs age. In my early 30s I would smash a girl three times a day and it still wouldn’t be enough, have to get the adult entertainment fix.

Something definitely wrong with the OPs hormones.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Are you doing cardio excessively? And are you consuming lots of alcohol?
No, I hate cardio. I prefer lifting weights and occasionally do sprints. And I hardly drink anymore nowadays.

This sounds quite unusual and specific

Are you an only child? Or childhood issues?
Oh its nothing like that, I'm just very particular about my sleep. I need it to be quite cold, with loud white noise, and 100% pitch black. Beyond that, almost every women I've been with ****ing snores. I also find cuddling to be rather uncomfortable when trying to sleep.

Has your life gotten better, worse, or generally felt the same since having no interest in women and playing the dating game?

What do you think the problem is, if you were responding to your thread and knew as much as you know?

What caused the downturn of interest? A breakup?
Generally gotten better, not by a substantial amount but i'm definitely in a better place than I was a few years ago.

My only guess is what the other poster suggested, hormones out of whack. There's no reason why someone as young and healthy as I am should not have a libidio. I should mention I am actually 29, but that doesn't make a big difference obviously.

And nothing in particular changed my outlook, really.
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
It's not even an issue of getting sex or not; when I do get it I usually find it unsatisfying or a waste of effort with no real payoff. The issue is actually finding a girl that I actually like being around, so maybe I'm simply not meeting enough high quality women.
The only way to meet high quality women is to accept the fact you will need to sort through a lot of low quality women first. Most of the time. There is always a chance you meet a high quality women early on in your dating endeavors but that usually isn't the case at least for me.

A lot of guys might not be willing to accept this and look at it as a daunting task. In the end it comes down to mindset and the way you look at it. I typically am pretty goal oriented and relentless in my pursuit of a goal once I set out towards it so that isn't an issue for me.

But I recognize how it is for others because I went on a whole lot of dates to get the 3 plate rotation I have now. I understand that at some point others would be like fvck it, I am tired of this. Honestly I got tired of it too but it's not in my nature to just quit so I kept going. Then I met 3 women in a row who were all pretty good in the grand scheme of things and who all are into me. After probably meeting 20 or so that I wasn't into or who weren't into me.

Just how it goes sometimes, and you might have to go through a bunch of crap to get what you are looking for. But I don't see how it is any more or less difficult these days than any other time...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Are you doing cardio excessively? And are you consuming lots of alcohol? Any of those two alone can drop your test levels down somewhat. I was on my first deployment, same age as you, forced cardio damn near every day (read: mandated) to get down into standards while in the heat of the middle east, combined with constant 20 hour work/qualification days. No alcohol for me except in a few foreign ports, but I felt exactly how you are feeling presently. Funny thing is I was within bodyfat standards but they couldn't officially take me off the program because I was attached to that unit temporarily. But I could handle any of their CF workouts thrown at me.
You were able to get it done but your stress and cortisone remained high while you were working that hard.

Willie Naylor

Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I'd probably be the same way if I were to become single again. Hell, I became that way before I met my GF. There's so many terrible women out there that it just doesn't feel like it's worth the effort to pursue them. Meet, date, fvck, dump. the "keep" option is usually not there, and even when it is, it usually disappears.

If I were you, I wouldn't be analyzing what's wrong with myself. Instead, embrace the fact that you don't need a woman dragging you down. Indulge yourself in your hobbies because you're always going to have the time for them.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2020
Reaction score
Could it be...that there is nothing "wrong" and how you feel is normal and ok,for YOU.. ? You didnt say you was unhappy....................

Josh Davidson

Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
I am not depressed and last time I checked my T levels were good (may need to revisit that though). I take care of myself fairly well: I keep my stress levels down, get lots of sleep, and have a solid diet/meal plan that works quite well for me. I take a fair bit of supplements as well, including vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, ashwagandha, inositol, and many others. I have completely lost interest in porn and have barely looked at it or fapped in months (which is obviously a good thing). While I do normally get morning wood, it's not always particularly strong, and I rarely have any sexual dreams.

I find myself only interested in women and sex maybe 5 days out of the month at most. And when I do, it's usually only a few hours. I actually haven't had sex in a shockingly long time, so long I don't even want to admit it. And despite getting phone numbers and meeting cute and seemingly normal girls I literally never give enough of a **** to pursue anything with them, whether it's sex or a relationship.

I do have an interest in socializing; I still like to hang out with friends and I do want to meet more people. So again this isn't a depression/social reclusiveness issue. The idea of a long-term girlfriend does sound nice, but in a naive and almost idyllic sense; the issue however is that it's very unlikely i'd be willing to put forth the sacrifices needed to keep her around (for instance I straight up refuse to sleep in the same bed with a girl overnight)

I'm not even trying to be MGTOW and I don't actually have any specific problems with women or any bitterness towards them, but I just flat out don't give a **** about them anymore. Does this sound like an actual issue or is it perhaps just a phase? I've felt like this for almost 2 years no and it shows no sign of changing.
I think overall this is a good thing. Many men focus way too much on women to the point that it can mess up many other aspects of their lives.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I find myself only interested in women and sex maybe 5 days out of the month at most. And when I do, it's usually only a few hours. I actually haven't had sex in a shockingly long time, so long I don't even want to admit it. And despite getting phone numbers and meeting cute and seemingly normal girls I literally never give enough of a **** to pursue anything with them, whether it's sex or a relationship.
You're just one of the mice in the Mouse Utopia experiment who has surveyed the situation and determined, "it's just not worth the effort; let me find a nice, quiet corner and lick myself".
Some male mice who had no social role in the face of the burgeoning population suddenly seemed to lose their sense of purpose and became detached from these natural roles.
Amid all of this turmoil and degradation within Universe 25, there was also a new generation of mice emerging that had not ever been subjected to a normal social upbringing and showed absolutely no interest in fighting, courtship, mating, raising young, or much of anything really. Calhoun referred to this aberrant group of mice as “the beautiful ones.” These “beautiful ones” were completely detached from society, had completely lost touch with normal mouse behavior, and spent all of their time eating, sleeping, or incessantly grooming and preening themselves, leading them to having a fine, robust, healthy appearance with keen and alert eyes, hence their name.
The beautiful ones lived peacefully secluded and withdrawn from the rest of the society in the less crowded areas; eating, sleeping, avoiding conflict, grooming, and not mating in any way, and seemed to be spared any violence that broke out among the other mice, yet they did nothing to further the society either. They had essentially lost all of their desire to interact with others and spent their days in a lackadaisical daze.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think the squeeze is that hard right now honestly. I have 3 plates that are all fighting for my time and attention and jump at the chance to hang out and have sex pretty much everytime. Bring dinner over, bring alcohol, give me massages...

I mean I don't understand what guys issues are and what they are having to squeeze so hard for??

I am not depressed and last time I checked my T levels were good (may need to revisit that though). I take care of myself fairly well: I keep my stress levels down, get lots of sleep, and have a solid diet/meal plan that works quite well for me. I take a fair bit of supplements as well, including vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, ashwagandha, inositol, and many others. I have completely lost interest in porn and have barely looked at it or fapped in months (which is obviously a good thing). While I do normally get morning wood, it's not always particularly strong, and I rarely have any sexual dreams.

I find myself only interested in women and sex maybe 5 days out of the month at most. And when I do, it's usually only a few hours. I actually haven't had sex in a shockingly long time, so long I don't even want to admit it. And despite getting phone numbers and meeting cute and seemingly normal girls I literally never give enough of a **** to pursue anything with them, whether it's sex or a relationship.

I do have an interest in socializing; I still like to hang out with friends and I do want to meet more people. So again this isn't a depression/social reclusiveness issue. The idea of a long-term girlfriend does sound nice, but in a naive and almost idyllic sense; the issue however is that it's very unlikely i'd be willing to put forth the sacrifices needed to keep her around (for instance I straight up refuse to sleep in the same bed with a girl overnight)

I'm not even trying to be MGTOW and I don't actually have any specific problems with women or any bitterness towards them, but I just flat out don't give a **** about them anymore. Does this sound like an actual issue or is it perhaps just a phase? I've felt like this for almost 2 years no and it shows no sign of changing.

I understand not being interested on an emotional/mental level.

But physically speaking.....if you arent getting laid a lot right now....then you have something going on if you arent getting hard ons when you talking to/dealing with an attractive woman. I mean in your body.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Well since ya'll keep bumping a year old topic, my interest in women has vaguely returned in the past 6 months or so, ever since I banged a cute 19 y/o college chick... felt oddly invigorating.