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  1. D

    False Friend zone

    I just met a girl out here in the desert (she's no "desert queen" by any means) actually. We hang out everyday after work out here. I know, under normal circumstances this would not happen, but out here in Iraq, there's nothing to fvcking do. We go running about 2 miles every night, then hit...
  2. D what?

    I think my thread was posted twice. It looks pretty identical to the one I made last week... weird. Thanks for the replies though guys... working on a girl over here right now. She's not the typical dirty military ho either. I got a few months left, so why not give it a shot.
  3. D

    do you ever friend-zone girls?

    Kind like what we should be doing.... No girl is EVER worth the effort that most guys put into getting them. She sees a guy the same way, just a dime a dozen.
  4. D

    Movie Date ? ? ?

    Not really constructive here... I'd just like to add that I'm going out with a girl to the movies on our first "date." There's literally nothing to do on base here in Iraq though... a movie is pretty much the only excitement out here. I guess I'm doomed. HaHa
  5. D

    Why do I look young?

    Same here... I'm 24 and I look like I'm under 18 if I dont shave. Considering that I'm in the military and have to shave EVERYDAY... I get to look young and amazing. Though I'd prefer to have a goatee or some stubble like I did before I joined the service. It kinda sucks sometimes because...
  6. D

    After getting out of a LTR, I'm noticing...

    Des.. didnt you reply in my divorce thread the other day? Good to see that you're going out and experiencing that again. I wish I could be doing the same... stuck in Iraq though. I think I'll start playing the dating game once I get back to Japan. Though, there is this one girl out here...
  7. D

    Those of you who used to be AFC:s....

    I think Strelok said it best. We all have AFC "programmed" into us from the start. That's why it's so hard for some to accept the DJ ways. It's like trying to teach an old dog a new trick. I think all of the successful DJs have the same AFC tendancies, they just refuse to act on them (self...
  8. D

    Hots for Mother-in-law

    I agree... pretty fvcked up question if you ask me. I've honestly never thought about it, and probably never will. It's not worth destroying your marriage, no matter how hot your mom-in-law is!
  9. D

    I need some opinions on this situation! 13 year age difference!

    Personally, Kari... I think you should just go for it and do what you want to do. Like others have said, it does seem as though you have your mind made up already anyway. You've obviously got nothing to lose. Like you mentioned though, failures are just an opportunity to learn and get...
  10. D

    My Girl just broke up with me over facebook?!

    Might just be the best thing you could have done. Perhaps she'll wise up by the time you get back... but you'll probably already have someone by then anyway.
  11. D

    A quick question

    You said she works at a hospital? Maybe she's busy and didnt have the time to chat or write a message? You never know. I wouldnt rule it out just yet, but dont be too heartbroken if nothing develops. Just be willing to pick up and move on.
  12. D

    Cognitive Psychology

    Alpha- What you just described is what's known as the "self fulfilling prophecy." It applies to winning, losing, and any way of thinking. For example, if your dad constantly puts you down all the time, you're going to think you're a loser... and your actions will reflect that as such...
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    Losing your Virginity

    Lost it to a girl I had known only for about a week. She invited me to her Senior Prom and I ended up fvcking her and her friend!
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    getting over oneitis after 3 months

    Agreed. Pikachu, you need to be more clear on what happened, and what you really want in the future.
  15. D

    What if a girl calls you her buddy?

    If I'd have to say anything, I'd say you're in the FZ. Like Tesl said though, I think you're just overanalyzing.
  16. D

    What if a girl calls you her buddy?

    I think we need a little more information here. How old are you, how old is she? How well do you know each other? I doubt anyone could offer a valid answer without more information.
  17. D

    What Exactly is Confidence?

    I wrote 2 confidence threads back in the day when I freqented these boards daily. I was under a different, but similar username then. If you click the link to my old username in my sig, you'll be taken to my old profile which has links to my 2 confidence threads. Granted, I wrote them when...
  18. D what?

    Thanks for all the replies guys. Definitely some good stuff that I needed to hear. Glad to know that there's people in similar situations. It just brings what have really been thinking to light. Very, very true statement right there wait out. The Security Forces field in the AF is one of...
  19. D what?

    Ok... I'm not new to these boards by any means. I was a heavy contributor to these boards back in 2004/2005. I learned a lot of good things, and had a lot of good experiences. I actually considered myself a Master DJ. Now that I have returned, the whole website has changed and things are...
  20. D what?

    I'm no secret to the DJ boards, and in fact, I used to be a Master DJ here back "in the day." I went by the username of Dukester. I forgot my password and e-mail address that I used when I signed here over 6 years ago. A lot has happened since 2004/2005 and I don't remember anybody or...