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  1. R

    Say No to Facebook !

    Abnormal amounts of FB use is a red flag in my book. Many of these girls are attention *****s and it's just another avenue for them. My girl was my dance teacher and she "friended" me long before we got together. I enjoyed her posts, she is an intelligent, outgoing, positive woman, and FB...
  2. R

    LTR coming up

    I agree with WILL become an issue, if it's not now. Don't get caught by the might think she has a great handle on things, but it will unravel somewhere. Time will tell. Don't get overly involved too soon. Be with her exclusively if you want, but keep your head...
  3. R

    The Divorced Man

    Don't have long, but I'll try to answer what I can. 1) How long were you married before you got divorced? Divorced twice - 2 years and 3 years. 2) How many times have you been divorced? see above. 3) Will you ever marry again? Why? Sure, because I enjoy a close relationship...
  4. R

    Playing Poker with an AFC

    Poker personalities somewhat mirror our regular personalities. There are several books on poker psychology and player types. I've been very good at limit and no limit cash games, but not so great at tournaments. Different skill sets. Then you get nerdy guys who are great at poker...
  5. R

    Miss 50 years old

    They are not 50 or even close. Those are pics from SilverCashContest. Google it, no where close to 50. On the vid - you'll notice a symbol at the lower right of each pic.
  6. R

    Handling Xmas/New Years single

    Something else - Don't try to change people. It won't work. Don't try to change girlfriends and don't try to change your family. Don't try to get them to see "your way" of doing things, they will raise eyebrows and roll eyes. My dad used to try to give me food all the time to take home...
  7. R

    Handling Xmas/New Years single

    I broke up with my girl a week ago yesterday, so I'm there with you. Just don't worry about it. A girl doesn't define you - you already know that. Family - share this time with them, yeah they might annoy you (doesn't everyone feel that way?) but they are your family and as you grow...
  8. R

    If your wife threatens a divorce, how do you handle?

    After 2 divorces, let me chime in. IMHO, once the word "divorce" is uttered in the house the marriage is probably over. Most people - especially people in their first marriage only look at divorce as a last option, but once the word is said and thought is given to it, suddenly it doesn't...
  9. R

    Dancing ... how to really get it "going"?

    Take some classes...seriously. Not only will you enjoy it but it's a great way to meet women and it's easy to get girls to go with you. Many places offer group classes for around $10. Great place to take a girl and most women will jump at the chance to go. I started taking classes in...
  10. R

    How to deal with women with kids?

    You're in your mid 20s - there are PLENTY of women to date who don't have kids. I'll answer a couple of your questions. #2 - most single moms have feelings toward the father of her kid(s). What feelings those are will vary with the situation, but rarely are the women emotionally free of the...
  11. R

    My situation

    Don't worry about a thing. Do what you want. This is high school - seems like a HUGE deal right now, but it's meaningless. That might be hard to hear and I know you don't understand it right now, but try to have some perspective. You spend a relatively short amount of time in high school...
  12. R

    So I followed the 3rd date rule.

    The guys who know their game will not be easy on you. Nor should they be! You'll get better faster that way. At first it might not feel like it because you're taking it so personally. If you stay active on the boards and keep your head right you'll learn fast and in a year you can change...
  13. R

    On American Women

    I agree with both of these. I was curious what would be said in regards to these questions, particulary your thoughts STR8UP. Wealth/power/status was where I was headed with the stereotype being sought by foreign women - and what do foreign women think of American men. I think the reality...
  14. R

    On American Women

    So what's the desire/attraction for the American male? Especially if most men are AFCs and are too weak to go after what they want? Why do foreign women want American men? Is there a stereotype THEY are seeking? I would assume they don't know what most men in America are like. If they...
  15. R

    So I just shaved my head almost bald!

    I did the same thing recently. I keep mine at a 1 all the time. I trim it every 4 to 5 days. My friends all say it looks so much better. Proof was in the pudding when a HB9 ran her hands over my head Friday night. Sometimes they can't resist touching it. Roll with it.
  16. R

    Would like examples on how to connect emotionally with a girl during sex.

    few things say her name often lock fingers with hers don't ignore any part of her body with your mouth or your hands - especially the small of her back, along the spine, shoulders and neck touch her neck and face with your hands - especially while the other hand is wrapped around her...
  17. R

    Cheating on your Girlfriend - Tactics

    Have you seen that new Hardee's commercial? The one where the guy's car was spray painted with CHEATER all up the side? You actually sound like a guy who isn't all that confident and what you want to do is "lure" a girl in to a relationship so you have a constant supply and then take...
  18. R

    Why is Polygamy Illegal?

    20 to 40 years from now I think it will be legal. Here is the start. Bill O'Reilly has hit this topic a few times as well.
  19. R

    My very first girlfriend hit me up on facebook.

    This is exactly how I feel. Unfortunately it took me to the age of 34 to realize what I've been doing wrong in life. Better late than never! I got divorced last year and felt like I was all over the place with ideas of what a relationship should be. Last night I had a conversation with...
  20. R

    starting college tommorrow

    Remember that people probably won't remember what you said but they will remember how you made them feel.