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  1. S

    disrespect vs. settling into a long relationship

    Does anyone have any good links to UNIQUE ways of differentiating disrespect from the normal response of withdrawing slightly after an entire year of dating? I've been with my gf over a year, and very gradually she has begun seeing her friends and fam more and more often. She still sees me a...
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    imagine you're in a 3rd world country

    I'm not gonna try to write up a story behind this, so here's my tip: Have the mindset that you're in a 3rd world country where only the strong survive. The weak don't even get a chance to languish, they die of starvation or are killed. Viewing life as a competition can be motivation to be more...
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    in response to Do You Have A Life?

    On the frontpage there's a little thing which makes a lot of sense. It says that women want a man who will make their life more interesting, and implies that you must do this by having your own interesting life. While I might be arguing over the definition of activity, I don't think...
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    It's common scientific knowledge that you remember and learn best the more ways you relate to something. If someone tells you about a new whatever you will remember the gist of it, if you go and talk about it, you will remember even more, and if you go and experience what they're talking about...
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    Why do some girls date down - take 2

    A thread below this discusses why some girls date people of lower social classes, aka bad boys. The answer is obvious: they want someone exciting who is more concerned with pleasing themselves rather than reaching a status that will get the reporter to side with them in a new story. My...
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    how i became too clingy

    i've been dating a girl for a year now. i neglected most of my friends to be with her, and she did the same. except about three months ago she decided she wanted to start being with them more and still was expecting her to be my only source of social interaction. it was normal for the two of us...
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    Sex Drive

    First let me start by saying that I read almost all the posts on here and this is a unique question. I've been with my girl friend for almost a year and her sex drive has decreased. I know you're thinking "what a dumbass of course it's going to decrease after a year", but hear me out. We've...
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    figuring out ring size

    My gf likes wearing rings, but we live in different cities and I wont get a chance to measure her collection. Is there any way to estimate the size and how important is it to get it right? Anyone have any idea what the most common sizes are for women? She likes wider rings with big flat stones...
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    don't act like the men in this article It's by a woman who temporarily went from B to DD cups, and how much more attention she suddenly had from men.
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    telling girls that they're hot

    Is it ok to say to a girl "Yes I realize you are more attractive than average...and if I was like most guys I would do a,b,and c in order to get you to sleep with me. I'm not though"? Or someting like that. Its a given with hot women that guys are going to try to get into their pants so they...