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  1. W

    Why is the term w0manese being censored?

    The fact that someone copyrighted or trademarked a word has nothing to do with it's use in a public, non-for-profit forum. If those things were an issue, we couldn't use any terms here that were trademarked. I mean think about it... that means we can't type the names of book titles for example...
  2. W

    Why is the term w0manese being censored?

    Has anyone noticed this? if you type the term "w0manese" it gets blocked. Has any angry feminist taken control of this site? Does someone find it sexist or something? I'm very curious.
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    Trouble with wife 2

    Actually, I wasn't referring to your comment, but to most females in general. In fact I didn't even catch your post as I tried to quickly read through the thread. I don't generally recommend that anyone here take advise from their female friends and associates regarding what's dicussed at this...
  4. W

    What do you DO with your girlfriend?

    As a general rule, you don't want to see your g/f more that a couple of times a week for the first few months. Even if she lives 5 mins away. The idea here is that you should be too busy to spend too much time with her. I don't mean pretend that you're too busy. You should have enough going on...
  5. W

    Trouble with wife 2

    Good point... People who are so bad with money that they get into deep debt will be bad at using their money to get out of debt. Something tells me that the extra money she plans on making by not wearing her wedding ring will just go toward more meaningless stuff like jewelry, clothes, new...
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    Trouble with wife 2

    This is the root of the entire problem. A) if she was smart with money to begin with, then her getting this job wouldn't even be necessary B) Being smart with money means finding better ways to make money aside from sending your wife into a sleazy environment to make money. In my opinion...
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    Tie Yourself to the Mast

    I agree with you. We live in a world today where everyone is too available. When I was younger things were different. When I went out, it meant I was out. If someone called me, they would need to wait until I got home to return their call. Usually I leave my cell phone in my car when I go...
  8. W

    Keeping Your Leverage in a Marriage / Live-in

    Thanks for the reply Rollo, I completely understand what you're saying. And I can see how relationships last best when spinning plates, and keeping some degree of distance. This comes full circle as to why I started this thread to begin with. I was essentially searching for information on how...
  9. W

    Keeping Your Leverage in a Marriage / Live-in

    Help me understand the reasoning behind this. Since we all know that marriage means nothing in terms of locking down the relationship, why should one plan to marry within 6 months of living together? Does it really matter? If the desire is kept alive, then a live-in situation should...
  10. W

    Keeping Your Leverage in a Marriage / Live-in

    I don't see many specific examples here of how to retain a certain amount of leverage (ie. challenge) when living with a woman or in marriage. Much of my success with my current gf stems from the challenge I present in the form of withdrawal. For example, occasionally "forgetting" to call her...
  11. W

    A Girl's Night Out

    So thanks to the advice from Rollo and Azanon, I played it cool and never asked her any more than if she had a nice time. I'm glad I went against my impulses and acted indifferent. drmeathead mentioned something that hit home regarding my situation. When I was speaking to my gf on the phone...
  12. W

    A Girl's Night Out

    Thanks Rollo. That really makes sense. I talked to her before she left and I followed my newly found DJ instincts and told her to "look hot and have fun". I didn't give her the slightest indication that I was a bit concerned. I encouraged her to have a good time with her friends. I was just...
  13. W

    A Girl's Night Out

    I've been dating this girl for about 5 months now. She's very attractive, I'd say a 7 or 8. Her interest level is extremely high. I'd say in the high 90% bracket. She always calls or e-mails me when we're not together telling me how much she misses me, etc, etc. And she expresses her feeling...
  14. W

    make-out music

    The Aluminum Group Air Pulp Sam Prekop The Clientele The Stone Roses Royksopp Not exactly your mainstream stuff, but it's what I have playing all the time. Women love it and always ask what they're listening too because it "sounds so nice".
  15. W

    Guys who are in their 30's

    I completely agree with what newbie81 said. I used to think like Rphobe and I can tell you first had that my life changed soon after I got rid of this type of thinking. Drive and motivation absolutely must be there independent on your desire for women . You'll notice yourself being less and less...
  16. W

    Very interesting, read on..

    Some girls are suckers for the non-threatening types. So I can see how he can at least meet women. He must be really good at staying out of the LJBF zone. The only thing I can figure is that he's got a very powerful sexual state when he's alone with these women. He might be great in bed, who...
  17. W

    Guys who are in their 30's

    Simple: 1. Start going out more 2. Start working out again 3. Spend less time on the computer and more time socializing. I just started to put my life back together this year. And doing the simple things mentioned above have made a huge difference in my sef-confidence. I see you're...
  18. W

    Disagreements = drama = sex

    Sorry if my post wasn't clear. I'm not suggesting that you go out of your way to create this type of drama. No one was "raising hell" in these situations. But in any relationship there will alwyas come a time when something comes up that you're just not gonna agree with. I'm just hoping that...
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    Disagreements = drama = sex

    This post is inspired by "Rio's 101 and emotional swing theory" post, as well as some recent experiences I've had with my gf. I recently learned, through experience (and various articles on this site), the value of the "argument". Or in other words the value in expressing disagreement when...
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    Sticky Situation...

    I think I initially missed the part where you stated that you've known her for 2 years. I was under the assumption that this was someone you recently met (I should have read more carefully). It's very difficult, if not impossible to light the spark that starts a relationship when there's no...