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  1. R

    People Never Take me Seriously??

    Stop worrying so much about other's perceptions of you. Find something you believe in and pursue it. Achieve a goal. Become something great, someone independent and strong. Do Something! the last thing u should be worried about is what others think of you, especially as a Senior. I used to be...
  2. R

    FR: (Obliteraga style)

    and so begins the Board Wars..
  3. R

    Persistence vs Nexting

    wtf, i am sick and tired of getting flake by girls who often seem obviously interested. my last three date attempts were all flakes. i fear i may just be taking these things too seriously though. anyone with any advice?
  4. R

    Don Juan Theme Song

    Kanye West - The Good Life
  5. R

    Persistence vs Nexting

    this has really been hurting my game lately guys, drawing the line for when nexting is warranted and when i should keep pressing. I mean, nobody has time for low interests chicks! This is kinda vague, but where do you all draw the line?
  6. R

    Not your Average Problem..Trust me

    I dont really see a problem...if ur bored with one thing, move to somethin else.:) Focus on sumthin other than this "situation" because you really dont have a problem. Just have fun
  7. R

    Can YOUR looks be social proof by themselves?

    Yes sometimes your looks can serve as social proof because the girls you are likely to interact with generally have the same opinions about good looks and bad looks. Also, looks are partly defined by society as well as individual opinions. However, this is not to say that obtaining social proof...
  8. R

    for skip2mylou

    OMFG Sinner's post made me laugh for like 5 minutes staright. Anyway Skip, no offense but you honestly aren't convincing anyone. Just forget it
  9. R

    Nothing new here.

    I wish i read a post like this when i first started.
  10. R

    Hs and Labels

    From what I've seen, the peeps who are somewhat in ALL cliques are generally the most well liked in school. They get along with everyone. And everyone, for the most part, gets along with them.
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    FARQ: Frequently Asked Retarded Questions

    Lmfao at the farq title
  12. R

    Please teach me how to smile.

  13. R

    Describe what masculinity means to you?

    1.Having your own personality and doing things solely for your own benefit as opposed to anyone else's. 2.Overcoming Fear 3.Control
  14. R

    Abdominal focus

    I've found at least four exercises(all of them weighted) that i can use for an abdominal workout. I decided not to do ANY cardio for the purpose of showing my abs because I'm skinny enough already and my abs can be seen when I'm contracting them. With that said, I guess I'll be hitting the...
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    Abdominal focus

    I see. I presume the reps should be as low as any other lift would be?
  16. R

    Abdominal focus

    I checked there, but unfortunately i didn't find anything that i could really use. Anyone else with a suggestion???
  17. R

    RedPill's Guerilla Cardio journal

    i tried g.cardio and felt like i would die on the spot when i finished. Much harder than i originally thought, anyway. Taking the stopwatch on my first session became a hinderance just like u said lol. I've only done two sessions so i havent noticed any changes yet.
  18. R

    Abdominal focus

    G.Cardio As good as G. Cardio sounds i also don't think i should be doing much cardio(but i could be wrong). I don't have much more weight to lose. Anyway, I'm trying to find some exercises targeting my abs that i can utilize. i think i should find some that can be used with weights and jus...
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    Abdominal focus

    So if my abs are just undertrained, what kind of training should i do?
  20. R

    Abdominal focus

    I squat and deadlift sufficiently, but i can hardly say the same for my abs.