People Never Take me Seriously??

Jan 20, 2007
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Being a senior in high school, I get to reflect back on to my prior three years and get ready for college next year. I played 3 sports, did a lot of extra cerricular activities and am in the middle of the dumb "popularity chain" in high school. I went from being the funny guy to getting some girls, but I always wish I gotten the hottest ones. I lift weights and am in the middle of my class in terms of strength. This year though, I've been going out so much more. I already went out a lot my prior three years tons, but this year I am going out 3 days a week, partying and socializing. This was never a problem for me.

Thing is, some people tell me that I am kind of a "screw-up" and people don't take me seriously. They think of me as the dumb kid, and I have no common sense and I am useless in life. I am probably one of the most well-known kids mostly due to me screwing up in areas of my life. (Trying to be a player, horrible driving, etc.). I tend to get made fun of sometimes, because of dumb aspects I have. I hear it so often I start to believe it. I get made fun of for "settling with what girls, until I find a better one." My theories seem to be wrong on life and I feel like I seen as a kid who screws up all the time. People don't take me seriously anymore and I want to get that straightened out before college.

1. I want to be seen as the cool guy that I want to be perseemed to be
2. I want people to know who I am (not because I do funny, and dumb things)
3. I want to gain respect while having that funny image. Some kids are never serious, always funny--they get the hot girls and never settle like I do.
4. Why do I settle for a decent girl, which I take so much heat for it...and then I look for better while I am doing it?

Any ideas for me?


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Stop worrying so much about other's perceptions of you. Find something you believe in and pursue it. Achieve a goal. Become something great, someone independent and strong. Do Something! the last thing u should be worried about is what others think of you, especially as a Senior. I used to be in a somewhat similar situation as you. I felt obligated to show what i was capable of (why i deserved often unwarranted respect) and to change others superficial view of me. Once i realized that all my efforts didnt come from the need to achieve my own standards, but rather the desire to acquire approval from others, i decided to transcend that. Since then ive been happier, ive garnered respect from people i never thought i would, and ive found plenty of intellectual and athletic pursuits to enjoy exploring, providing a good, healthy balance in my life.
I know this doesnt have so much to do with girls but i still think this could help you.

Please dont be all misanthropic and closeminded, but dont care so much about what others think. Respect yourself, and have fun! You're a Senior man!
Jan 20, 2007
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Yeah, I only do it sometimes and I used to do it a lot. And trust me, I have a lot of fun. It's just some kids act like this, and get a lot of respect and get invited everywhere. I go out so much now, and stuff like that and I always have. I get busted on because I look like I take steroids, I have big lips, the girls I settle after for action apparently, my dark skin color, etc. I don't know how to handle it and I know I am strong, so I take it to a jokingly physical level. I'll punch them but like in the arm and stuff. And I get gained on a lot even though I know I am better than the kids that are picking on me. i am by no means an uncool kid at all. I just get busted on a lot for I Guess not being serious enough...I wanna prove that I am better than you and show you that I AM better than you are.

What other tips fellas?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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Practice MMA or something. As someone else pointed out somewhere, let chicks and friends know that your school work is the #1 priority.
Jan 20, 2007
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Like again today, everything I did over the weekend gets brought up in school. Like whatever I do, no matter how little it is, comes back to bite me in the a$$. When I text my "so called ugly" girl, my friends all bring that up or what I texted her with. They keep saying why don't I go for a better girl, or how I am on steroids because I Lift a lot. I make sure I look good, and I gotta hear it. Some of these ppl are my friends, and it's tough to hear this so many times in my life. Sometimes I feel like I am always the center of attention no matter what I do. Everything I do gets reflected upon me in a bad way no matter what it is.

Like I said, I ain't even a loser. Being my senior year, sometimes I feel liek I am gonna miss everyobdy when we all graduate, but sometimes I dont even give a $hit. Even ppl I don't even know, know who I am.

Any advice for me?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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The coldest and harshest winds blow at the top of the mountain.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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From what I understand, you're going to be popular forever so just deal with it. You're like a celebrity haha. And if some of your "friends" are doing this to you too, they're probably too envious to even have any concern about your friendship. Just tell those people to chill and go on with their lives. Don't give another thought about what others say about you, after all, what you believe in counts most. So don't believe in some stupid **** that will ruin your life. As far as respect goes, command respect and you'll get it. I know I know, much of this is just repeated from what others have already said, but it's good to have a reminder from time to time.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2008
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Im in a similar bout, get over it, they percieve you that way because either someone is spreading false rumors, or more likely its true, feel lucky that you are a senior and you can start over next year,

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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Texas, USA
Chicks Just Dig Me said:
Being a senior in high school, I get to reflect back on to my prior three years and get ready for college next year. I played 3 sports, did a lot of extra cerricular activities and am in the middle of the dumb "popularity chain" in high school. I went from being the funny guy to getting some girls, but I always wish I gotten the hottest ones. I lift weights and am in the middle of my class in terms of strength. This year though, I've been going out so much more. I already went out a lot my prior three years tons, but this year I am going out 3 days a week, partying and socializing. This was never a problem for me.

Thing is, some people tell me that I am kind of a "screw-up" and people don't take me seriously. They think of me as the dumb kid, and I have no common sense and I am useless in life. I am probably one of the most well-known kids mostly due to me screwing up in areas of my life. (Trying to be a player, horrible driving, etc.). I tend to get made fun of sometimes, because of dumb aspects I have. I hear it so often I start to believe it. I get made fun of for "settling with what girls, until I find a better one." My theories seem to be wrong on life and I feel like I seen as a kid who screws up all the time. People don't take me seriously anymore and I want to get that straightened out before college.

1. I want to be seen as the cool guy that I want to be perseemed to be
2. I want people to know who I am (not because I do funny, and dumb things)
3. I want to gain respect while having that funny image. Some kids are never serious, always funny--they get the hot girls and never settle like I do.
4. Why do I settle for a decent girl, which I take so much heat for it...and then I look for better while I am doing it?

Any ideas for me?
You screw up in life often and aren't taken seriously because you are not passionate about anything. You have no goals or direction in your life. Until that happens, everyone will see that's who you are. Take a break from women and really try to find out who you are.

How will you know?

If you can honestly look in the mirror and be perfectly fine with having only a handful of friends and dying a virgin.
Jan 20, 2007
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I don't get what you mean I am not passionate about things. I am heading to a great college next year with a bright future and kids know that I get pretty good grades. The kids in my school don't know how I do it, but they know I get good grades. They know I go to most of the social events, (boys and girls sporting events) and I participate in my own--soccer, tennis, high school spring musical. It's not like I am not involved because I am.

I want to have that quality where you love to have fun and people realize your a fun, funny guy but in which they also respect you and see you are a pretty intelligent person?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Rowland Heights, CA
Achieving respect... I think you have to demand it from people, not in a "give it to me!" kind of way. When you naturally exert confidence, respect other people, don't take sh*t, follow your passions, excel in school...I think respect easily comes into place. It all comes in the package when you're becoming the absolute best you can be.

Personally, I'm a very academic person. I'm taking 5 AP classes + 3 IB seminars (on different days) my last year. I could've been that typical studious asian kid, but I got sick of it thankfully before my freshmen year. During my 4 years, I changed completely as I learned after one approach after another.

Okay, enough about me. If you want that quality, just keep on improving yourself. For me, I'm just playful, careless, and light-hearted with people. When I need to do my own thing like studying, I'm serious about it. You just have to be cool with people and I know this sounds stupid, but "be yourself" and find your own style. Don't be too playful or you look stupid, don't be too serious or you will be awkward in front of people. It's about finding balance haha. This should come naturally eventually, but I did have to make more social connections than I would have done as an AFC introvert.

What's your goal from this site? My goal was to still be a "nice guy", but with all DJ qualities. I think someone here said it was about being a good guy and that was what a true DJ was about. Anyway just go out and try to have some fun. I'm pretty damn busy with my activities too + academic work. Just do what you feel you need to do...but do it naturally. If you need more social connections, talk to more people. Greet them in hallways...compliment them etc.

This kind of thing is learned over a long period of time. We're going to college soon too, where to real fun is. Consider this training for now.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rowland Heights, CA
Chicks Just Dig Me said:
Thing is, some people tell me that I am kind of a "screw-up" and people don't take me seriously. They think of me as the dumb kid, and I have no common sense and I am useless in life. I am probably one of the most well-known kids mostly due to me screwing up in areas of my life. (Trying to be a player, horrible driving, etc.). I tend to get made fun of sometimes, because of dumb aspects I have. I hear it so often I start to believe it. I get made fun of for "settling with what girls, until I find a better one."
I think the problem is the fact you know you screw up. When you worry too much about it, you screw up more. Are you still screwing up...if you are it's probably because you're too worried about it. Be a bit carefree and don't think about every action you take.

I've read posts in the DJ forums, that you can't really do real DJing in high school. It's just too small of a place. I remember one time I screwed up with a girl freshman year, and the news traveled all over the place. For example, if you're dating like 5 girls and they find out, things may get nasty. But if you could hit a point where all the girls and guys want to be with you, then that might be okay.