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  1. A

    Find your style!

    People seem to spend so much time here focusing on what to say, how to be C&F, meeting women.. I think style is very much underestimated. If you are wearing clothes that you are comfortable and happy with, and most importantly that make you feel more sexy, you will notice a huge boost to your...
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    Damnit ex is talking to me again

    Yup, I obviously still sometimes feel pain about it, and am still somewhat getting over it, but for the most part I am feeling ok and only really down when I think about it. I'm not going to go into details about why we broke up... But it looks like she wants me back, of course after a month or...
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    Meeting an online girl

    Ok I know it is bad to talk on msn for ages, but a lot of them ask for my msn before I have asked for anything. I just tease them them and make sure they are serious. But anyway, after getting on msn is it ok to ask for the.... Wait no, my question is is it ok to invite her to your place for the...
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    How do you get in a LTR...

    When you know from viewing this forum, that as soon as your girl meets a DJ better than you she will cheat on you? We've all read enough to know women are fueled by emotion. They act on emotion. If you have any hint of game at all (which you should do if you've read anything) then you...
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    Wow no contact is tough

    So I've been in a LTR for the better part of 2 years, for the first 18 months it was fantastic and she was all over me. In the last couple of months... Well, she has been acting a bit like a b!tch. Actually, a LOT like a b!tch. Going out partying a lot more, ignoring me when she is around, not...
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    Went out friday night - lots of lonely girls

    It was a pubcrawl, so my main intention was to get drunk and have fun with my friends. Approached one girl early on that I had met a couple weeks ago, opened, chatted a bit, then after a little kino I told her I was going back to my friends. I didn't even really need to do anything, just enjoy...
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    Trouble with my gf - think I need a kick up the arse

    Hey guys, wow its been a long time since I was last here. I like the look of the forum. Anyway, I got into the game and such a few years ago, enjoyed the immediate success associated with finding some confidence and learning how to treat women, and stopping all the stupid basic mistakes I was...
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    'You're an odd one'

    Whats that meant to mean? Good or bad thing? A chick has said it to me a couple of times now while we've been talking.
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    Use psychic powers!

    This came up in the 'Style's Pickup Game' thread in AE. There are certain things that the majority of people will select, and all you need to do is 'read their mind' to predict it correctly, then go on a bit about how it only works with some people if you have a connection with them. You can...
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    Fat chicks are such hypocrites!

    So I'm at a party, and she's sitting there at the table having a full on whinge about there only being normal coke, not diet coke. OMG I need to have diet coke because look at me wawawa. And you know whats sitting in front of her? A whole large pizza that she's about to eat alone.:rolleyes...
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    I'm so f*cking bored

    I have nothing to do except surf through forums and chat on msn, I'm so bloody bored. Holidays started good, relaxing, catching up with friends, now its all gone to hell. I can't stand a second day of doing nothing, I need to do something. I still don't have the confidence to cold approach...
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    Would you...

    Go out with a chick like this
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    Hows this for a cold approach?

    Thought it up with some guy on msn, he seemed to think they would find it a compliment and it would work well. Me: Hey, how would you like to help my practice for my future career? Her: What would that be? Me: A pornstar! :D Not sure what she'd say next.. Yes or no maybe? Note: I...
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    Drunk=sober opinion?

    If a chick is saying something to you (about you) while drunk, is it likely that she means it in a sober state? I worded that sentence really badly.. lol, Oh well. If, for example, she says she loves you while drunk, does she like you sober or was it just the alcohol?
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    Another 'how to respond to this' thread

    Her: (jokingly) ha, I could just yell out 'rape!' right now and you'd be in for it/get in trouble/get arrested That wasn't exactly it.. I don't remember, but close enough. It seemed an odd line, I've thought about it a bit but can't really think of a response. Maybe something like 'you'd...
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    Online stuff

    ATM, my only contact with this chick is on msn, and she only comes on once or twice a month. I do know her in person, haven't seen her in 5 or 6 years though, but she liked me then and seems chatty on msn. She said a while ago that I don't see her on a lot of the time because her status is...
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    So theres the tip of acting disinterested to make her more interested in you and come and try to win you... But what if girls do it to you? What the hell do you do then? Can't go crawling over I know, and doing the same thing seems like it won't prove anything you'll both just be acting...
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    Bulking up

    I decided I wanted to make my shoulders and arms a bit stronger and get some more muscle on them, and I want it done in the quickest and easiest way possible because otherwise I know I'll get put off with no results and stop doing it.. So Saturday I get 7kg worth of text books (haven't got...
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    Is this a subtle hint or what? lol

    So this girl I know (my ex actually) mentions a show on next week and says it would be good and she'd really like to go, it just comes up in conversation, then I ask why she doesn't go and she says not enough money, but if she had enough she would go. Heh, she knows for a fact that I have...
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    F*ckit still stuck...

    Just can't find the right moment to kiss the girl I'm trying to get close to, or how to...:( Trying for a bit more physical contact first, to get more comfortable around each other and all that.. We make light physical contact, normal casual stuff I suppose... She said she was cold the other...