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  1. C

    Authentic Confidence

    A true mystic. My hat's off to you sir. Joseph Campbell summed it all up in three words. Follow your bliss...
  2. C

    Level Up

    But its true though. There are levels in real life. Most just don't see them. You level up everytime you invest in yourself. Evrytime you read a new book. Everytime you succeed, everytime you feel a little better about yourself, and so on..
  3. C

    "Just Be Yourself" (?)

    Being yourself all depends on being able to control fear and anxiety. And that my friend is much much easier said than done.
  4. C

    Level Up

    You can't level off lower creatures. Infact killing the weak brings dishonor. OMG I'm a geek!
  5. C

    18-20 year olds this one is for you.

    Hug trees much?
  6. C

    Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

    This is an old piece. A lot of you have probably come across it already. I think it was written by an old Vietnam vet. Feels to me very much like dj bible material. Read it all the way through. Believe me brother you won't be disappointed! Advice to Young Men from an Old Man 1. Don’t...
  7. C

    Name ways of putting out a sexual vibe

    Women will obviously need to detect a kind of sexual vibe in you before they feel attracted to you. Otherwise the whole brother sybdrome thing kicks in and you end up in the friend zone. So what constitutes sexual vibe for women? And how do you produce it?
  8. C

    Awakening the beast within

    Does anyone have any suggestions that will help poke that sleeping masculine beast within? Because if you think about it, the beast can solve all problems. The first and foremost priority of every would be DJ should be to awaken it. To tame it. The beast will eat up any fears, anxieties...
  9. C

    A few good tips

    And I found Schopenhauer particularly interesting
  10. C

    A few good tips

    I was lead to this page When I started reading this page
  11. C

    Watch this! It will change your world.

    You know when Marconi run out of his basement shouting to his friends and family that he had invented a device that can send and recieve insivible messages through the air they tried to put him in a mental home. And if they had we wouldn't have had the radio. Or at least much later on. Answer...
  12. C

    Watch this! It will change your world.

    Oh and I forgot James Allen's As a man thinketh. That one shouldn't need introduction though :-)
  13. C

    Watch this! It will change your world.

    The point is also further explained in Wallace D. Wattles's famous book, The Science of Getting Rich, which was first published in 1910 I believe. Here's the free pdf. Enjoy :)
  14. C

    Watch this! It will change your world.

    This is in many respects the essence of the philosophy of many eastern mystics that is thousands of years old. If you follow it right to the end it states that "god" is nothing separate from us. That we are "god" or the universe that is trying to express itself through us. Our minds work with...
  15. C

    Watch this! It will change your world.

    The Secret Its a whole documentary. 1hour 40 minutes. So relax and maybe get yourself some popcorn. This is profound, life changing stuff!
  16. C

    Twelve Steps

    I'd say do number 12 and stick to it and soon everything else will come to you intuitively. You see we already have vast knowledge inside of us. You already know exactly how to get yourself any girl you want. You know eaxctly what to say, when to say it and have enough conversation inside you...
  17. C

    Inner game: Changing a crucial belief

    Yep, all about taking the pusy off the pedestal. People seem to think that women have power over men. But that is not entirely true. Any power women might have belongs to the man in the first place. It is his own mind that places the woman in a position of power. So go ahead and approach them...
  18. C

    Nice Guy Documentary

    Here's a quote from a great man on the topic of friendship between men and women. "A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy." --Friedrich Nietzsche :crackup:
  19. C

    Nice Guy Documentary

    hehe Chris Rock explains it well. You never know how it happens. All you know is that at some point you took a wrong turn somwehere and ended up in the friend zone. :D
  20. C

    This video can change your life

    This is actually nothing new. They're only using Physics to explain a phenomenon that both Eastern and Western Mystics have been talking about for centuries. The Science of Getting Rich was written decades before the discovery(or invention) of quantum physics, and yet when you read it, it...