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  1. J

    frustrated. getting a gf *MUST* be easier!

    Isn't this sorta back-assward? If you're not getting numbers, you're not going on dates, so you're not getting to know them in sufficient depth, so you're not "interested" in them enough. How long is the initial meeting? 10 mins? An hour maybe? That's probably not enough time to learn enough...
  2. J

    The truth about height

    Oh come on people! You CANNOT compare celebrities to normal people. Celebrity is, in itself, such a plus that it skews everything. Both the people who say height makes no difference, and the people who say that shortness is insurmountable are full of BS. It is a factor, like anything else. It...
  3. J

    need a sex tip plz help

    First, feel around to make sure there's not d*ck there. If there's is, you ain't gonna find the hole. :D Easy way: Stick a finger in the hole. Put your d*ck where your finger is.
  4. J

    FR: it's all about the kino+persistence

    All physical + some noises (grunting etc) but I didn't say anything. Definitely. Kino is just as important as verbal communication, if not more so IMO. Good kino is like establishing physical rapport I think.
  5. J

    FR: it's all about the kino+persistence

    Background: I'm out with a HB6or7. Maybe an 8 in the dark. I don't really know what the numbers mean anyway... Our first date was OK, but I wussed out and didn't go for a kiss. OK, 2nd date. Dinner. Having a hard time with the rapport - and not really seeing a lot of IOIs except that she's...
  6. J

    Younger girl's love the bald cark

    Lol. best thread ever :D I've had girls tell me they prefer unshaved, but change their minds after they see it after a little manscaping. The only concern I have is if I let myself go for a bit and I have a bit of stubble... I assume that stubble on the cl!t would be a BadThing... :eek:
  7. J

    I think HEIGHT is extremely important in getting girls.

    I'm curious to know why you say that being overweight by 30lbs is a biological factor. 30lbs on an average frame is not going to be make a guy obese or anything. Now, there's short and there's short. 5'8" is not short. 5'5" is getting to be short, and I'm most certainly short at under 5'3"...
  8. J

    GETTING GIRLS TO CHASE YOU (the better looking the chick, the better this works)

    Could someone clarify what is meant by not choosing? I'm assuming that this means not approaching, and not projecting a sexual state, not making strong eye contact etc. Doesn't this come across as somewhat timid, and thus interpreted as fear instead of indifferent?
  9. J

    How to grow taller!!

    You can have an surgical thing done where they break your legs and attach an apparatus to em. Every day they pull the bone apart, while your body tries to heal by adding bone mass between the broken pieces, thus making you a little bit taller. IIRC you can do this to both above and below the...
  10. J

    The IDEAL Height

    I'm a touch under 5'3" and it hurts my game, first off because height IS important to women, and secondly because it's tough on my own self-image. You can't compensate for it either cuz if you do, you get labelled as having a 'complex' and thus insecure. I would kill to be 5'6" like all the...
  11. J


    How do you guys go about figuring out how good looking you are anyway? I gotta say, I have very little idea of how women evaluate the various factors that go into being a good looking guy.
  12. J

    LJBF'd AGAIN!!! Can anyone work this out?

    I don't think you can discount the 'other man' so easily. We all know the cure to one-itis is to give yourself more options - I don't see why that doesn't work for women too. More options = freedom to test the relationship a bit more. Maybe she met another guy who totally wowed her. Then you...
  13. J

    oozing sexuality

    Taking her words at face value, it IS possible to act in ways that just are not sexual at all. Maybe you need to slow down some. Take longer, slower strides. Avoid short, jerky movements. How about your voice? You want a deep, rumbling bass, not a high-pitched, squeaky tenor. How do you dress...
  14. J

    really look at the women you are interested in

    I'd add a 1.5 - I'd mess with her if nobody was gonna find out if I did to that system... :D Anyway, from what people post around here, you'd think that 90% of the women in the world were better looking than the other 50% so I'm not sure I understand y'all. (isn't a 5.5 defined as average...
  15. J

    What can good-looks do that a personality can not?

    Back to first principles... 1) It's a numbers game 2) If a woman's interest is high enough, you can get away with murder So there are LOTS of things that affect a woman's interest, from the car you drive to which rerun of friends was on last night. Good looks is one of these things. It...
  16. J

    Short/average height and muscular or tall and lanky, what do the ladies like more?

    Re: Re: Short/average height and muscular or tall and lanky, what do the ladies like more? 5'8" ain't short - it's just a wee bit below the average or something, depending on race, location etc. I don't really think height = strength so much as Something Else [tm] that I'm not really sure of...
  17. J

    What can good-looks do that a personality can not?

    Good looks basically gets you free interest level from the get go. Everything else followed from that.
  18. J

    eye contact game

    Sexual state. Women choose first. Then you get EC. Gotcha. I read the Gunwitch thing which makes sense as well. A bit confused at how this works with really ugly guys though. So... GW says that if you are a 1 looks and 10 effort, then you get your 5.5's fairly regular. But if have 1 looks...
  19. J

    Boot Camp Thread (Opening May 2nd)

    OK, cold approaches... I dunno. I find these to be DAMNED hard to do. I'm on week 3, and I get convos with HB in context no problem, but I always chicken out of cold approaches. Do you guys stop HB on the street and just start talking em up? Or am I being too hard on myself by saying I have to...
  20. J

    No man want top-model Caprice???

    after a little edit... :D Sounds kinda familiar hmm... Caprice is just a good-looking AFC?