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  1. M

    For the engineers: use your money!

    There are AFC's all over the place. I was a comp sci major, but went out and partied with the best of them. Never had a problem getting laid. I had friends in the major that were players and I had friends in the major that were introverted nerds. You could probably say the same thing for any...
  2. M


    When you started with I knew it was gonna be good. Either good in a GOOD way or good in a BAD way. Excellent take on the whole subject jonwon. Are you muslim by the way? Are you married? Do you plan on getting married?
  3. M

    Wow! My name was changed without me knowing!

    You should have gotten up, walked out and never spoken to that b1tch again. FVCK THAT SH1T!
  4. M

    Posting on Good Looks Do They Matter = Immediate Ban

    Why not just make a rule that "looks matter" posts are thrown into the AE forum immediately? Most people don't even read in there anyways. This way the Looks Matter/Don't Matter people can be isolated for the rest of the world.
  5. M

    For LTR, when do you say 'I love you?'

    It doesn't matter as long as it's AFTER she says it first. The longer you wait the better.
  6. M

    Great Date, High IL, what do I do now??

    Dude - you can't possibly know if she is LTR material after one date. The only thing you know is that she is physically attractive enough. You are getting too excited over a single girl and it is clouding your judgement. Your mindset shouldnt be "Oh I have to do everything right with this...
  7. M

    Contradictions in DJing?

    The more you read, the more it will all come together until you come to one of the "great realizations" that everyone here seems to be posting these days. They usually start off with "Forget everything you've ever read on this site, it's all bvllsh1t. All you need to get women is XYZ" where...
  8. M

    sluts that dont put out

    Has she actually said no? Are you waiting for her to tell you to fvck her? Honestly, just go to fvck her and if she says no, then NO. You are already sucking on her nipples. Has she touched your d1ck?
  9. M

    What to do in a situation in a retail store..

    "So.... (look obviously towards AFC walking out of the store and then back at the girl) come here often?" make sure you say it as cheesily as possible with a huge smile on your face, after she laughs move directly into situational conversation.
  10. M

    Just when you think you are stuck in the friendzone

    Wow you have a date lined up for this summer! That's awesome dude!! No seriously, I'm just bustin your balls. I wouldn't read into this at all - she said she would go with you, girls are perfectly fine with going somewhere with guys just as friends and it's 99% likely that is what she's doing.
  11. M


    Einstein would disagree.
  12. M

    Bad idea to send letter??

    Bada-bing - if you feel like you need to talk about your "feelings", STOP IT! No, I'm being facetious, it's not wrong to "feel" although men aren't emotional creatures to the same extent as women. But seriously, you wanna talk, you wanna get **** off your chest, come here before you write a...
  13. M

    Girl with Psychology degree

    Even if she is junior psychologist or a full-fledged professional, she is going to be putty in the hands of a real man. A real man won't give a fvck if she's analyzing him, he'll be out doing his own thing and she'll be his little sex toy. If you're an insecure little AFC prancing around as...
  14. M

    Should i send this txt to this chick in my class?

    No texting! Just call her later tonight or whenever and ask her out.
  15. M

    Advice to Young Men from an Old Man

    Wow! That was a great read. Francisco - I think he's just reposting the article that was originally on craig's list - the poster is not the old dude, the guy who wrote it on craig's list is.
  16. M

    Is this girl playing games or is she just shy?

    My first opinion when reading your initial post was that you messaged her way too quickly and responded way too much. Being too available is not a good thing and she may have lost interest. Not sure... The other possibility is that she is really busy. Either way - wait for her to show some...
  17. M

    Asking if a girl is a virgin.

    itishe - I'm only basing this on your user name, but are you middle eastern? Is the girl you're dating middle eastern or religious? It sounds like religious stuff might be getting in the way (my best buddy in college was a paki and he said paki girls are PRUDE), if not, it sounds like she's got...
  18. M

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    Sounds to me like she's losing (lost) interest in you. What you need to do is to stop being so available, stop seeing her so much, start pursuing your own hobbies, and in general, live your OWN life. Once you start doing these things and she realizes that she isn't the fvcking sun upon which you...
  19. M

    He will drop her, I will pick her up!

    Hey dude, I don't mean to flame, but is it possible that the only reason you are interested in this girl now is because someone else wants her? I mean - why are you trying to be a hero now? If she gets her heart broken - that's unfortunate, but why do you feel you need to pick up the pieces? It...
  20. M

    Oneitis and the DJ

    AMEN. So true.