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  1. R

    Letting the girl drive; OK?

    See, I haven't got my license yet. She has had hers for a while. Is it acceptable to let her drive you to the location of the date (1h drive)? I'm thinking this will be kind of awkward. Should I just find another way of getting there? Cheers.
  2. R

    I have trouble approaching french chicks.

    See, I live in Quebec, a french-canadian province in Canada. I am perfectly trilingual. I can speak french pretty well, no accent or anything, however i have an American/Anglophone mindset and mentality ingrained into my head. 99% of the population here is french and whenever I try to...
  3. R

    A true DJ in action (video)

    Alright... where do I begin... I just came home from college to discover an AMAZING video on my computer. Apparently my sister is being stalked by this huge arabian kid at her school. He doesn't talk to her, he just stalks her online. Anyways, he found out she loves the movie titanic, and made a...
  4. R

    Tell me I'm right... !

    Last night I went to this party... I hooked up with this girl that was next to my locker all year... we hadn't talked much previously that year but I knew she liked me and wanted to f*ck me at every sight. So anyway, we start talkin, next to the pool, she's getting kinda drunk and start...
  5. R

    French canadian chicks are hard to seduce.

    I live in Québec, Canada. Main language here is french... I've read the bible three times now. The principles are the same, but the vocabulary is so much different it's freakin' impossible to apply any of the verbal techniques. The only way to sound good is to sware a lot and talk like a...
  6. R

    Got her number, but she didn't give it to me...

    Is this alright? I want to call her since I found her number, but she didn't give it to me. I don't talk to her often at school, but I've known her for a while now, ocasional kino, eye-contact and smiling goes on between us, definatly some chemistry, but still, is it alright to call her ? How do...
  7. R

    Eh... give me a 101 on first time s...

    I'm 15. Well, gettin' the ladies isn't a problem. This isn't a place to argue or brag, but I'm good lookin', confident and funny so they all love me. Problem is, I'm just too much of a freakin' ***** to get them to fvck me, (yeah, they want to). I mean, I know there are a few threads concerning...