Recent content by Von Huge

  1. V

    weight loss in month

    You don't need to be in ketosis and if you lose 12 pounds a week, you are gonna be burning a load of muscle too. OP: I lost 6 kilos in six weeks just by lowering my calories slightly below maintenance and by doing cardio 3-4 times a week
  2. V

    Muscle Tear Down vs Rest

    It's recommended to give a muscle group 48 hours to rebuild
  3. V

    Best cities in the states for meeting girls

    I've got both. I was thinking of Cali cause it reminds me of home. Heard so many good things about San Fran in particular!
  4. V

    Best cities in the states for meeting girls

    Hey all, I'm going to be working for a few months in America next year at a summer camp, so as you could probably guess I do have a bit of say in terms of where I end up. I'm Australian and I've heard from my mates that we kill it over in America, but I was wondering what cities I should...
  5. V

    If you only go for looks, you may be disappointed

    Personally, I use looks as a "filtering" system in that if I'm not physically attracted and turned on by a girl, I'm not going to date her no matter how good her personality is. In saying that, for me to actually date a girl, her personality needs to be great too. A HB9 with zero personality...
  6. V

    What Type Of Men Are Interested In Your Woman?

    Too true...the last girl I dated was quite above average looks wise and had that many orbiters. Even as someone who is not usually the jealous type, I found it really difficult to handle. She got jealous of all the girls I had orbiting me too I guess the relationship was doomed from...
  7. V

    I Dumped her, Did I Judge Her Too Harshly??

    Sounds like a perfect "**** buddy" for when he's experiencing times of drought to me....definitely not relationship quality though - not by a longshot!
  8. V

    Miss 'LJBF' has invited me to a gathering: Do I go?

    Yes there is. If there's hot girls there and he's busy just being fun and energetic, there is absolutely good reason to go. If on the other hand he's busy standing in the corner staring at LJBF all night, it's not worth going.
  9. V

    is she not interested?

    Clearly not interested, sorry man. Your game was probably weak, maybe post the conversation on here so we can get a better idea of how she responds to you.
  10. V

    Gym work paying off or girl just drunk?

    Probably a bit of both mate ;)
  11. V

    Do you gauge I retest on text response time?

    I try not to reply instantly unless it's one of those texting conversations, but usually I'm busy enough as it is to have to reply when it's convenient for me. Unless you're doing nothing (in which case maybe it's smarter not to reply to everything instantly) just text whenever is convenient for...
  12. V

    How often do you watch porn?

  13. V

    How often have YOU been cold approached?

    In clubs it happens to us all at various stages I'm sure, but today it happened to me during the day when I was just chilling at uni with some mates. A really shy girl came up with her phone out and asked for my number, and I was honestly taken aback. Here I am, sometimes quite nervous to...
  14. V

    Situation: Several girls I want to ask out and being chased by BIG girls

    You worry too much about what girls think. There's nothing wrong with asking for a number, I guarantee the other girls won't give a damn or they'll actually appreciate the fact you had the balls to do that. You're only gonna run into problems if you're sleeping with them all at once or do...
  15. V

    Please critique my conversation with the Ex.

    Agreed. I don't see why so many of you guys are screaming for NC, this wasn't a typical "she ****ed me over" type breakup where NC is recommended. I think you handled it very well mate!