Recent content by Punisha

  1. P

    Are you afraid of becoming what you hate?

    I had the exact same thought about 2 days ago but then i realized that those douchbags were just jerks and since both jerks and DJs are fun to be around and are sexual to women you will find some resemblace between them in that way
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    C+F=****y+funny kino=basically touching negs=negating ie: telling a pretty girl shes not pretty(yeah its not a very good example) HB=hot babe and the number represents a scale. HB10 is what we call a smokin hot chick. HB5 would be a ''normal''chick FR=Field report ONS=one night stand Right...
  3. P

    lonely/a sense of not-belonging

    jeffthechef speaks the truth. We are all different from each other so just accept it and stop comparing yourself to everyone else. Maybe they have more plans but they dont do what they want; maybe they have more friends but dont have any Real friend.Hell maybe dont wish they were a little more...
  4. P

    The Forehead test (a sure sign to go in for the kiss)

    Gonna try this one mixed up with that combing her hair thing. Ive been gaming(more like trying out some stuff) this girl for a week and im 100% sure i can get a kiss close on our second date maybe even on the first. Anyway looks like a very nice tip.Keep it up
  5. P

    Anyone Have Any Study Tips?

    well i never NEVER studied in my life( and no im not pushing it) so i can't help you guys with studying BUT i can help you with other stuff. To start off pay attention to classes. I know this is basic but i really mean one year away from university and i can keep my grades medium-high...
  6. P

    Having fun in H.S

    Join the club buddy. Im bored to death in most classes and I got in the same freaking class I had last year which means no new chicks no ''reputation reset button'' and I have to endure another year of childish girls who piss me off just because they are breathing.
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    The Flower of Life

    Well i did tried this yesterday and today i felt very...calm. I went out just for some fresh air and liked it. I did stuff I dont usually do in a shopping center (this does not include stupid stuff)and I also felt less concerned about other people while at the same time felt closer to them...
  8. P

    i dont have people to hang out with at lunch

    kind of same thing here. I rarely feel in place when I go have lunch so I just go alone mind my on business and that's it. But if you really wanna have someone to talk to during lunch try nicelife,Nivre or War Against Betaism tips.they are good and easy
  9. P

    Get more girls with one gulp!

    One thing i also noticed after started drinking water as my main drink(started doing this about 2 years ago)is that it keeps me away from junk food. I no longer feel the urge to bite an hamburger or all those chips.In fact the more ''junk''the food is the worse i feel
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    How to be respected?

    Nice reply SinJester. Very good points but really not helping. Maybe its because I didn't expressed my problem well. Ill try again. I want people to respect what I say/do. Maybe its because I do what I want even if its against my classmates opinion but lots of times i get sh!tty and totally...
  11. P

    How to be respected?

    BlakeW5: What do I consider respect? Good point really. Ill try to explain with a simple example. While my classmate and I were talking about my trip I told him that I saw some horses and he just started messing around like (this wont sound very ''good'' in english) Punisha you really like the...
  12. P

    How to be respected?

    Hey guys. Yesterday while talking to a friend of mine I noticed something bad is probably going on with me. I can't seem to get any kind of respect from people that around my age. It's kind of...I dont know. Older and younger people respect me but guys/girls around my age dont. My...
  13. P

    help on appearance

    Now thats a good change. In 2 years you look like a different person I could also use some tips. My face looks nice(except when,for some reason,i wake up and it looks like ive had acne for 3 months) but my hairstyle totally sucks. Ill try to get a picture soon. Peace
  14. P

    Stupid people at your gym

    well my other reply was right before going to the gym and guess what? like i said theres no limit to human stupidity. this one happened to me.i was still half asleep and was getting going to start bench press but for some stupid reason i didnt took the weights in a proper way. and as we all know...
  15. P

    Stupid people at your gym

    wednesday one of the most stupid moments in my life took place at the gym. i was with my 2 friends and we were warming up and a guy was staring at us. then, while we were addins weight to the bench press he just comes over and starts shouting at me: what the hell are you doing?have you worked...