Recent content by JasonTodd

  1. J

    Getting a Job Solely to Improve my Game and Interact with People - Reccomendations?

    Hey fellow DJ's, haven't been on in a while but am back and plan on being more active in the coming months. So recently life has taken a detour and I am left with basically nothing to do. I've been working on my game, all the theory, and everything related to that for almost a year but...
  2. J

    Gaming conservative girls?

    Never saw your reply, thanks dude. I agree and you make sense! Thanks bro :yes:
  3. J

    Gaming conservative girls?

    Hey guys, Another quick one for you. How do you game conservative girls? What are some do's and don'ts that some of you have found while approaching and picking up a conservative girl? I'm heading to college in fall and this school is full of conservatives. Having interacted with a few, I...
  4. J

    Do not change yourself for others

    "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." - Bruce Lee Good post dude! :up:
  5. J

    What does "I don't know you mean?"

    Obviously it means they don't know you. :D haha, but in my experience it is sometimes a **** test.
  6. J

    Vitaly licks Nutella off chicks booty's @ Ultra Miami 2013

    They do their thing well, but I don't think they are hardcore gamers. They focus more on comedic value for youtube, and their project go is just really basic game stuff, they just break it down in a complex way. But what they do as far as pickup isn't anything special. OTOH, Vitaly is the...
  7. J

    Cold appraoch or social circle game @ small college?

    This got me thinking, thanks for your input bro. You make sense! :cool:
  8. J

    Cold appraoch or social circle game @ small college?

    This is exactly what I needed to hear, thanks man! :up:
  9. J

    Cold appraoch or social circle game @ small college?

    Greetings fellow DJ's Just joined & had a quick thought I wanted to run by you all. I'll be heading to college in the Fall, but this college is actually pretty small compared to most(1000 student population) so I'm trying to determine whether cold approach is a good idea or not? I'm going to...