Recent content by aolDJ

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    T Money: you need help. thats seriously twisted. I'm not trying to offend u but u really have some problems, especially re: porn. That's illegal.
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    Recovering AFC

    I feel exactly the same way. props to those who started this site.
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    My gf doesnt like sex...

    Translation of your forum post: "My Girlfriend doesn't like sex with me" You need to get more experience
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    Need Advice

    You have something called ONEitis. Follow the advice of the master djs who've taken the time out of their woman filled lives to help you out.
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    ALL IS FAIR!!! In Love n War

    No, he'll just call up one of his other GFs. You must be new here. :eek:
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    Good looks lets be honest

    dude, you couldn't be more wrong. A true DJ wouldn't do anything like that. He'd laugh, forget Alba, and wonder if he should call Scarlett Johansson, Mandy Moore, Kristen Kreuk, or all three and know that the end result of any decision he made would consist of, one, two, or all three, waking up...
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    Cute but blind as a bat...

    I want to see more stories like this on the DJ discussion forums. Well played.
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    Dealing with a ridiculously hot woman

    i hate to ask about somehting obvious i can't find patterning in the glossary that is linked to in the "how to use this site" thread.
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    OMFG! It's so simple!

    Yeah thats pretty much it. I didn't intend for all you guys here to start PMing me to ask about the "top secret" handshake. I said it was top secret because it seems so obvious yet so many guys don't know the power of this simple gesture.
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    OMFG! It's so simple!

    I want to clarify something. I AM NOT HERE TO PICK UP CHICKS. Here is an excerpt of a PM i sent over this site: I hope you guys can understand my goals and respect why I'm here. Thanks. :cool:
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    OMFG! It's so simple!

    So, after reading the DJ discussion forums last night, I embarked for my morning 1.5 hour subway commute to work. At first I was afraid to approach girls like I usually am. But then I saw an HB8 and thought what the heck, u only live once. She had a tote bag that said columbia on it, so I just...
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    Does height matter?

    I was reading this thread and it got me wondering whether some girls won't go with a guy who's not that tall (I'm 5'7 for instance). I'm not saying a guy who's less than 5'5, but just someone average like 5'7. I don't think hbs will usually care about this if you show confidence, but some might...
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    Uh oh. Full-blown AFC

    Pook's posts are gold. I've been reading as much as I can. Rollo lives in the same town as me, maybe I'll meet him at some point. Thank you for providing me with this list of pook-like posters as I really like what Pook has to say. :woo:
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    Uh oh. Full-blown AFC

    I don't think I really have a handle on being able to get the girl to see SOI when I first meet her. I don't have a problem approaching girls but I need to be able to approach them in a way where they know I'm interested.
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    Uh oh. Full-blown AFC

    I'm a full blown AFC. Never been laid, etc. I'm 20 right now. I want to become a DJ and when I want to do something, I do it. Only problem is that i'm horribly awkward in social situations, even general freindship situations where no girls are present (I don't know when to shut up, etc). I want...