Dissolving My Marriage


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I'm not getting the correlation but nevermind, my question is rhetorical. We are on two completely different wavelengths, no sense debating this any further.
You are a woman. Of course you don’t understand the correlation.

The expectation women have is that men reject our biological imperative, but then women get game goofy as soon as female biological imperative is questioned:
Ok if you believe this then I assume you also believe that beautiful women need to stop chasing top tier men and instead choose low-income short kings?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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"I only like women with a waist to hip ratio of 0.8, under 150lbs and 5'6 or shorter
Must be a virgin, but not prude in bed. 20-25 y/o.
No debt."
Unlike the game most people ( both sexes, but i geuss more so women) end up with an empty board everytime, and no "winner".

Good thing is that women, unlike men, get "infinite continues ". Untill their...40 s?

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Good thing is that women, unlike men, get "infinite continues ". Untill their...40 s?
They have infinite lives so long as simps exist.

She could have 5 babies with 6 different daddies and they all different colors than her, and so long as she's attractive enough to give a nerd a stiffy - she still has lives left.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I once heard it phrased:
Men are loyal to their duties.
Women are loyal to their feelings.

By that definition, women are far more loyal than men.
By that metric, women are far more loyal to themselves than men.

When you're motivated by duty, you're selfless.
When you're motivated by feelings, you're selfish.
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Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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No one is telling a man to "fancy" one woman. A man (or woman) may fancy many people throughout their lives. Married or not, it's human nature to be attracted to the opposite sex (or the same sex), no one is refuting that, I'm certainly not.

BUT when you take the vow of fidelity in matrimony, you don't act on that attraction, that is what is meant by having character and integrity.

You don't allow your thirst for the vagina or to "spread your seed" to override your sense of integrity, loyalty and the commitment YOU made.

If you don't want to honor the commitment or if you don't believe you have it in your character to behave with integrity and remain faithful, then DON'T make the vow. It's really that simple and there is no debating this IMO. It's a choice.

Marriage is not a need, it's not a necessity. You can procreate, have a family WITHOUT marriage. And in my neck of the woods, many couples choose to do just that and their kids are happy, healthy, well adjusted kids who are loved by both parents. In some cases more so than when their parents are married but unhappy and one or both are cheating.

All this noise about biology and men and women valuing loyalty differently is a load of *. It's an excuse to disguise the fact that some men are incapable of controlling their thirst for other women and keeping it in their pants and justify it by saying it's biology or men and women are different, have a different sense of loyalty blah blah. It's weak.

Unless you wrote your own marital vows and remaining faithful to your spouse was omitted from those vows, by cheating you are breaking the vows thereby disrespecting the commitment YOU made to your marriage, your wife and ultimately yourself.
I realize you’re a chick and by default, like a high end Porsche, you’re still going to short circuit periodically despite how classy and attractive you may be, but you’re making a lot of sense here.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Re: spreading seed around

I have not met or heard one man who spoke about the inclination to spread it around who actually did so. In fact, they did all in their power not to.

I know one guy who has seven kids with different moms and he has never heard of the red pill or PUA or game.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Re: spreading seed around

I have not met or heard one man who spoke about the inclination to spread it around who actually did so. In fact, they did all in their power not to.

I know one guy who has seven kids with different moms and he has never heard of the red pill or PUA or game.
I think nowadays it's about the urge to, not the actual siring. There have been great improvements in condoms the past 50 years.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Yep. Some people still wonder why the guy with the super hot wife still has an affair… (they are in denial of the biology)
I do not wonder why he’d want to. I wonder why he cannot simply control his urge to cheat, in the same way one can control the urge to overeat or procrastinate or beat the sh-t out of someone or control his temper. Etc, etc.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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I do not wonder why he’d want to. I wonder why he cannot simply control his urge to cheat, in the same way one can control the urge to overeat or procrastinate or beat the sh-t out of someone or control his temper. Etc, etc.
In the past, cheating by powerful men, successful men, meant more offspring... more progeny. These women were given protection and resources by these men so in the past (and some may argue it happens even to this day), "cheating" is evolutions way of producing more "life" and for a lot of average women, a way to secure resources that were not available to them if they went with average men. Or in times of war and famine, these average men may not even exist in the first place.

Looking throughout history, there were reasons why concubines, "major"/"minor" wives, Muslim's "have as many wives as you can afford", etc.. etc.. why these ideas existed and champion by BOTH men and women.

While monogamy for average people is the rule, and not the exception. Rich, powerful, successful men have many women -- throughout human existence, that has also been the rule and not the exception.

Self controlling yourself to not over eat or beat some up one; these does not compare to bringing life into the world. Nature gives men (and women) a higher drive to reproduce then to eat that extra nacho chip (in general except for those F up 455lb edge cases :)

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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In the past, cheating by powerful men, successful men, meant more offspring... more progeny. These women were given protection and resources by these men so in the past (and some may argue it happens even to this day), "cheating" is evolutions way of producing more "life" and for a lot of average women, a way to secure resources that were not available to them if they went with average men. Or in times of war and famine, these average men may not even exist in the first place.

Looking throughout history, there were reasons why concubines, "major"/"minor" wives, Muslim's "have as many wives as you can afford", etc.. etc.. why these ideas existed and champion by BOTH men and women.

While monogamy for average people is the rule, and not the exception. Rich, powerful, successful men have many women -- throughout human existence, that has also been the rule and not the exception.

Self controlling yourself to not over eat or beat some up one; these does not compare to bringing life into the world. Nature gives men (and women) a higher drive to reproduce then to eat that extra nacho chip (in general except for those F up 455lb edge cases :)
Yes, I understand and know all that. Did you see my previous post about monogamy in this thread?

Pertinent video with author of Sexual Utopia in Power, one of my favorite books, which was more useful to me than Rollo’s. Topics covered: monogamy, polygamy, divorce court, feminism, Islam, inceldom. (Warning: He says some unflattering, politically incorrect statements.)

Mods: if I must delete this video, I will.

I highly doubt anyone in this forum is going to or seems to have a harem of wives or mistresses birthing his numerous children, let alone one child with one woman.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Once again we see complete black and white thinking. Women are perfectly capable of loyalty if they CHOSE to be loyal, just as men can be.

Both men and women are disloyal too. It has nothing to do with gender under circumstances of free will.

Character is what matters here. If you make a vow and uphold that vow you have character.

We ALL are presented with temptation at times. Character is upholding the vow even when nobody would catch you.

If you make a vow and break it? You have no character.

If you do not wish to uphold such vows? Simple. Don't make those vows. Don't marry. That is also character.

But to make the vow and then cheat or sneak about? That means your word has no value, your vow is a lie, and you break not only your word, but you break the trust that underpins your marriage.

Biology and desire is one thing. Character is upholding that vow in spite of biology and desire. Quit justifying infidelity as the male imperative; rather, be honest from the jump and don't get married.

Simple. Character and freedom to manw h o r e about both preserved. I know men who have the guts to be honest about this sort of thing with the women they are involved with. Comes from a very abundant mindset, but these men do lose good women who are not on board with that lifestyle and the associated risks (emotional, physical) from time to time. I've dropped men over that sort of thing in the past.

Eventually most of the players/playboys I've seen find a woman they consider worth it. And they leave all the other plates behind for her. Each one that I know personally is quite happy actually in his relationship and does not regret making that choice.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Eventually most of the players/playboys I've seen find a woman they consider worth it. And they leave all the other plates behind for her. Each one that I know personally is quite happy actually in his relationship and does not regret making that choice.
That is what you think. People are sneaky... What happens behind closed doors will amaze you. Also, people like to lie to themselves. There are "red flags", signs, etc.. but if it goes against their world views, they (maybe even you) will just discard it. It was only after the advent of DNA testing did scientist really understand the extent human cheating. Instead of 1 or 2%, it was close to 15 to 20% (some high number like that). High enough that some European countries have banned paternity tests all together.

We have to deal with the world as it is, not how we would like it to be. Some guys are alcoholics... To give him keys to a bar and expect him to have enough "character" to NOT get fall down drunk is unreasonable. Some girls are cranky when they are on their period, to expect them to have enough "character" to be nice and bubbly during this time is unreasonable.

Biology to a large extent controls us. Procreation is one of largest drivers of our lives... because of biology.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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To give him keys to a bar and expect him to have enough "character" to NOT get fall down drunk is unreasonable.
He is still responsible for his actions.
Some girls are cranky when they are on their period, to expect them to have enough "character" to be nice and bubbly during this time is unreasonable.
Still responsible for her actions and her lack of sheer willpower.

I have had women flagrantly ask me out while I was engaged and married. I said no. I respect my wife, in-laws, children, and even my own mother to do that considering if I were to do that, it would betray them all. I also sometimes receive IOI’s when out and about. I don’t act on them. It is that simple.

You see my avatar here. I got even leaner for the bodybuilding show I prepped for and that involved enduring CONSTANT extreme hunger, overtraining, and exhaustion. So somehow I overcame my biology to eat and rest. And no one is going to tell me, “but horniness is stronger than hunger,” if they haven’t experienced the hunger I’m talking about.

You can correct if I’m wrong, but it appears you are saying women should put up with infidelity simply because sexual urge is very strong.

Some actually do put up with cheating. I know one who has put up with it for nearly two decades. Others don’t have to.

Weeks ago there was a thread on here in which the OP implied men should just overlook cheating. That was interesting.
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