Discontent Towards Boomers


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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so crying will solve anything?

serious 12 pages and you guys just forget the basic, people need to blame someone, theya re not at fault is someone else, and want someone else to take responsability for they life too

nothing more


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Maybe some Gen Z and Gen Y men can chime in and tell me why this is so when men still have the strength and DNA to lead but opt for the "slacker" lifestyle instead. Then, they get all p*ssed off at those who are self-made and have worked their asses off and are successful.
One thing I have never understood about the manosphere is this idea that if it is hard for a guy to get a woman, he might as well just stay in the basement playing videogames instead of making a success out of himself. As if all a guy has to live for is a woman, or a rotation of women. Don't guys have any self respect anymore? There are a lot of rewards out there for those who make the effort. But you have to make an effort. Make yourself a success, improve your lifestyle, women are doing it. Meanwhile, the "men" are just giving up. Sad and pathetic.

These guys think they are hurting society somehow by being failures, but they're only hurting themselves.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Where do you live? Likely not the US.

We provide career management services for businesses and individuals so we serve a huge purpose and need by enabling business to hire, train, and keep top talent and individuals to land solid positions so they can provide for themselves and their family. We pay a ton of corporate taxes which go to providing all sorts of benefits and services for YOU if you live in the US.

Good grief man...
Thats cool ofcourse that sounds pretty decent, not that my opinion would be important to you.

All I know this is, Civilization is known by history to have been brought to the world by Prometheus/Bhrgu, they are the same person who brought both Fire and Civilization to man-kind.

I also know that the ancient Trad-Kings who developed society and were elite Trad-Kings didnt care much about Capitalism or Free Markets. This is why when we read ancient history wealthy business people ie merchants are rarely discussed or mentioned, simply because merchantism or capitalism by individuals or small groups was not considered important.

I know all this stuff because I come from the group (Bhrgus) who Prometheus is based on. Those Elite Trad Kings of the past would never respect Boomers or Capitalism.

They would be more interested in discussing issues with the left, things like the position of women, equalty, the environment, science, knowledge, masculinity, truth, virtue etc. They may not agree with the progressives, but they would be talking to them not the conservatives. They just wouldnt be interested in basic mecantalism, and boomers are all about.

I know of all ancient Civilizations, from Asia, Middle East and Europe, where all of it came from, and Boomers and Capitalists would never be respected by Prometheus or Kavis (ancient Persian Kings of Aryans, the most elite Trad-Kings of all-time).

Its not about 'equality' its just about dealing with more Civilizational issues rather than just building an basic economy.

We know all this economic stuff we dont need uneducated Boomers.

The coming order is going to be the Promethean order. Cos Prometheus was locked in a cave but he will surely return to guide man-kind a second time when the time is right.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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So what if we had it better? It was still no picnic. Would you accept that as an excuse for anything else? A man has to make himself a success, no matter what the environment that is going to hold true. Sitting around whining like an incel will get you nowhere.
Discontent of boomers having it better is the discussion topic. All the boomer defenders are saying the same thing; “so what boomers have it better, work hard and get rich.” It’s telling that you guys don’t seem to realize how out of touch this is.

So I go ahead and get rich (@EyeBRollin does quite well for himself), the fact remains that millennials in general are still financially fvcked because of the boomers. Most (> 95%millennials/gen Z) will not become rich. That is just reality. We cannot conflate the micro with the macro. So telling people to “work harder” is just patronizing platitudes.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Seriously? You think your generation is facked because of boomers? What a bunch of entitled little punks you are. I’m no boomer as I’ve said, and guess what? I’ve worked for everything I’ve gotten in life.

You kids want easy mode - guess what? Non existent. I joined the US Army before 18 with a waiver because I knew I needed to get the fack out of my situation and I knew at that tender age that I needed to work hard and sock it away, because no one was gunna come rescue me but me. I have wealth I earned on my own, I’m not asking for handouts or wringing my hands about not getting an inheritance or “easy times”.

You FSCKrs make me sick. You want to know why things are going to hell in a hand basket? Why I as a 50 year old get more tail than you could dream of? Because you’re a bunch of little special entitled snowflakes, and women can sniff that on you like a day old turd.

Grow the fack up.

I’ve seen war, and it’s horrible, but it’s the only way we can weed you weak little fcks out of the gene pool now. Do us all a favor do not reproduce.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Seriously? You think your generation is facked because of boomers? What a bunch of entitled little punks you are. I’m no boomer as I’ve said, and guess what? I’ve worked for everything I’ve gotten in life.

You kids want easy mode - guess what? Non existent. I joined the US Army before 18 with a waiver because I knew I needed to get the fack out of my situation and I knew at that tender age that I needed to work hard and sock it away, because no one was gunna come rescue me but me. I have wealth I earned on my own, I’m not asking for handouts or wringing my hands about not getting an inheritance or “easy times”.
So, you used a government institution to cannon your way out of the trenches, but is the government still considered bad? o_O The military is only a solution for people in dire situations with nowhere else to turn. The younger generation today tends to be in a different predicament. Yes, Mcjobs, enlisting, becoming an electrician, truck driving, and so on could have aided an unskilled individual in the past, but that won't work for a millennial with a four-year degree burdened by student loan debt seeking stable and gainful employment. Furthermore, the military has become more selective in its recruitment for certain positions. I attempted to join Officer Candidate School when I had the opportunity to transition careers at the time, but they rejected my application due to my flat feet. The military has done a horrendous job adapting to younger generations and low recruitment numbers show.
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score

drive a water truck in the bakken for a year = 200k those 200k pays off student loans just fine.

Or maybe this job that pays 184k might be more suited to the millennial skill set:

Sorry that you got 4F’d you might’ve gotten an enlisted man’s job but maybe not - not that you’d take it.

Your opinion of the armed forces is bitter lemons. And your post is littered with platitude as expected. No self awareness just everything is unfair there’s nothing wrong with me it’s the system! It’s the WHITE MEN! It’s the BOOMERS!

So, you used a government institution to cannon your way out of the trenches, but is the government still considered bad? o_O The military is only a solution for people in dire situations with nowhere else to turn. The younger generation today tends to be in a different predicament. Yes, Mcjobs, enlisting, becoming an electrician, truck driving, and so on could have aided an unskilled individual in the past, but that won't work for a millennial with a four-year degree burdened by student loan debt seeking stable and gainful employment. Furthermore, the military has become more selective in its recruitment for certain positions. I attempted to join Officer Candidate School when I had the opportunity to transition careers at the time, but they rejected my application due to my flat feet. The military has done a horrendous job adapting to younger generations and low recruitment numbers show.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Yes, Mcjobs, enlisting, becoming an electrician, truck driving, and so on could have aided an unskilled individual in the past, but that won't work for a millennial with a four-year degree burdened by student loan debt seeking stable and gainful employment
Who put you to get a degree in a subject that is not needed in the job market?

Just having a degree does not mean anything. It never did, just that in the past there were less subjects that they are nowadays so maybe that is why you think a degree mattered more in the past

If the purpose was to get education so you can get a better paying job than someone without an advanced degree, then you should have picked something that is needed like
engineer, medic, lawyer, business, finance, etc

If you got your degree in philosophy for example and you do not want to pursue a career in education , then you should have made peace with yourself that you gonna get a lot of debt and that most likely you gonna have low paying jobs

The government gave you the choice to do whatever you thought is best for you, and even gave you the opportunity to join a public university that has way lower rates. Why is the government or society responsible for you choosing a way more expensive option in a subject that is not needed by the job market?

No one forced you to do anything , it was entirely your decision where, how much to pay and for what

I got my degree in statistics and at the basis I am a data scientist. And a gen Y :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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So I go ahead and get rich (@EyeBRollin does quite well for himself), the fact remains that millennials in general are still financially fvcked because of the boomers. Most (> 95%millennials/gen Z) will not become rich. That is just reality. We cannot conflate the micro with the macro. So telling people to “work harder” is just patronizing platitudes.
What do you for a living?

What is your skill set?

Did you put the effort to get a qualification in anything worthwhile?

If the answer for the last questions is no then put the effort to learn something worthwhile and come back after and let us know if you are still a loser like now or not :)

Basic rule of making money: inventing something , solving complex problems, going for jobs that where the demand is higher than the offer, side hustles

You are the same guy if I remember correctly that was saying that if you make 100k you are rich. In any big American city 100k is the average salary. This means that 100k is not that hard to make if you play the game right
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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I live an hour away on the commuter train and was swimming in NYC pvssy. So I know that was cap.
Yeah right :)

When I was living in London, I was initially
Living quite far away from the city center in order to save money. Then I realized how expensive was to go to dates or how long it took to go somewhere and realized that it was cheaper to stay in the city center and live a good life

You basically are saying that are violating the most important rule of the game (
Logistics ) and bear no consequences

Where she lives is irrelevant, what matters is where you find her most of the time, and that is in the city. She takes the commuter train only
To go to sleep. These places are called dorms for a reason, because people just go
There to sleep or relax. Nothing really
Happens there, everyone is inside most of the time and see almost no one on the street after dark

Ofc, unless you are @EyeBRollin and all
Of the stuff do not apply to you. Only to the rest of men


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm Gen X.

Maybe if Gen Y and Z could put down their phones for 5 minutes and look around, they'd see ample opportunities to make money by starting a business, getting a low-priced online education, or even running for office if they don't like the way things are going.

It's no mistake Gen Y and Gen Z are widely and largely seen as entitled, effeminate, and whiny. These stereotypes didn’t pop out of thin air. I’ve owned a business consulting company for 22 years (I started in 2001 on the kitchen table with a phone and a legal tablet, now 8 offices in 7 states and 20+ employees) and can say that the females in Gen Z and Gen Y are FAR MORE motivated than the men. FAR MORE.

Maybe some Gen Z and Gen Y men can chime in and tell me why this is so when men still have the strength and DNA to lead but opt for the "slacker" lifestyle instead. Then, they get all p*ssed off at those who are self-made and have worked their asses off and are successful.

I welcome feedback and responses on my observation.
I'm Gen-X but what you described is the obvious result of social engineering. You emasculate and demotivate the young males, there's less resistance for what the WEF and company have planned.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Dianne Feinstein won't be running for re-election in 2024 and her term expires in January 2025. She is in poor health and some are concerned about her ability to even finish her current term.
She died within 12 hours of me writing that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Who put you to get a degree in a subject that is not needed in the job market?

Just having a degree does not mean anything. It never did, just that in the past there were less subjects that they are nowadays so maybe that is why you think a degree mattered more in the past

If the purpose was to get education so you can get a better paying job than someone without an advanced degree, then you should have picked something that is needed like
engineer, medic, lawyer, business, finance, etc

If you got your degree in philosophy for example and you do not want to pursue a career in education , then you should have made peace with yourself that you gonna get a lot of debt and that most likely you gonna have low paying jobs
My point is that a degree in philosophy, a degree in mechanical engineering, or even a degree in underwater basket weaving...all require a significant upfront investment of money and time. I have a marketable degree in an in-demand industry, so I may not fully understand the experiences of someone who majored in History or a similar field. Should only those with wealthy parents have the opportunity to attend college, while everyone else is left with limited options? Even to pursue a career as an electrician, you must invest in education and dedicate time to training. According to this criterion, unless you have the financial resources (for schooling and apprenticeship) and can cover the income lost during the training period, you might feel compelled to work at places like Kroger and hope for career advancement opportunities, even without a degree.

The government gave you the choice to do whatever you thought is best for you, and even gave you the opportunity to join a public university that has way lower rates. Why is the government or society responsible for you choosing a way more expensive option in a subject that is not needed by the job market?
I attended an affordable public university and had to work to cover my food and rent. Boomers often boast about how having a job in college meant paying for tuition or significantly reducing it, whereas my job primarily ensured I had a roof over my head and food on the table.

I got my degree in statistics and at the basis I am a data scientist. And a gen Y :)
Then why don't you quit your job and become an electrician or truck driver then since it is sooooooo GREAT :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Seriously? You think your generation is facked because of boomers? What a bunch of entitled little punks you are. I’m no boomer as I’ve said, and guess what? I’ve worked for everything I’ve gotten in life.

You kids want easy mode - guess what? Non existent. I joined the US Army before 18 with a waiver because I knew I needed to get the fack out of my situation and I knew at that tender age that I needed to work hard and sock it away, because no one was gunna come rescue me but me. I have wealth I earned on my own, I’m not asking for handouts or wringing my hands about not getting an inheritance or “easy times”.

You FSCKrs make me sick. You want to know why things are going to hell in a hand basket? Why I as a 50 year old get more tail than you could dream of? Because you’re a bunch of little special entitled snowflakes, and women can sniff that on you like a day old turd.

Grow the fack up.

I’ve seen war, and it’s horrible, but it’s the only way we can weed you weak little fcks out of the gene pool now. Do us all a favor do not reproduce.
This sounds like an opinion created by an easy life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
the fact remains that millennials in general are still financially fvcked because of the boomers. Most (> 95%millennials/gen Z) will not become rich.
Most boomers won't become rich either. You want me to feel sorry for someone because they're not rich? Not gonna happen. Just like I'm not going to feel sorry for someone because they don't have a rotation of five HB9s at all times. Sorry, nobody's entitled to be rich. I know plenty of people who don't have much, but they get by. And I don't buy that "millennials in general" are financially fvcked. And if they are, it's not because of boomers, it's because of bad decisions they themselves made. The problem with people today is they all want to play the victim card. This kind of thinking used to be roundly mocked by the manosphere, and deservedly so. Pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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And I don't buy that "millennials in general" are financially fvcked. And if they are, it's not because of boomers, it's because of bad decisions they themselves made.
You can choose not to believe that millennials are financially worse off, but reality says otherwise. On a macro level this “bad decisions” being the cause is just wrong. Millennials haven’t been writing the laws or holding the power.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
You can choose not to believe that millennials are financially worse off, but reality says otherwise. On a macro level this “bad decisions” being the cause is just wrong. Millennials haven’t been writing the laws or holding the power.
Most boomers are past retirement age. There are plenty of Millenials in positions of power now. Millennials might not be as well off as their parents, but saying that is the boomers fault is BS. I'm sure when boomers were a similar age, the previous generation had more money than they did also. Name me one thing I've done to "financially fvck" anybody. And yes, most people in the US make terrible financial decisions, that is not the boomers' fault either. Stand up and be responsible for yourself, and you will do all right.