Will you take the covid vaccine?

Will you get the vaccine...

  • Yes, as soon as possible

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • No way in hell

    Votes: 18 42.9%
  • I'm going to wait and see.

    Votes: 15 35.7%

  • Total voters
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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I have no idea, but I suggest you peruse Bitchute. If you do not think that all that is going on the year 2020 (and before) isn't a bit "strange," then you really should start right now, to give yourself Reason to give pause. 99.99% death rate on this no-more-than-flu virus.
Thanks. My penis will probably fall off in ten years, so the vaccine doesn't really scare me, lol. But I will wait to see how it affects others. If it turns them into superheroes and I miss out, I'll be pissed.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Thanks. My penis will probably fall off in ten years, so the vaccine doesn't really scare me, lol. But I will wait to see how it affects others. If it turns them into superheroes and I miss out, I'll be pissed.
I'm very angered by all this cause it's like what's-left-of my family is already killed off cause they are True Believers in the "virus" and Biden. The MSM has severely infected the minds of my last family members (except maybe one cousin), and it saddens me that, well, you know, how when you don't want to be around/talk to people who are stupid or are mind-controlled EVEN IF they are your family or "blood." To me, it's either, you're really dumb or you're Willingly choosing Evil or immorality over what is good or right or truthful. So I don't wanna be around/talk to dumb people and Wrong (Evil) people, so though my family is not entirely gone from this Earth, for all intents and purposes they are infected beyond repair from the MSM meme-pathogen(s).

I am having Thanksgiving/holidays at Friends and co-workers' homes (they themselves victims of the MSM meme-pathogens that have infected THEIR families' who are not in attendance's minds). It's sad, but reasoning, Sane, people must band together in these terrible tyrannical times, family be damned.

This is a millennial or millennium-contrived "plan" in the works, and right now a major hurdle is being leaped (or attempted to be leaped) over. If we do not stop it Now, then the condition (due to technology/tracking/censorship) of humans on the planet will be forever changed to Slavery. There will be no more freedom, except for those in the Billionacracy.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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I'll wait to see if people start turning into I Am Legend creatures first


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
The amount of conspiracy theory bullshvt in this thread is troubling.

There are only three viable choices:

1) Catch COVID-19
2) Stay in your house for the next 2-3 years until herd immunity is achieved
3) Take the vaccine

Take your pick.

I opt for option #3, as whatever is in the vaccine is highly unlikely to be worse than what COVID-19 does to the body.

But of course, there are people in this country that would rather we still have to deal with diseases that are all but extinct due to vaccination.

If you’re a healthy person, “wait and see” is moot as you are the last eligible for vaccination. We’re talking six months into the process, maybe longer. My coworker’s father is a physician and is getting the moderna vaccine next week. But all the conspiracy theory nutters know more than the medical professionals. You’re also fooling yourself if you think any first world country will let unvaccinated tourists into their country in the future.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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Im being manipulated by fear? My words are utter fiction? I don't live in fear, cause when you do, you become a slave. You're alseep to what's really happening in the world. No matter how much truth I post I will always look crazy to those who are alseep. All you had to do was some digging on Snopes to find they're a joke. It is your right to interpret what anyone posts or says the way you see fit. If one truly cares about the truth he/she will seek it. I don't want anyone believing anything I post.
You're not afraid? Your words and actions speak otherwise. You are afraid and paranoid. You will find fault in any source that contradicts your worldview, and subscribe only to ones that do,

Did you watch the court hearings with Big Tech to see how they blatantly break the law by censoring the truth and leaving lies? They're controlling peoples minds without them even realizing it. Yahoo, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Aol, ect are all working for the left which is run by a Satanic cult. That's all fiction too right? What's really going on in the world is so dark, so evil, so sinister that the average humans brain cannot even process it as non-fiction.
Paranoid rant, unless you can specifically identify, with credible evidence, exactly who this "Satanic cult" is.

I mean, seriously, the right loves to make fun of the "Circular Firing Squads" that occur in the political left. What in the fvck makes you think that they can all point in the same direction for long enough to maintain a secret Satanic Cult that runs everything? You give them too much credit. And if there were credible evidence, don't you think the political right would be all over it? I mean, beyond the usual fallacy of truth-by-repeated-assertion.

But, never mind, I've personally known delusional people and I know that factual arguments are pointless.

There was articles I saved of people in the vaccine trials who said they lost touch with God after taking it. Or described themselves as soulless after taking it. No spiritual connection. All those articles have vanished within the past month as the links are now gone.

View attachment 5255
Looks pretty old. To quote Covid-deniers, what's to say he wouldn't have passed soon anyway? And I see the truth-distortions already, as the title suggests causation but doesn't come right out and actually say it. Tried and true technique of "dog whistling".
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
So...how many? Out of 8 billion, ballpark figure. Just curious about the plan.
Oh come on, you're no fun. You want verifiable details? Plans for world domination never, ever get beyond the level of a PowerPoint, didn't you know that?

I'd say we're dealing with more of a People's Judean Front rather than the People's Front of Judea, you silly, silly person!


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
I see this alot.. Absolutely no mention of Long Covid.. You do realise there are thousands & thousands of young healthy people who have not fully recovered & still are unwell with covid19 illness.

I have noticed many of the long Covid sick caught the virus back March..Maybe the strain isn't as deadly anymore.
I don't worry about things I can't control. What we can control is how healthy we live. People that don't die of Covid will die of other things that they could've controlled(smoking, drinking, weight, nutrition, excercise, etc). Like I said, I haven't seen anyone healthy without any underlying medical conditions die from this. They only got sick but recovered(most without being hospitalized). That doesn't mean you may get exceptions here and there though. I just haven't seen any. This includes my 81yo father-in-law who has been sick with Covid for 3 weeks now. He's never been hospitalized but just rested at home while he tries to get better. Good news is he is starting to get better after 3 weeks which was around the same time for me too.

Long term effects can be applied to anything. Drinking, smoking, lack of excercise, obesity, eating too many sweets. These are things we are in control of and should be worrying and doing something about. My $.02


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oh come on, you're no fun. You want verifiable details? Plans for world domination never, ever get beyond the level of a PowerPoint, didn't you know that?

I'd say we're dealing with more of a People's Judean Front rather than the People's Front of Judea, you silly, silly person!
actually a lot of conpiracy theory after some years proved to be truth, what I knowis fearmongering is a nice way to control people, a virus release by china (more likely lab build), but no one is blaming china or asking for reparations, even if it was natural occurency, it did happen for lack of china of informing people and trying to contain the things, it was almost like they wanted it to spread.

also any guys saying teh virus is bad, did you check the suicide rates? and otehr healthy issues caused by this whole fear mongering, or you guys will also negate that?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
actually a lot of conpiracy theory after some years proved to be truth, what I knowis fearmongering is a nice way to control people, a virus release by china (more likely lab build), but no one is blaming china or asking for reparations, even if it was natural occurency, it did happen for lack of china of informing people and trying to contain the things, it was almost like they wanted it to spread.

also any guys saying teh virus is bad, did you check the suicide rates? and otehr healthy issues caused by this whole fear mongering, or you guys will also negate that?
Who's telling people to be afraid? Is advocating for drunk-driving laws fearmongering? After all, drunk-driving laws are more about protecting the non-driver (especially people outside the vehicle), is that driven by fear? Or, just maybe, to protect the common good?

Do you look both ways before crossing the street? Yes? Well then, the fearmongering must have cowed you into being a wimp who's afraid of what a 'lil old automobile might do to you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
I don't worry about things I can't control. What we can control is how healthy we live. People that don't die of Covid will die of other things that they could've controlled(smoking, drinking, weight, nutrition, excercise, etc). Like I said, I haven't seen anyone healthy without any underlying medical conditions die from this. They only got sick but recovered(most without being hospitalized). That doesn't mean you may get exceptions here and there though. I just haven't seen any. This includes my 81yo father-in-law who has been sick with Covid for 3 weeks now. He's never been hospitalized but just rested at home while he tries to get better. Good news is he is starting to get better after 3 weeks which was around the same time for me too.
Don't conflate the inability to reduce the risk to zero with not having control. Behaviors in a pandemic do matter, and do have consequences. How many outbreaks that were verified by contact tracing does it take before a reasonable person acknowledges this?

Long term effects can be applied to anything. Drinking, smoking, lack of excercise, obesity, eating too many sweets. These are things we are in control of and should be worrying and doing something about. My $.02
Victim-blaming. Nice one.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
The amount of conspiracy theory bullshvt in this thread is troubling.

There are only three viable choices:

1) Catch COVID-19
2) Stay in your house for the next 2-3 years until herd immunity is achieved
3) Take the vaccine

Take your pick.
Or work out in the open and indoors intersecting various people from all walks of life and conditions, for the entirety of this hoax, with 4 weeks off vacation thrown in, and allthewhile taking Vitamin-C and Zinc daily as well as already being fit through exercise since August 2019, and you'll still be disaffected, not only from this hoax, but from things like the old-school flu (that apparently no longer EXISTS??) and various other sniffles.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
You're not afraid? Your words and actions speak otherwise. You are afraid and paranoid. You will find fault in any source that contradicts your worldview, and subscribe only to ones that do,

Paranoid rant, unless you can specifically identify, with credible evidence, exactly who this "Satanic cult" is.

I mean, seriously, the right loves to make fun of the "Circular Firing Squads" that occur in the political left. What in the fvck makes you think that they can all point in the same direction for long enough to maintain a secret Satanic Cult that runs everything? You give them too much credit. And if there were credible evidence, don't you think the political right would be all over it? I mean, beyond the usual fallacy of truth-by-repeated-assertion.

But, never mind, I've personally known delusional people and I know that factual arguments are pointless.
If my posts come off as paranoid or scared then the problem lies with you interrupting it that way. Unless you get pleasure from telling people they are as you've called out others for the same? Of course I sound crazy to you and everyone else who's sleeping.

I could provide tons of evidence to prove the world is run by a group of Satanic Cult worshiping Free Masons but you would still say my evidence is false or you don't believe it. You're asking questions you should already know the answer to if you actually cared about the truth and how the Matrix works. I won't waste my time with you cause if you're aren't awake in 2020, there is no hope for you. If the deep dark secrets of the worlds most powerful came out, many would hang themselves or check themselves into a psychward.

For many of you, you're imagination of reality is about to change.

What's that mean?
I purposely didn't explain to show how most people want to be spoon fed information, nor want the truth about what's really going on in the world. People who truly want the truth will seek it, those who don't want to be spoon fed.



Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
what I knowis fearmongering is a nice way to control people
I Only first was made awares of the capability of mass-fear-mongering when I was in my late 20s. I Never was a Demoncrat though I was liberal in the my early youth. My mind was willing to go to the depths of depravity, but it couldn't (I had virtually NO creativity - and was straight-up math-based logical in my thinking and thus receiving straight As in math from grade school through college - although advanced calculus became troublesome toward the end but my grades never fell to C or D in that area). I Wanted to be creative or "outside the box" in my nubile youth, but I had walls (like Pink Floyd) erected in my brain that still blocked my mind from breaking through. Weed didn't even help (though I didn't do it much despite having considerable access).

So, September 2005 after months, if not Years, of FOX news and ALL other news' Fear mongering 24/7 about the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, the "War on Terror" (when THEY were doing the "terrorizing" the mental breakdown of our populace). I was pro-Israel up until then or after cutting off ALL TV-watching from then on (thus just using my laptop at the time for keeping abreast of whatever). The TV still lingered over the fireplace, but it Never got turned on again. I threw that old still-working CRT TV in the dump in 2017 (clearing out a lot of sh!t because I'd thought I was gonna be moving into a much bigger home but the deal fell through).

So That got the ball rolling and by 2010-2011 maybe a little later I was Fully aware of WHO is in control and how vast how wide this Grip on our lives exceeded to All facets: university, lower level schools, from Birth, our doctors, lawyers (especially) - the courts, MEDIA, big corporations (that once successful or making money succumb to these wicked people who siphon off the tops of their lucrativeness shaving their coffers until they are no more - see Sears, see JC Penny, see General Electric, and on and on and on now-shell of a once great or dominant corporation).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
If my posts come off as paranoid or scared then the problem lies with you interrupting it that way. Unless you get pleasure from telling people they are as you've called out others for the same? Of course I sound crazy to you and everyone else who's sleeping.
This runs exactly like conversations I've had with clinically delusional people I've known. Basically that their mind has been opened to the truth, and other people's minds are incapable of seeing it.

I could provide tons of evidence to prove the world is run by a group of Satanic Cult worshiping Free Masons but you would still say my evidence is false or you don't believe it. You're asking questions you should already know the answer to if you actually cared about the truth and how the Matrix works. I won't waste my time with you cause if you're aren't awake in 2020, there is no hope for you. If the deep dark secrets of the worlds most powerful came out, many would hang themselves or check themselves into a psychward.

For many of you, you're imagination of reality is about to change.
I asked for credible evidence, and you give a mix of "don't wanna" and Jack Nicholson. Nice.

I purposely didn't explain to show how most people want to be spoon fed information, nor want the truth about what's really going on in the world. People who truly want the truth will seek it, those who don't want to be spoon fed.
More evasion and misdirection. Nice.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Don't conflate the inability to reduce the risk to zero with not having control. Behaviors in a pandemic do matter, and do have consequences. How many outbreaks that were verified by contact tracing does it take before a reasonable person acknowledges this?

Victim-blaming. Nice one.
Not going to engage or argue something that won't go anywhere. You cannot reduce a virus to zero. Impossible and it's not "if" but "when" people will get it. People always try to change things out of their control including other people. Some can't accept reality of what will happen.

Victim blaming, if you fall into one of these categories then damn right I am. It's about time fat Americans or people not looking after their health in general begin to do so and if this Covid isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
This runs exactly like conversations I've had with clinically delusional people I've known. Basically that their mind has been opened to the truth, and other people's minds are incapable of seeing it.

I asked for credible evidence, and you give a mix of "don't wanna" and Jack Nicholson. Nice.

More evasion and misdirection. Nice.
Ain't that cute. You're like a little baby who wants to be spoon fed.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I purposely didn't explain to show how most people want to be spoon fed information, nor want the truth about what's really going on in the world. People who truly want the truth will seek it, those who don't want to be spoon fed.
I didn't ask for the truth. I asked for a definition or clarification of what you said. Your rationalization is retarded, by the way. I'm willing to hear your argument but you're not willing or able to provide it in full. If you're not interested in persuading me or informing me, okay then.
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