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  1. P

    Feeling Disgusted with Women

    Can anybody relate to the way I'm feeling? I'm 24, and I used to be very naive about what girls were like when I was younger. Now, I feel fully awakened to how a majority of women have been living their lives sexually and it sickens me. I don't want to care but I can't get over it. Let me assure...
  2. P

    Would you still date this girl after she said this?

    I have been dating this girl that I'm really into for a month. We went longer than I have ever gone (by far) with any girl without having sex. This past weekend we finally did it after a month of dating. It went well and all blah blah blah. Anyway she told me I was talking to her drunkenly the...
  3. P

    I just got into a MAJOR fight with my girlfriend. Should I apologize?

    My girlfriend and I just got into possibly the biggest fight I have ever gotten into. Seriously, this is bad. The relationship looks to be on the brink of being over. We actually started arguing when she mentioned the "wage gap" between men and women, and I said it was mainly due to the fact...
  4. P

    My girl wants to hang out with her ex. What do I do?

    Okay, long story short, I have officially been bf/gf with this girl for a couple of weeks, and she told me originally that she is not going to talk to her ex who cheated on her multiple times before she broke up with him. Well he imed her today and she told me that he wants to hang out. She...
  5. P

    She wants to get "serious". Is it worth it?

    I have been "dating" this girl for about a month or so now, and we have been having a lot of sex, hanging out, etc. Personally, I like the deal that we have going right now. The sex has been awesome, but lately she has been withholding it to a degree. She did give me a BJ a couple days ago, but...
  6. P

    I'm so torn right now

    Okay, this situation that I am in might seem weird, but it is really stressing me out. In short, I am torn between an awesome girl and my love of bodybuilding. I have been lifting for a long time, although pretty much every time something has gotten in the way and I would stop for a few weeks...
  7. P

    Throwing a Party Tonight, and I am SO Screwed!

    Seriously, I am sooo screwed right now. My roommates and I are having a party tonight and I invited every girl I know. Like seriously every girl I ever met in college. I have been secretly going tanning, and I went twice. I think I misused the goggles this time because these are seriously the...
  8. P

    Is it worth it to compete with another guy for a girl?

    Okay, here's a quick synopsis: I met a girl at my college, she is pretty damn hot and about as cool of a girl as your ever going to meet. We have been talking, teasing back and forth, and for once the whole C+F thing is actually working for me. She told my friend that she "likes" me a few days...
  9. P

    Are you in the "Harmless Zone" with girls?

    I just read an article about guys being in the "Harmless Zone", and it is so true! It talks about how girls seem interested in a guy, but it is really because they see him as "harmless". Here is an excerpt, in which the guy gives examples of these types of guys: 5) Physically Uncared For, To...
  10. P

    Met hot girls, but found out that they're big-time Christians!

    I knew that this was going to happen. Me and my friend were playing horseshoes in the courtyard at college, and these girls (2 of which were really hot) came up to us and asked us to play volleyball. So we played with them and they were really nice and cool. They said that they want to play...
  11. P

    Doesn't Marriage go Completely against Nature?

    I have been thinking about it, and to me marriage seems like a huge farce. In all species, it is in the male's nature to spread his seed. Also, once a women knows that she has a man, the spark is gone for her. There are even studies that show that after a year of seeing each other, interest...
  12. P

    Which "high" lasts longer: Weed or Alcohol?

    I am wondering this because college is about to start again, and I know that I am going to be at some parties. I work out often and am kind of worried about getting back into drinking as the empty calories/bad hangovers tend to really hurt my gains. My past two years of college I have been only...
  13. P

    Did Anybody See the New Trojan Condom Ad? This type of stuff just gets under my skin for some reason. Every commercial I see it portrays the man as the stupid, dopey one and the woman as the voice of reason and intelligence, but I think this commercial took it a little too far.
  14. P

    Do You Thrive more Off of Positive, or Negative Motivation?

    This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately. Personally, I tend to thrive off of the negative. For instance, this one thing that happened 3 years ago when I was in high school and still motivates me to this day: Me and a couple friends were meeting some girls at a pool. I am a...
  15. P

    Altering my sleep schedule; Good idea or Bad?

    I am finally beginning to accept the fact that I am an insomniac, and there isn't much that I can do to change it. I have tried sleeping pills, anxiety meds etc, and I just can not go to bed before 1 in the morning. Also, I have a huge problem with waking up before 11AM. It must just be some...
  16. P

    SHOCKING crime that got NO media coverage Video: The fact that this got absolutely no national press coverage is extremely disturbing to me. Look at how much coverage the Duke case got. How about Don Imus with his remarks? In my opinion, this is a...
  17. P

    I can't get up in the morning!

    This is a huuge problem that I have had for a long time. I have tried everything to try to get myself to wake up. I write messages to myself and tape them to the alarm clock, set reminders, try all different alarms, etc. but once morning time comes, I can't bring myself to get out of bed. This...
  18. P

    Can someone explain why this guy at my college gets so much a$$?

    There's this guy at my school, and I would say that he is 90% the opposite of what this site says. He is basically the anti-alpha. A total wimp, consantly backing out of fights (he actaully pissed a guy off, so the guy took a swing at him and accidently punches this kid's girlfriend in the face...
  19. P

    NEVER Settle for less

    This is a lesson that I learned the hard way. It started for me last semester when I was starting to get desperate for a girl. I was going through some tough times and my self-esteem was pretty low, and I began thinking that maybe instead of aiming too high, I should just settle for a not-so-hot...
  20. P

    How do I get a girl that likes me out of my life?

    Okay, so there's this girl that likes me, and I can tell she likes me a lot. Before winter break, she stopped by my room almost every day and overstayed her welcome (she would stay for at least 3 hours just waiting for something to happen). I am kind of to blame for this though, and it makes the...