Feeling Disgusted with Women


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
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Can anybody relate to the way I'm feeling? I'm 24, and I used to be very naive about what girls were like when I was younger. Now, I feel fully awakened to how a majority of women have been living their lives sexually and it sickens me. I don't want to care but I can't get over it. Let me assure you that this is NOT written out of sexual frustration. Over the past couple of years I have been having more sex than I ever really imagined I would. Actually, this may be part of my "awakening" to the way girls have been all along.

Back when I was getting zero action from women, I would often lay in bed at night and think about what my dream girl that I would eventually find was doing at that exact moment. I imagined that she was laying in her bed, wondering the same thing as me. I fantasized about how we would eventually bump into each other and get to talking, fall in love, get married, all that good stuff. But the reality is that while my young AFC butt was laying in bed wondering these things, that "dream girl" was off giving blowies to jerks on the football team or drunkenly banging some random dude in a bathroom stall somewhere. THAT IS THE REALITY FOR MOST GIRLS TODAY! MTV and other similar media have brainwashed all of us into thinking this is all okay and part of growing up.

What further disgusts me is that once these girls are done with their crazy years they're gonna be ready to settle down and start a family. They will find guys like us, who have or had trouble with girls because they tried to do things the noble and respectful way instead of treating them like crap or being general Dbags. Yeah, once they've been pounded enough times then they will be ready to start a family and live their dream life, using the income of some poor soul who did things the "right" way. I know I sound bitter, and ya know what? I am. Sorry for rant...


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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yea well take a number


Oct 20, 2006
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With most men if they had less women flake on them and/or were more skilled in years past, they'd have been with 40+ women by now easy (by age 30 for example). So if you meet a woman that age who was with that many men , it might not be as unusual or as bad as you think. Of course, it also might mean she is desensitized to sex and therefore will never really fall for any man (i.e., jaded).

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
I know what you're feeling, man. I used to feel that way too. But what you're feeling isn't really disgust with women. It's disgust with being lied to your whole life. Because had you not been fed a false bill of goods from the beginning, you wouldn't have had those previous AFC expectations in the first place. It's the shattering of that illlusion that hurts at first. But once you get accustomed to the way things really are, it's not really as bad as it seems right now. For starters, not all women are as dirty and used as you think they are. Pay attention to which ponds you're fishing in. It makes a huge difference in what you catch. Just because culture encourages women to act like *** dumpsters doesn't mean they are all like that. But if you're looking for a wife or girlfriend in the bar or club scene, you're fishing in a sceptic tank.

Look for a girl whose parents are still married and who has a good relationship with her dad. She might have a bit of a daddy's girl streak in her, but if she comes from a good family, you're not likely to find too many football team gangbangs in her history. Because her self-identity didn't come from television.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Production6257 said:
Can anybody relate to the way I'm feeling? I'm 24, and I used to be very naive about what girls were like when I was younger. Now, I feel fully awakened to how a majority of women have been living their lives sexually and it sickens me. I don't want to care but I can't get over it. Let me assure you that this is NOT written out of sexual frustration. Over the past couple of years I have been having more sex than I ever really imagined I would. Actually, this may be part of my "awakening" to the way girls have been all along.

Back when I was getting zero action from women, I would often lay in bed at night and think about what my dream girl that I would eventually find was doing at that exact moment. I imagined that she was laying in her bed, wondering the same thing as me. I fantasized about how we would eventually bump into each other and get to talking, fall in love, get married, all that good stuff. But the reality is that while my young AFC butt was laying in bed wondering these things, that "dream girl" was off giving blowies to jerks on the football team or drunkenly banging some random dude in a bathroom stall somewhere. THAT IS THE REALITY FOR MOST GIRLS TODAY! MTV and other similar media have brainwashed all of us into thinking this is all okay and part of growing up.

What further disgusts me is that once these girls are done with their crazy years they're gonna be ready to settle down and start a family. They will find guys like us, who have or had trouble with girls because they tried to do things the noble and respectful way instead of treating them like crap or being general Dbags. Yeah, once they've been pounded enough times then they will be ready to start a family and live their dream life, using the income of some poor soul who did things the "right" way. I know I sound bitter, and ya know what? I am. Sorry for rant...

I recently had a similar thread to yours, the more I go through life after the "awakening" the more dishearted I become about women. The truth is I use to be just like you and now I realize that women in the west are truly fucced

Entitled-Spoiled-rude-stuck up-no manners-can't cook

I saw a POF profile the other day of a women complaning about "lame men" etc and how guys in my area had no game and crap, well the bytch was 7 months prego what the fucc is she doing on a online dating website?

The quality of standards and the decay of society has ruined it all

At times I wonder if this shyt is even worth it, all this for what? a nut?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
I feel the same to be honest. Agree with the poster that said there are some girls out there that aren't like this. Just have to search for those I guess - it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

It's good that these slvts exist though. They're fine for the occasional one night stand or pump and dump. If all girls were virtuous and chaste it would be even harder than it is to get laid. But, yeah, don't ever ask me to take that type of girl seriously or 'respect' her. You can't make a ho a housewife.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Frustration that high quality women are becoming harder and harder to find and that it's uncool to have morals and being a sperm recepticle is cool.

Unfortunately a lot of us grew up with 80s movies selling the idea that the nerdy guys or the uncool guys would rise up and get the hot girl because their unique coolness would win out in the end and the cool guy would screw up.

It doesn't work that way. I grew being way too respecful of women to the point where I'm sure I've low balled my value for women who deserve to be with 2-3 guys.

The fact of the matter is that women aren't porcelean princesses with their virtue intact. Most women want to get laid and it's up to us to get them primed.

Lose the illusion that women are virtuous, honest, chaste etc. THey're just human with warts like any one else. The martyr act is great until you realize that while you're esposuing virtue, piety etc every one else is getting laid and having fun.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Fvck it dude, just bang chicks. Don't think about it. I was in a relationship with a girl just for just 5 days recently.. I hadn't been in one since I was 14 (21 now), but I went crazy during those 5 days. I couldn't hangout with friends that were girls cause she'd lose her mind if she wasn't there to make sure I'm not cheating, she'd get pissed I would put my priorities before being able to just hangout and do nothing with her, and so much other stupid sh1t it's not even funny. Just be cool, confident, and charismatic.. You'll eventually find a girl and she won't be crazy like this one I landed lol.

... And I just want to clear up a big misconception this board keeps throwing in our faces..


The reason why everyone on here thinks they are is cause most of you guys just hit the clubs and bars expecting to find a sweetheart, but let's be real here.. Terribly lonely people, alcoholics/drug addicts, AWs, shallow people, and gold diggers hangout in places like this. That's a lot of crap to wade through if you want to find a half decent girl.

And most of this "White Knight" bvllsh1t is ridiculous too.. You really think the girls can't see that you're just treating them this way because you want to get down their pants just like every other dude? You're willing to do every stupid little task they could easily take care of themselves just to get some action.. Come on man. A girl has every right to manipulate you if you're THAT desperate for pvssy. I know everyone thinks "BUT I LOVED HER".. WRONG. She's just a decent looking girl that showed you attention when you rarely got it. You can get it often easily.

That's why girls fall for jerks originally.. They realize "Oh wow he's not doing everything for me like all these other guys... He must not want to get down my pants. I have to figure out how to get his attention so he will change his mind about me." Girls think this way because they have to create some kind of system to filter guys from them. Much like how us guys won't fvck a girl if she's ugly and fat. It's not rocket science.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know if it is fair to say that every woman fits that profile.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Alex DeLarge said:
And most of this "White Knight" bvllsh1t is ridiculous too.. You really think the girls can't see that you're just treating them this way because you want to get down their pants just like every other dude? You're willing to do every stupid little task they could easily take care of themselves just to get some action.. Come on man. A girl has every right to manipulate you if you're THAT desperate for pvssy. I know everyone thinks "BUT I LOVED HER".. WRONG. She's just a decent looking girl that showed you attention when you rarely got it. You can get it often easily.

That's why girls fall for jerks originally.. They realize "Oh wow he's not doing everything for me like all these other guys... He must not want to get down my pants. I have to figure out how to get his attention so he will change his mind about me." Girls think this way because they have to create some kind of system to filter guys from them. Much like how us guys won't fvck a girl if she's ugly and fat. It's not rocket science.
The reason girls fall for jerks is simply because the jerks have good looks enough that they can get away with treating them badly or not supplicating to them. Also, they look like they can protect her. Someone with average looks will probably get less attention in the first place and latch on to someone who is giving them some attention. Because, obviously, what does "she" see in me, and automatically she's put on a pedistle. But that quicly breaks apart when you see that she has one standard for you, and another standard for a "hot" guy.

It's interesting to see these nice guy, jerks, white knight, arguements on here go totally oblivious to looks. That is not in a vacuum. The real statement is that girls compete for the hottest guys, whether they are jerks, nice guys, or "white knights". That is why I think most stuff that ignores the "looks" issue is just BS. It is sort of like saying, in analogy, well, these rich people don't steal food to survive like these poor people do, therefore they must have a better upbringing without looking at the money issue.

Again, if someone is crowded by girls to the point of irritation, then they will not likely behave like a "white knight" simply because his world is used to all that attention.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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The_411 said:
The fact of the matter is that women aren't porcelean princesses with their virtue intact. Most women want to get laid and it's up to us to get them primed.

Lose the illusion that women are virtuous, honest, chaste etc. THey're just human with warts like any one else. The martyr act is great until you realize that while you're esposuing virtue, piety etc every one else is getting laid and having fun.
I understand women are human too but I'd be afraid to make any kind of physical contact with one if she has any warts. I don't have any. What you describe for women as "just wanting to get laid" is nothing more then just wanting attention and is usually accompanied by a mere substitution for love. I tried to look at it from the "women are just as horny as men" viewpoint and now just see it for the bull**** that it is. It just doesn't work that way.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
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corrector said:
The reason girls fall for jerks is simply because the jerks have good looks enough that they can get away with treating them badly or not supplicating to them. Also, they look like they can protect her. Someone with average looks will probably get less attention in the first place and latch on to someone who is giving them some attention. Because, obviously, what does "she" see in me, and automatically she's put on a pedistle. But that quicly breaks apart when you see that she has one standard for you, and another standard for a "hot" guy.

It's interesting to see these nice guy, jerks, white knight, arguements on here go totally oblivious to looks. That is not in a vacuum. The real statement is that girls compete for the hottest guys, whether they are jerks, nice guys, or "white knights". That is why I think most stuff that ignores the "looks" issue is just BS. It is sort of like saying, in analogy, well, these rich people don't steal food to survive like these poor people do, therefore they must have a better upbringing without looking at the money issue.

Again, if someone is crowded by girls to the point of irritation, then they will not likely behave like a "white knight" simply because his world is used to all that attention.
Looks do fit into the equation, but I'm not exactly a super model myself. I'm average height, a little bit of acne, slight beer gut, two scars on my face.. Nothing special really. But I have a look going for me. I play guitar in a band and dress sort of rock n roll and have tattoos. I'm sort of well known in my area for being a musician and have people who I don't even know approach me on the street or at gigs and ask how my band's doing (The part of town I live in is full of college kids and musicians). I have 3 different girls chasing me right now, an HB9, an HB8, and a HB7. Two of these girls are pretty good friends lol.. Haven't fvcked any of them. Never had sex in my life either, it's just not really something I strive for right away.

But the funny thing is, all 3 of these girls always compliment my looks, the way I'm dressed, and personal things like intelligence. Funny thing is, I'm not super smart, and most of the time I see these girls whether it be school or somewhere in town.. I just rolled out of bed, have messy hair and look like sh1t. Most of the clothing they compliment me for wearing too is stuff I got from Thrift stores like Goodwill.

It doesn't matter how good looking a dude is. I know some guys who could seriously be models (tall, dark, and handsome) but they act desperate as fvck with girls and just wind up getting shot down. Sorry dude, looks aren't everything.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Alex DeLarge said:
Terribly lonely people, alcoholics/drug addicts, AWs, shallow people, and gold diggers hangout in places like this. That's a lot of crap to wade through if you want to find a half decent girl.

And most of this "White Knight" bvllsh1t is ridiculous too.. You really think the girls can't see that you're just treating them this way because you want to get down their pants just like every other dude? You're willing to do every stupid little task they could easily take care of themselves just to get some action.. Come on man. A girl has every right to manipulate you if you're THAT desperate for pvssy. I know everyone thinks "BUT I LOVED HER".. WRONG. She's just a decent looking girl that showed you attention when you rarely got it. You can get it often easily.

That's why girls fall for jerks originally.. They realize "Oh wow he's not doing everything for me like all these other guys... He must not want to get down my pants. I have to figure out how to get his attention so he will change his mind about me." Girls think this way because they have to create some kind of system to filter guys from them. Much like how us guys won't fvck a girl if she's ugly and fat. It's not rocket science.
This here is the bitter truth, clubs will never ever reveal a good quality woman. People only go there to kill time and hookup nothing more, your only going to get a quick lay from a club or bar. If your dumb enough to date or get into a serious ltr with a woman from a club or bar then you deserve the garbage she comes with.

Best way to meet a lady that meets your expectations is to approach as many as you can whenever you can and date as many as you can. Also having your life sorted is a bonus.

But get rid of that BS fairytale in your head of growing up getting educated and finding a good woman because the truth of the matter is that everything that can be done with a woman has already been done long before you got with her.

So go out there live your life bang as many woman as you can and don't take them seriously because they aren't serious creatures at all.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I used to think like that. It's good that you had that thought, alot of men don't. It's part of your maturation.

Then I realized something.. the only difference between a man and a woman.. if we are being 100% bull **** aside honest, is the time in our lives that we "play" lol becuase if something happens to me and i get divorced, i will be that guy getting blown by that 22 year old in the club or screwing random women at starbucks and feel damn good about it.

Because everything in your post, that you said women would do, the vast majority of guys here would do, including myself if given the opproutnity at that same age. The only difference is that we at that age, are not as desirable as women are at that age. If a man does what he is supposed to do, and plays his cards right, take care of himself, you and here will eventually switch places if you don't settle down too early. You will do everything that you despise the woman for doing and you will love it and think no less of yourself for doing it, hell you will probably post a FR here about it.

sex is not a moral issue. I cannot stress that enough. It is an opportunity issue.

I've been there. I've seen girls i would have in my late teens early 20's got into LTR's with, brag about basically getting ran through. I've seen girls that i would have done anything to get with basically treat their lives as it was one big esposide of naughtyamerica, teachers, bosses, friends boyfriends, etc. I'd be lying if i said it didn't suck. But it took some years for me to grasp the fact that the only difference between them and myself was desirability. I am not more or less virtuous than them, only that, them being perky breasts tight bodied 21 year olds, made them more desirable in societies eyes.

You are thinking too much. Just take it day by day, go have fun, spin plates, go on dates, have sex, lots of sex. Make a woman prove herself to you. One day, maybe 1 year, 5 years, maybe 10 years from now, one will.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
It doesn't work that way. I grew being way too respecful of women to the point where I'm sure I've low balled my value for women who deserve to be with 2-3 guys.

The fact of the matter is that women aren't porcelean princesses with their virtue intact. Most women want to get laid and it's up to us to get them primed.

Lose the illusion that women are virtuous, honest, chaste etc. THey're just human with warts like any one else. The martyr act is great until you realize that while you're esposuing virtue, piety etc every one else is getting laid and having fun.
I used to have this mentality back when I was a nice guy. I was the type that wouldn't even curse around women because I thought I would be corrupting them. It took me a long time to realize women are already corrupted by the time they are in high school. It took me a long time to realize they are not worth saving because they don't want to be saved, they want to be banged and have fun. The only woman i'll be protecting would be a future wife (or wives) :D

Alex does have a good point when he says ALL GIRLS ARE NOT COMPLETE *****S.

just most of the...8 out of 10 maybe??


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I think what production is talking about is a small minority. Look, when you go to clubs, you see mostly guys, and it's much harder than the OP put it: banging a random dude in a bathroom". I have never seen that happen. And to be that dude, you need to have some really good game AND looks. Most chicks in bars and clubs just stay in their social group or dance with each other. Now how are they all going to be doing the things you said?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
My last two girlfriends were polar opposites of one another. Until the good one came along (who I am thankfully still with) I wanted to stereotype all women as the bad one.

I had to pay my dues to find the good one though. It took months. But who knows how much of her love stems from my being improved by learning from my mistakes with previous women?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
I think it's safe to assume that a woman will not remain faithful. One can hope that this is the case but to make such an assumption seems tantamount to being the guy who doesn't prepare for xyz event. Why take chances by being unprepared?

Is it overly cynical? Perhaps, but why put yourself in a compromised position.

Please don't get me wrong I like women but unfortunately I've clearly got a disillusioned viewpoint as to a woman's intentions.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
A woman will indeed be faithful if her interest level is high enough.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Went on a double date last night it was blind, girl shows up an hour late come to find out it was a co-worker of mine. The bytch then has the audacity to go pick up another guy, needless to say I left soon there after

my buddy who set this up wasn't happy with his girl and her for obvious reasons.

What has the world come to when women are now walking out on dates to grab their orbiters/FB to save them?

and those same hors (their not women) have the audacity to wonder why their single, when they pull stunts like that
