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    Girl i'm dating is not for me -what to do?

    Oh Come on... if you think she's a good person why are you wasting her time when she could be with someone else. why are you wasting YOUR time if you don't enjoy her company. A women ultimate currency is attention and a male ultimate currency is his time. which you are wasting and she is not...
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    Please quit lowering your standards

    unfortunately the value of pvssy is overvalued in the market for her right now just like all other market bubble it will bust that bust usually happens when they hit 30 or 40
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    Did becoming a more attractive man make you resent some woman?

    first i want to say congrats on all your success and good luck in the future... Well i do have some residual negativity from my past experience as well and i'm sure many other members also have the same "tick" but that life those are the card i was dealt so i accept that and try not to let it...
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    I act in a way I f*ck things up when I know a girl is interested

    What are you afraid of her finding out about you deep down You think about what i just wrote and you may get your answer
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    EX F*cking up again.

    Wait time out You abused her and your worried about falling in love with her and not your job I don't know if you really need that job to pay bills or whatever but you need to step back look at the situation, and think logically like a man and not all emotional like some chick on her period...
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    What is the best way to reject a girl you aren't interested in?

    When you said that you told her that you had a girlfriend, that was the mistake you showed her that you' re desirable and that why after that she got more touchy. Just be friendly and ignore it she move on to some guy other will make her va jay jay tingle and you will be yesterday's news
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    Girl from a couple months ago called

    write 1234567890 then tell her its your favorite cab company and ignore the rest
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    Interested...or just a flirt?

    she is in the process of training to into her personal orbitor. why do i think that? 1) when you asked her out and then said sorry.( that shows you're very passive in nature and she probably think she can mold you to her liking) 2) whenever you do hang out you seem to be only there to pay for...
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    I agree with Jaylan you don't know what the fvck you might catch Another note, you better tell somebody that you trust where you're going cause you don't what weirdo you might meet. read this--> My 2 cent
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    GF has a crush on a new guy

    be strong and continue the no contact I know it may be hard but, look at the bright side, at least you didn't marry her because it would have been a lot messier, if the court system got involved. About the family thing, just tell them that you were both on a different page and that it. no need...
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    They always come back

    Good job man, keep it strong.
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    No Fap Challenge Progress

    I'll try anything once, so why not day 1
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    48 laws of power

    Can anyone recommend other books like it?
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    how to stay emotionally detatched with a F@ck Buddy

    Slow her down by saying that you're not looking for anything serious and then pursue other options
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    Actually found a decent one on pof

    she sound like the perfect chick to mold for your perfect preference in bed but that if you can get her there to begin with
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    How to properly set goals and achieve them

    Great post thanks for sharing it
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    Share your experience and BEST tactic to get a woman's phone number

    Here are creative ways to get it
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    How to deal with really shy girls?

    If she is new she will be eager to fit in and make friends so just introduce yourself and try to get to know her, like where she from or something.
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    Girl punched me in the face so I pimp smacked her...

    i would press charges quickly and quietly. so that she doesn't have time to put you in jail. i don't know where you're from but in the us the guy are at a disadvantage.
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    How do men that blossom later in life stop thinking about the lost years?

    You are bummed out about something in the past but most people are You just have to keep moving forward and OP that type of thinking is going to make you lose more time in the future. And i know you don't want more regret in life so don't waste time now get out there and enjoy life