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  1. R

    The Silver Bullet

    There is NO silver bullet to getting girls. No magic pill. No one fantastic trick. No one specific technique. What you learn from this site, whatever your goal with women, is to basically become a better male. Confidence, Charm, Intelligence, Eloquence, Being Articulate, Witty, Being...
  2. R

    Chocolate Milk and Protein

    Just wondering if any of you guys drink chocolate milk to get your daily requirement of protein. Reason I'm asking is because some of the protein shakes advertise as having 20 grams of protein per serving, while my milk carton says 10 grams of protein per glass. So is there anything different...
  3. R

    What Time Is It?

    Allen, Good to see the board up and running again, but I like sitting in my old ways, so time is still needed for me to accept the update. While others have already mentioned the colour scheme, I'd like to ask about the time the board uses now. Previously I used to be 12 hours ahead of the...
  4. R

    First Date Kiss

    Should I Go for the Kiss? That's a common question regarding how a first date should end. It's a good question as well, some people say yes as if she responds favourably you know you're not wasting your time with this girl. Others say no as they want you to up the mystery and challenge factor...
  5. R

    Be Funny...but Not the Clown

    There's this guy I used to know a few years back who was always making everyone laugh with his jokes and antics...and at first I was feeling a little bad that I didn't have the full-time joker personality. I'm witty and can make people laugh, but not 24/7 like this guy was doing. But then I...
  6. R

    When Stumped for an Ice-Breaker

    I've been working on my cold-pickups lately - picking up chicks outside the conventional social situations such as parties and clubs and instead working in buses, on trains, while waiting for a bus, in the mall, on the street, etc. I'm still trying to figure out a technique for stopping a girl...
  7. R

    Deletion of certain Posts from Archived Threads

    Allen, Would it be possible to delete bashful's posts from the threads in the archive? I was just clicking through and re-reading all the good advice, and it is a SAD end to a great thread to have that idiot whining his ass off that all the advice doesn't work, and nullify the entire thread...
  8. R'll make everyone wonder what you've been up to.

    What happened to me today just reinforced the first rule of being sociable : Smiling. I had to give out leaflets today to help out with some advertising. I wasn't too bothered about it, and I didn't expect anything to happen from it. However this is where my natural charm kicked in. I wonder...