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  1. G

    girl mimicing everything i do?

    hey so i got this girl thats real in to me.. she flew from austraila to visit me in the states.. anyway i like her too.. but ive noticed she copies alot of things i do.. im not sure what to make of it. i smoke pot, she visited then she started smoking. i have an electric blanket.. she...
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    how do you get your girl to shave her pusy?

    hey, so ive been dating this girl and she has a hairy bush but i want her to shave. how do i get her to shave?
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    hey guys, so i have never had any serious girlfriend and have never had constant sex, only short flings or one night stands. recently,i was dating a girl for about 4 months, and hooked up w/ her probably 30 times or so... she was hot, and i was really nervous, my penis didnt work at...
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    do you believe in a soul mate?

    do you beleive there is one person meant for you? i know most of you will say no. my issue is, i did beleive in one, then it didnt work out with that girl. i feel like if i ever fall in love with another girl, i wouldnt genuinely love her. similarly, i feel like if a girl has been in love...
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    serious performance anxiety problems

    so i havent been too sexually active until recently. i had only ****ed one girl until about a year ago when i was on my second. this girl was kinda ugly and i was just doing her in desperation. the third time when we went to have sex i had a real hard time getting an errection and i didnt...
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    sex has nothing to do with love?

    i think i have a fvcked up view of sex. to me, sex has nothing to do with caring for someoen. sex is something you do to get your nut off. when i fall for a girl, i hardly have a desire to fvck her. and when i do, it doesnt make me feel intimate or closer. it just makes me feel like i am...
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    cant get off from head

    hey, i was wondering, i have never gotten off from head and this girl ive been hooking up with wont fvck me and she loves givin head and is dissapointed she cant get me off. i find that when i get head it feels good at first and i think theres potential, but then my **** starts to go numb and...
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    cant get off from head/errection issues

    hey guys, ive been seeing htis girl for a few months now, hookin up like a once a week. ive been having some ED issues lately, i think performance anxiety and its gotten out of hand real bad. ive tried so many things even pills and its just not workin out so eventually i said **** it and...
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    errection problems

    hey all. so i wrote a while ago about not being able to get boners. it ****in sucks. so i never used to get ass now i get ass all the time. i started hookin up w/ this really hot girl, first time we hooked up i couldnt get it up at all. pretty sure it was cause i was nervous. but now ive...
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    erection issues

    i used to have a problem getting girls. no i have absolutely no problem, but now i cant get a ****in boner. it is humiliating and frusterating. it started out i was hooking up with this 5/10... it was all i could get before. so i ****ed her a few times, then the last time, i couldnt get it...
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    Thank you

    Hey guys- used to post alot a while bakc wanted to thank everyone for all their help i can get girls no problem now some determination, observations, and this site helped me figure that dumb species out thanks again justin
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    single hot college girls

    why do you think it is that the majority of the party type hot college girls remain single?
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    Mystery Method??

    What's the Mystery Method???? Does it help?
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    END Game Help....Don Juan's help on this!!

    Beginning: So i have great game in the beginning i can attract a girl get her attention play all those dumb games. Get a first date or hangout w/the girl I want whatever. For the most part. Middle Game: So we go out on a few dates hangout do w/e go out to eat, movies, party, usual...
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    Tips on End Game??

    Beginning: So i have great game in the beginning i can attract a girl get her attention play all those dumb games. Get a first date or hangout w/the girl I want whatever. For the most part. Middle Game: So we go out on a few dates hangout do w/e go out to eat, movies, party, usual...
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    Advice on this weirrrrrrrd chick....

    So this girl I don't understand... we hooked up b/c i think she was jealous i was sorta seeing this girl. It was a good hookup and she's a big flirt but we haven't hooked up since, maybe 3 + weeks. The other night i was coming back from the club and didn't wanna go home and she said i could...
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    fvckin girls

    i got this girl that is afraid to lose me but afraid to commit to me. when we hook up she is crazy about me, i can tell she sincerelly is. so i notice this and i really like her as well so i start to pursue her, not a lot but just a little, so she starts to blow me off. then i ignore her...
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    What's this chick's deal????

    So here's the deal. Chick #1 i've been sorta seeing. And I think initially Chick #2 got jealous and liked me. So Chick #2 and I hooked up like a week ago, she was crazy in bed. So now Chick #2 and I still talk flirt etc. but it seems like she's reserved now and doesn't wanna be all 'crazy' like...
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    what the fvck to do part 2

    read and enjoy, sick of being shltted on by this chick, what the fvck. any comments or advice welcome. Xxxx (2:03:21 PM): acting like you really wanted to see me the other night, then making no effort to follow through, and turning down my efforts, that is fvcking with me. your trying to get...
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    what the fvck to do

    got this girl, shes ****ing with me hardcore. she comes over, hooks up with me. i ttell her how shes gotta stop ****ing with me all the time cause its driving me crazy and shes gotta make a choice if she wants to be with me or not. i dont know what her deal is, she told me shes afraid of...