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  1. P

    menopause blamed on men.....

    Guess what it's mens fault....again. Is there anything else they want to blame on us?? Women and responsibility, they don't seem to go together very well these days...
  2. P

    Great Quotes

    What was a great quote or saying that has stuck in your mind after coming to SS and taking the red pill that has reinforced your thoughts about women or relationships? 2 that have stuck in my mind are .....this one is for when you look at beautiful women and taking them off that pedestal..Just...
  3. P

    Another borderline get's life.... The judge told her: "I conclude that you have an emotionally unstable personality disorder of the borderline type. If you suspect your other half has these traits....get out now or it could be the death of you literally...
  4. P

    Why do they let themselves go?

    We are talking FAT here.... I was 12 stone at 20yrs old and am still 12stone in my late 40's. Check this hot chick from the 90's who used to be in a band and look what size she ended up! That could be your girlfriend or wife! sack them before it happens...
  5. P

    BPD.......This can be the end result.....

    This is why you hear all the" run forest run" and "get away , far away" and "leave now while you can" stuff on SS regarding personality disordered women.....they are highly dangerous. Listen to the guys on this forum, this is the extreme end I grant you, but as I started reading the article I...
  6. P

    watch your six...

    What gets me is that she even got 11 guys to sleep with her looking like that!!???!
  7. P

    Dating profile - an experiment.......

    Threw this profile up on a dating website as a laugh and you wouldn't believe how many replies I got back.........just goes to show. I’m an ***hole. I won’t open doors for you, in fact I will probably trip you up as you go through the door just for a laugh. I expect you to cook for me and...
  8. P

    Let's play spin the hamster.....

    Tell her " I love you but I'm not in love with you..." wtf! she now goes into meltdown.
  9. P

    SS is putting me off women......

    Reading sosuave over the past couple of years.... My mind is now confused and everytime I look at a HB7 or above, I remember what SS say's don't put them on a pedestal and the same thought runs through my head every time....Someone, somewhere is sick of her sh1t. That one thought takes...
  10. P

    field report - yes you can....Even at a funeral!

    Here's a story for all of you who have had a dry spell, things can appear out of nowhere even at a funeral!...... You know the film "Wedding crashers"? who was the coolest dude? not the main 2 stars, no it was will ferrell, and what did he do? funeral crashing... Now I'm not advocating...
  11. P

    singledom article discuss....

    Seems to be single over the age of 35 is an admission of failure, people look down on you and think there is something wrong with you....
  12. P

    I made a massive mistake -re NC

    I hold my hands up guys, made a massive mistake, 8 months was not long enough, should have never answered that phone.... been playing on my mind all the time over the last few days. don't do what I did. an ex is an ex for a reason. If they call, don't pick up, even if you think you are...
  13. P

    broke NC

    Don't all shout at once.... NC for 8 months she rang twice , picked up second time. came up with a lame excuse to ring me, long and short of it is she is moving to a new place and said she was single . I was cool and said good luck with that and she asked about me. I said I was seeing someone...
  14. P

    what hope is there? even 007 has trouble with chicks...
  15. P

    Welcome to beta land..

    Someone please Explain? Am I a freak? I have a successful business , own my own home and live alone (got out of a LTR 10 months ago - (bit gun shy, cluster B , you know the score) Working on myself , happy with myself ,being on my own etc... realised that if you are not happy with yourself...
  16. P

    what to make of this text...

    I may be getting a bit old for this game having been out for a few years with oneitiis . bumped into an old friend who has all grown up into a bit of a babe, big age gap (15 yrs) hadnt seen her for years. she was all hugs when we saw eachother. got her a number and left it a week and text her...
  17. P

    Cluster B - dating ad....

    Read this forum over the last year as my therapy in getting over my cluster B' experience. 8 years of hell ( only myself to blame) thanks to Jophill (rip) KontrollerX, scars ec... for all the advice. opened my eyes. Anyway, here's a template for all those thinking of getting back into the...