Recent content by Beethoven

  1. B

    Online dating: ask her out in the first message

    Yep, you'll get more success asking women out in the first email than waiting for a dozen or so - assuming your profile is up to scratch. But I think you'd get even more success asking them out in the third email. Too few emails = worrying for a girl, as she doesn't have a real impression of...
  2. B

    Using alcohol to help your game

    I use alcohol to help my game. It takes my tension away, and I become far sexier to women without it. Of course. Yeah, it would be nice to control my internal state without external assistance, or whatever you super-DJs are all doing (Hah!). But there's no point lying to myself - I ain't...
  3. B

    Why I avoid "Medium Build" chicks

    Always go for chicks online with pictures of their bods. Or the ones that say they're 'slim' - they usually are fine. 'Average/Medium' can mean anything, like you say! I've given up trying to convince women that their figures are important as well as their personality - now I just chase the...
  4. B

    Help, I only have one dance class left, and so many pretty ladies...

    Honestly? You've left it too late, doubledown. And even if you hadn't, you're not going to get all their numbers anyway. Women talk - and the women at the dance class will talk to each other. If they find out you've been getting all of their numbers, then none of them will date you. Why...
  5. B

    Women going back on their word

    There's no difference. Either something else is more desirable to her than meeting you - or it isn't. A woman won't let something she's more concerned with go by merely because she gave her 'word'. If she's BSing, it's because you didn't rate highly enough in her eyes. Rate more highly...
  6. B

    Women going back on their word

    This advice hits the spot. On top of that, men tend to think logically, and see their word as something they keep. For women, it's not the same - their 'word' is simply something they say to keep you happy at the time. They don't feel they've done something wrong if they don't keep it, and...
  7. B

    What are you doing?

  8. B

    Don't be a Raymond

    Hey guys, just chillllll about it. Even if the show's a load of rubbish, just be strong in your own life, and ignore the tv program! Easy.
  9. B

    Death of a Pickup Artist

    This is my first post in a long while, but I just wanted to say I feel where you're coming from. Too much PUA training really sucks the life out of you. I sure plan to enjoy a lot more 'me' and a lot less of the tiring, repetitive artificial stuff I've been stuck in for too long already...
  10. B

    Great social status article- by a girl

    This time the article is by 'Adrian Calvin', not by a chick
  11. B

    Great social status article- by a girl

    I'm not outcome-dependent, that's why I copied part of the quote from Jariel's post into Google to find another copy of the article. ;)
  12. B

    Question about "action" as used by pook

    Bowling Ice skating Mini golf Indoor rock-climbing Dry slope ski-ing Horse riding Roller blading Swimming etc. These kind of dates aren't 'romantic' as such, but she can have a great time, and she'll associate enjoying herself with YOU. Then just use the rest of your great DJ...
  13. B

    I need help

    Are you sure this girl is worth the trouble? I see girls I like all the time, it might be easier to go for one of them instead of this elevator girl who you've lost. But, if you're desperate to have her, you could go door-knocking. Just take round a 'community survey questionnaire' and ask...
  14. B

    Being Unavailable

    I'd post an insightful comment about your situation, but I'm afraid I'm far too busy.
  15. B

    girl approaches me, asks for my # but doesnt write it down..

    This isn't necessarily some kind of mick-take! I'm pretty good at memorising numbers as well, and I remember them by visualising the 'shape' the number makes when dialled into a phone keypad. Often it has a distinctive movement that lets you remember the number far more easily. The only...