Yes, Women Today Have More Options Than Some Men


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
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West of the Mississippi
I've been reading some on the threads on here, and I'm kind of baffled by what some of the people are writing. Either they don't have any experience with women themselves or they just don't know what women have available to them. I see posters trying to explain to them and they still can't grasp the concept of what women have today. Well, hopefully I can clear all that up in this thread.

Women today, have more options with men than ever before. Now, if you don't believe that, I suggest you get out more, pay more attention to women, take a good look around, and if you still don't believe it after all that, then you should go get your head examined.

Just in the last 8 years, women's options for men has increased tremendously due to online dating, social networking, and the refurbishing of downtown areas where women are able to meet more men. Women that were ugly or fat that could never get dates before, now suddenly have more options than what some men have available to them.

Every woman has the opportunity to get laid, because there is always at least one guy that is willing to f*** her. That is the hardcore truth. I'll probably get some disagreement on this, but I don't really care because its the truth, and if you don't believe any of this, you are just fooling yourself.

Hot women are the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème of females, guys want a piece of them because of their looks, so they have it very easy in today's world. Some hot women might not get as much attention because some guys don't have the balls to approach them. They already rule them "out of their league" because they are average, AFC, or even insecure good looking men thinking they don't have a chance with them. That is why I tell guys to approach hot women because you want to go for the gold. Show them that you are the better guy and add to their options, don't deny yourself the opportunity. But they do have options because guys online will hit them up like crazy.

Guys want the best looking girls possible, so you know that they have the most options. Even the 7's and below have guys after them to hook up or go out on dates with them. You have a lot of desperate guys wanting to get laid, so they will try to hook up with whatever they can find. There's a lot of older guys and old men in their 30's-50's that want to hook up with younger girls, some aren't that picky with who they try to hook up with. They are horny, they all want a younger girl, so they will try to bang them regardless of what they look like.

I knew some guys in high school, that would f*** anything with two legs with a hole. This one guy didn't care what they looked like, he wanted to f*** over 1,000 women before he died. That was his goal and his life long mission to complete. He was willing to f*** any girl that would let him. So the girls that let him, had him as an option as a f*** buddy or a one time lay. Hell, there was some girls that were ugly and fat at school, that I was shocked to learn that were getting laid or even had a boyfriend. You wouldn't even dream of that, but those girls had an option or two, they had an opportunity to have sex by a guy that was willing f*** them, which proves my point entirely.

I was travelling through a state one time, and saw some of the most ugliest looking women you could ever find. Toothless, fat, backwards, overweight, double chinned, lower class looking women. You wouldn't want to touch them with a ten foot pole, that's how awful they looked. They were either already married with kids or were in relationships when I saw them out and about. Those ugly women probably had options from the ugly looking men that lived in their towns. Those guys were willing to f*** them because they wanted them. Those women had the opportunity and took it. Never saw such ugly people before in my life, but they were getting laid, they had kids, they were in relationships, they had the opportunities, there were men that wanted them. So, ugly women do have options, they can get laid or be in relationships, just like hot women. Just like hot women, the ugly and the bottom of the barrel women now have options as well. I did see a few attractive girls there though, they were with attractive looking men.

Today I was out doing some errands, and I saw a lot of ugly women. Some were married because they had rings on, and some had little kids with them. They were able to get laid, get married, and have kids because there was one guy that was willing to f*** them and marry them. They probably had a few options too while they were dating back in the day.

When myspace was super popular, I got tons of friend requests and messages from girls. A lot of them were hot, some were average, some were fat, some looked awkward, some geeky, some ugly, a couple of goth girls, older women from their late 20's -40's, and some who were crazy and admitted it in their "about me" on their profile. And there were guys writing to those chicks on their pages, that still wanted to hook up each and every one of them. Even single moms with 2, 3, or 4 kids that most guys don't even want to touch had AFC guys hitting them up too.

So, just for curiosity, I looked at some of the fat, ugly, older, geeky girls pictures that sent me messages and friend requests. I even had a good laugh at them, when those girls tried to squeeze their fat bodies, their fat asses, into tight clothes or put their ugly kissy faces so close to the camera, that you thought that it would break it. Horrible looking girls that would make you cringe just to look at them. Underneath their ugly pictures were guys who left them all kinds picture comments. These guys were ugly too, and you could tell were very desperate from just how they looked in their own pics. Some of these guys were fat, a few that looked like druggies that were a bag of bones, nerdy guys, old men in their 40's- 50's, desperate AFC type guys, and guys from all various ethnic races who were ugly or below average. They would write to these horrible looking women and tell them how hot, sexy, beautiful they all were, not in just one pic, but in many pics. All these horrible looking girls, all gettng told that they were beautiful, by these ugly AFC guys, when they never were. Guys said that because they wanted to go on dates and get laid by them. These girls are the lowest tier women you can find, but they had all these guys on myspace trying to get in their pants, These guys were desperate, they wanted to get laid by these ugly women, because they couldn't find any other girl. So, these ugly horrible looking women had their options from all these desperate guys hitting on them online. These ugly chicks were eating up the attention like crazy because you know they never had this in their life in the real world. That probably gave them a huge ego boost, something they never had before, so now, they also have some options too, just like hot women have.

You hear girls talking about "the old creepy guys online" all the time. Those guys are desperate old men. They are probably tired of j***ing off to their magazines and dvd's all the time, so they will hit up any girl or woman they can find online, to get a date with, regardless of what they look like.

I work with a girl who is at least 150 pounds overweight. She always has dates lined up because guys hit her up online all the time. She has options and even turns guys down beileve it or not. She is fat and not so hot herself, but even she insults guys calling them ugly, creepy, old, weird, which is a joke itself. Multiply her by the millions of other fat girls online and this is what you get.

Take those ugly guys that I mentioned, hitting up all those horrible looking chicks from myspace. You can bet their messages and friend requests are slim to none. Their options are about zero, so they are the ones hitting up the ugly horrible looking women, the ugly women aren't hitting them up at all. So yes, women do have more options than some men, because guys want to get laid, and the desperate guys will find whoever they can get, regardless of what these women look like.

Now, there will be some guys that will come on this thread and say "I know this girl who doesn't have any options at all." Well, all she has to do is make an online profile, take a few pics, one that is "sexy" and she will have instant attention and options waiting for her by every AFC or old guy under the sun.

Women do have more options today than some men, that is a fact. Every woman has the opportunity to get laid, because there is always at least one guy that is willing to f*** her. Now, if you still don't want to believe this, you should get your head examined. All you have to do, is make yourself be that option, be a better catch than all the rest, the guy that she wants, the girl that you should want to have, and you won't have a problem with getting some women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Captain obvious, noticed this post the high command decided for your promotion to general.

Jokes apart Elmer you can do better, that point is all over the board in N threads.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Strelok said:
Captain obvious, noticed this post the high command decided for your promotion to general.

Jokes apart Elmer you can do better, that point is all over the board in N threads.
Ditto, this isn't news.

Fact is, in all of human history, only 40% of men have reproduced, whilst over 80% of women have.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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But why do girls have more options? If there are 10 guys and 10 girls in the world, you would think there would be somebody for everybody. So it must be the male's desire for multiple partners that is driving this phenomenon where girl have more options. That and the fact that the male is usually the aggressor.

If you look at the math, it goes something like this:
If Guy #1 has the most value, he may be screwing girls #1-#6.
Guy #4 may be screwing girls #4 -#7, but may be also trying to screw girls #1-#3 and Girl #8.
Guy #9 will probably try with all these girls at some time or other, but ultimately he'll just take what he can get.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
actually explaining this phenomenon is easy mate. its simply hormones , lack of will power, and lack of standards.

testosterone makes men horny as hell, but too many dudes are not masters of their domain. theyll forgo dignity standards and what not just for a lay. not every guy but a lot of them. if more dudes were actually selective and used mind over matter then things would even out


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
I have to agree. Ugly girls can "get" the good looking guys.

I was in a Roscoes Chicen and Waffles with my homeboy. Just eating lunch. And this ugly girl just kept staring at him. She came over and put her number on a napkin. He calls her up. They go out to eat and he has sex with her the first night.

Now with good loooking guys hittin the ugly girls. What chance do the average ugly guys have?

She got validation big time from that lay. I bet if I tried to talk to her (which I wouldnt). She would probably reject me.

Also on these websites. I get hit on from big girls from time to time. I wish the hot ones would hit on


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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Why are many women always complaining that they can't find men? They can get sex whenever they want but it is harder for them to get serious relationships with the guys they want. Especially if they're not attractive enough to attract the standard of men they're going after.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
The KBJing this OP does is amazing is it just me or does he post just to post?

Reminds me of "Rescue Mission"

So OP women have more choices what are you gonna do about it? go to the bar and look at other men hit on women? oops wait that's your other thread


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Delly2000 said:
I have to agree. Ugly girls can "get" the good looking guys.
Again, WHY is this? Either it's because the guy is so horny he'll take whatever is available at the time...
Or because the guy is so low self esteem he thinks that's all he can get.

It seems strange that so many guys suffer from self esteem problems when everyone knows confidence is such an important factor for a man to have.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Yawn another long documentary from what Falcon33 says one of the females of the sosuave board Elmer Gantry....Who supports Women having their cake and eating it too, and does not know the power of walking away from trash...

Nothing to see here folks!!! moving along


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
zekko said:
Again, WHY is this? Either it's because the guy is so horny he'll take whatever is available at the time...
Or because the guy is so low self esteem he thinks that's all he can get.

It seems strange that so many guys suffer from self esteem problems when everyone knows confidence is such an important factor for a man to have.
demand and supply.. there are more men looking for sex than women..
for every 1 woman there are 15 men looking for sex

to many men too few women means value of vaginas goes up and men have to do more to get them like give up power pay money, lower standards , put up with BS.. defend womens BS, etc etc

only solution is to reduce the male population enough so that women have to place a high value on **** due to scarcity


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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There are several things that explain this phenomenon.

1. There are more men than women. Naturally, without artificial interference, there are 105 men born for every 100 women. This is BEFORE artificial pre-birth sex selection, abortion and infanticide, all of which skew the numbers to an even higher proportion of males.

So even if everything else was equal, we're already at a disadvantage. But there are several other factors that compound the problem even further:

2. Men want sex much more than women do. This should be immediately obvious to anyone who has ever left their house.

3. Women are hypergamous. They want the best, the alpha males, and they won't settle. In fact, several women would prefer to share an alpha male between them than settle for a beta. Men on the other hand will generally take whatever they can get (see #2 above).

4. The rise of Facebook/cell phones/texting has only made things worse. The importance of social cliques is now even more heavily inflated, and women can easily pick and choose from a menu of men that they have 24/7 access to.

5. The obesity epidemic has further lowered the supply of attractive women, consequently inflating their value even further.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Think about it.. Men have like 30X more testosterone than women. Testosterone makes you horny. Thus men are much more horny than women which leads to a guy lowering his inhibitions JUST to get his rocks off. Yes, women are horny, but not NEEEEEEEAR as horny as men are on a daily bases. If us and women were equally horny then men would (probably) be just as selective as women.

Think about it like this. You look at a girl who is what YOU would consider a 4/10. You haven't had sex or masturbated in a full week. You think "well, she's not that great looking but I'd hit it." After you masturbate/have sex, you look at the SAME girl and think "wow, what was I thinking? I'd NEVER f*ck her!" After you masturbate you lose that horniness and you feel calm and satisfied. If men felt like that all the time the price of p*ssy wouldn't be an arm and a f*cking leg!

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Nothing new here. Average and even bottom level females have more options than over 80% of men. A man has to be above average and work hard to get anything from any women.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
zekko said:
But why do girls have more options? If there are 10 guys and 10 girls in the world, you would think there would be somebody for everybody. So it must be the male's desire for multiple partners that is driving this phenomenon where girl have more options. That and the fact that the male is usually the aggressor.

If you look at the math, it goes something like this:
If Guy #1 has the most value, he may be screwing girls #1-#6.
Guy #4 may be screwing girls #4 -#7, but may be also trying to screw girls #1-#3 and Girl #8.
Guy #9 will probably try with all these girls at some time or other, but ultimately he'll just take what he can get.
You've got it wrong. If there are 10 guys and 10 girls, the one alpha male will hog all of the women. Women are hypergamous. They all wan the best deal. None of them are willing to compromise at any level.

Girls #1-10 will chase guy #1. The remaining 9 men will remain celibate, alone, and none of their genes will be passed on.

Female hypergamy


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Kerpal said:
2. Men want sex much more than women do.
Generally, yes. But traditionally, women want relationships, which the men are not always willing to give, so they don't necessarily get what they want. Women also enjoy the attention. And some do want the sex.

3. Women are hypergamous. They want the best, the alpha males, and they won't settle.
Of course they'll settle. Once they realize they can't have the alpha male, or have been pumped and dumped by him, they'll try to get the highest status guy their dating value will bring.

In fact, several women would prefer to share an alpha male between them than settle for a beta
Thankfully, you said "several women" instead of "all women". Some women definitely would. Some would not.
Remember, beta males are not necessarily without options. They're still higher up than the omega males.

Also, in modern society especially, "alpha male" can have different meanings. A woman could get her "top dog" by grabbing the strongest guy she knows, or the richest, or the most skilled, or the most popular, etc.

5. The obesity epidemic has further lowered the supply of attractive women, consequently inflating their value even further.
Yep. It inflates the value of the fat girls since they've gone from bottom feeders to average girls. And as far as the value of the girls who are actually pretty, forget it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
women always have had more options than men

like i said in other threads

too many desperate dudes get at 6's and make them think their 8's..etc..


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
zekko said:
Of course they'll settle. Once they realize they can't have the alpha male, or have been pumped and dumped by him, they'll try to get the highest status guy their dating value will bring.
So you're saying once their looks are fading and they've been pumped & dumped hundreds of times, all the rest of us who aren't at the top of the pyramid will finally have our chance? Awesome! :rolleyes: