I have to go with JayK238, "text game" is an oxymoron.
Here's the deal: Online dating and texts are video games for women. The vast majority of women on online dating sites don't need to be online to get laid, they are simply bored at work. While hundreds of AFC's pour in e-mails stroking their ego's, these e-mails are being laughed at by 3 or 4 office workers looking over the shoulders of the "dater". With more jobs consisting of sitting in front of a computer all day, it's handy for the AW to login and get a dose of attention... they may even win a free dinner with no obligation or intention of getting laid. Then, after your date (if it ever manifests), they can run back and share their laughs and brag how ridiculously they behaved. I've watched it at the workplace over and over: it's like a group of guys talking about their hunting stories. "Then the deer spun around and ran about 10 yards before dropping dead." "...right in the heart. We dragged that thing for over a mile..." Instead of catering to an avatar's imaginary gold-plated box, know that you could be dreaming of a tech nerd dude for all you know.
Then, there is the texting. The problem is that the "text game" amounts to an overabundance of your attention. Instead of "working on your text game", you should quit texting all together. It only serves to give someone who wants attention a fix and have some coworkers laughing at your attempts to hook up with a married 60 year-old who grabbed some pictures off the web and made up a profile for attention and laughs... you don't know for sure. I can send you all types of woman pictures.
Yes, guys get laid from online dating. Yes, guys who text can get laid. However, more men should seriously consider distancing themselves from AFC's by their actions. I tell people I meet that I simply don't text (like the standard doüchebag would be happy to): it's inefficient communication. One way, "pick up a gallon of milk, plz" type of communications are handy. But, conversations are with voices, not text on a screen. Myself, every time I get a text message I only push the talk button and respond. I'll leave a message on the VM if they don't pick-up. I do it consistently: if you want to communicate with me, this is how, period. Once that frame is established, it's easy to get into "that's not how you talk to me" sorts of shutting down passive-aggressive garbage and other sarcastic sort of brattiness.
Being online to date is a red-flag in my book, it's indicative of a woman's value. Just for being online dating they have one strike in a 3-strikes-yer-out mode of mine. What woman has a problem with finding a guy in the real world? A woman who is impossible to tolerate in real life? A woman who needs to conceal their flaws both physical and mental to trick a sucker into being with them? Someone who needs attention in ridiculous amounts?
Don't go for that "I don't have time", "but I live in the country", "everyone does it", "It's convenient", or "Sometimes XYZ and what if what if what if" junk-logic: Texting and Online dating are video games for women and counter-productive to DJ'ing. You should be rationing out your attention to women, not spamming them with texts so they can snack on your attention whenever they have the munchies.
The best "win" you can get out of a game that sucks is to not play it. You wouldn't go pay for a new X-box game that is stupid just because everyone else plays that game, would you? Would you buy a "Disney Princess" video game to play and be soul-tortured by it? Or, would you get a "Huntmaster Global Safari" video game to enjoy?
Dude, you came onto virtual reality to ask questions about how to handle virtual reality. Stop chasing girls in fantasy land and have them come to you in the real world.
Your next text to her should be: "Up, Down, Up, Down, A, B, B, A, Start". She'll be over in an hour to give you a BJ.