WTF, stumped on text $hit test


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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In cases like this it is best (and fun) to turn to "aṣṣhole wit", where your replies are a neg hit to her, but still funny and sexual with a great chance of back peddling where you deny your sexual intent. Then you start again, rinse and repeat lol. I used to do this to girls over instant messenger way back in the day and they always kept coming back for more. The bang factor is uncertain at best, but you never know. Sometimes girls really dig some killer wordsmithing.

Watch a lot of stand up comics, you'll develop a good wit by always looking for a twist on situations and expressions.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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I would just ignore her from henceforth. She wants to make you jump through hoops and her interest is definitely low. If she's giving you sh!t test over a simple first date, she'll be hell down the road. At best, she's just using you for a text buddy with ZERO interest of meeting up. Waste of time.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Nexting, interest level, date/relationship status all aside, from the info provided, the chick doesn't come across as particularly dynamic in her responses. Indeed she does seem to be fishing for interest and validation so far without giving an awful lot back. Hard work thus far, at best.

Indeed I wouldn't advocate 'actively nexting'; good for the OP to practice texting if he feels the need, but otherwise definitely just one for the back burner.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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3agle 3yes said:
What's with the habit in this forum of "nexting" every girl who isn't "begging" to meet you?

I find it stupid.

I've banged tons of girls who showed more "lower interest" than this.

Handling sh!t tests are actually quite easy.
Nexting kills relationships!!! ;)


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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None of your interaction seems too different from what I get online. And I turn plenty of them into lays. I've heard the, "I want something more than sex. I can get that from anyone; don't need the internet from that" at least 100 times.

She can't find a man who can AROUSE her interest anywhere though.

MtnMan said:
"what is the craziest thing (or one of the craziest things) you have ever done?"
I disagree with the majority here. To me: This is not low interest. This is someone who's interest is going up. And going up in a sexual way.

I believe something in what you said aroused her (probably the part about your favorite dates including a slap).

What I would have done here is come up with something completely crazy I've done (or lie about it) sexually. Then ask her what she's done. Do it correctly and get into a full-blown sexual conversation wtih her.

Sexual conversation is the key to almost all my lays online.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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i guess i have bad game...every girl i meet before i bang texts like this....even worse


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
I have to go with JayK238, "text game" is an oxymoron.

Here's the deal: Online dating and texts are video games for women. The vast majority of women on online dating sites don't need to be online to get laid, they are simply bored at work. While hundreds of AFC's pour in e-mails stroking their ego's, these e-mails are being laughed at by 3 or 4 office workers looking over the shoulders of the "dater". With more jobs consisting of sitting in front of a computer all day, it's handy for the AW to login and get a dose of attention... they may even win a free dinner with no obligation or intention of getting laid. Then, after your date (if it ever manifests), they can run back and share their laughs and brag how ridiculously they behaved. I've watched it at the workplace over and over: it's like a group of guys talking about their hunting stories. "Then the deer spun around and ran about 10 yards before dropping dead." "...right in the heart. We dragged that thing for over a mile..." Instead of catering to an avatar's imaginary gold-plated box, know that you could be dreaming of a tech nerd dude for all you know.

Then, there is the texting. The problem is that the "text game" amounts to an overabundance of your attention. Instead of "working on your text game", you should quit texting all together. It only serves to give someone who wants attention a fix and have some coworkers laughing at your attempts to hook up with a married 60 year-old who grabbed some pictures off the web and made up a profile for attention and laughs... you don't know for sure. I can send you all types of woman pictures.

Yes, guys get laid from online dating. Yes, guys who text can get laid. However, more men should seriously consider distancing themselves from AFC's by their actions. I tell people I meet that I simply don't text (like the standard doüchebag would be happy to): it's inefficient communication. One way, "pick up a gallon of milk, plz" type of communications are handy. But, conversations are with voices, not text on a screen. Myself, every time I get a text message I only push the talk button and respond. I'll leave a message on the VM if they don't pick-up. I do it consistently: if you want to communicate with me, this is how, period. Once that frame is established, it's easy to get into "that's not how you talk to me" sorts of shutting down passive-aggressive garbage and other sarcastic sort of brattiness.

Being online to date is a red-flag in my book, it's indicative of a woman's value. Just for being online dating they have one strike in a 3-strikes-yer-out mode of mine. What woman has a problem with finding a guy in the real world? A woman who is impossible to tolerate in real life? A woman who needs to conceal their flaws both physical and mental to trick a sucker into being with them? Someone who needs attention in ridiculous amounts?

Don't go for that "I don't have time", "but I live in the country", "everyone does it", "It's convenient", or "Sometimes XYZ and what if what if what if" junk-logic: Texting and Online dating are video games for women and counter-productive to DJ'ing. You should be rationing out your attention to women, not spamming them with texts so they can snack on your attention whenever they have the munchies.

The best "win" you can get out of a game that sucks is to not play it. You wouldn't go pay for a new X-box game that is stupid just because everyone else plays that game, would you? Would you buy a "Disney Princess" video game to play and be soul-tortured by it? Or, would you get a "Huntmaster Global Safari" video game to enjoy?

Dude, you came onto virtual reality to ask questions about how to handle virtual reality. Stop chasing girls in fantasy land and have them come to you in the real world.

Your next text to her should be: "Up, Down, Up, Down, A, B, B, A, Start". She'll be over in an hour to give you a BJ.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
MtnMan, that was some good sh!t I think you played it right. She might actually have some interest, and the good new is - ignoring her will be the best course of action for the next few days, either way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
vulpine is right

They share their texts, pics, everything to their friends. Especially under 25 girls.

and text, tinder, Facebook is their modern video true.

next time some girl texts me, I will call her and leave my response in voicemail.
and if I can't speak because I'm at work or for any reason, I will wait until I have a break or free time.

as a side note...i would not answer calls from girls I didn't like and would text them instead.
I'm starting to believe texting is low interest for sure.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Thorninmyside said:
Nexting kills relationships!!! ;)
How does nexting kill a relationship that never existed or won't exist in the first place?

Vulpine, the code is up up down down left right left right B A Start. She'll just delete 3 numbers and get another 30. If only we could text girls this and get 30 days of sex. I'd rather use master balls instead of poke' balls.

What we need here is advice on holding sexually charged conversations, as that is what gets the pu$$y, not friendly talk.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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"Up, Down, Up, Down, A, B, B, A, Start" did make me chuckle though!

Would KO that Chun Li-wannabe with a sonic boom =)


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
It's pretty easy to see the guys that actually meet and bang chicks from online.

Online dating is $hit test city. Only maybe 1 out of 5 (could be off here) won't give you some sort of $hit test right out of the gate. The better looking ones sometimes get 100 messages a day. $hit testing is one of the ways they weed out the messages.

Some of you guys need to shift your paradigm. $hit tests are GOOD, it means she's considering dating/banging you.

Instead of: OMG! She gave me a $hit test!!! Need to find a woman that won't give me a $hit test, because I can't handle a woman who will do that to me!!! OMG!

Think: YES! It's on, here we go....

A $hit test should be considered as interest.----> She's engaging.

^This all being said, I agree there are women who will over do it, and are just looking for attention and/or to string you along. However, I feel if you do things right, these extreme $hit testers are few and far between.

Also, try to think of a $hit test as an OPPORTUNITY.

Me: "lets get together this week"
her"whys that"
me" whys what?"
her "why should we get together?"
YOU: Because I'm fun and charming, and I know you'll have a good time. ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Peaks&Valleys said:
Also, try to think of a $hit test as an OPPORTUNITY.

Me: "lets get together this week"
her"whys that"
me" whys what?"
her "why should we get together?"
YOU: Because I'm fun and charming, and I know you'll have a good time. ;)
I agree with viewing them as opportunity, but that 'because I'm fun and charming' sounded awfully f*cking period drama dude.

More with the c0cky and funny. Always c0cky and funny. Less with the Mr F*cking Darcy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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TheMonkeyKing said:
I agree with viewing them as opportunity, but that 'because I'm fun and charming' sounded awfully f*cking period drama dude.

More with the c0cky and funny. Always c0cky and funny. Less with the Mr F*cking Darcy.
LOL, that was kind of the point. "Charming", they don't hear that very often.....from other guys anyways. Try it on for size.

Also, when it comes to someone you've just started talking to. If you lay on the C&F too strong right from the get go, it could be perceived as arrogance, and be off putting. When I get into a relationship with chick, my timing and delivery with C&F is second to none ;) However, at first, when we're feeling each other out, I feel it's best to give little snippets here and there, see how she reacts, then turn it up later on, when the right times present themselves.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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^^agreed. The tone of confidence alone could wet their you know what.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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nismo-4 said:
How does nexting kill a relationship that never existed or won't exist in the first place?
It was just a play on words with Harry's texting mantra. But I do think OP could use a situation like this to flip the script and be heavily sexual to either excite the girl out of her boring texting shtick, or know for sure that she's a tyre kicker.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
Also, try to think of a $hit test as an OPPORTUNITY.

Me: "lets get together this week"
her"whys that"
me" whys what?"
her "why should we get together?"
YOU: Because I'm fun and charming, and I know you'll have a good time. ;)
Her: Sorry, I'm busy. :crackup:

Peaks&Valleys said:
It's pretty easy to see the guys that actually meet and bang chicks from online.

Online dating is $hit test city. Only maybe 1 out of 5 (could be off here) won't give you some sort of $hit test right out of the gate. The better looking ones sometimes get 100 messages a day. $hit testing is one of the ways they weed out the messages.

Some of you guys need to shift your paradigm. $hit tests are GOOD, it means she's considering dating/banging you.

Instead of: OMG! She gave me a $hit test!!! Need to find a woman that won't give me a $hit test, because I can't handle a woman who will do that to me!!! OMG!

Think: YES! It's on, here we go....

A $hit test should be considered as interest.----> She's engaging.

^This all being said, I agree there are women who will over do it, and are just looking for attention and/or to string you along. However, I feel if you do things right, these extreme $hit testers are few and far between.
It's easy to see that you haven't.

Chicks aren't giving $hit tests to guys they want to bang. Girls fu(k them with no problem. They give resistance to the "maybe guys" who might have a chance.

Most of those guys don't get laid being strung along. Proving yourself to a chick who gives it up easy to another guy is a waste of tme. Online dating is easy when you talk with girls that make it easy for you.

Peaks&Valleys said:
It's pretty easy to see the guys that actually meet and bang chicks from online.

Online dating is $hit test city. Only maybe 1 out of 5 (could be off here) won't give you some sort of $hit test right out of the gate. The better looking ones sometimes get 100 messages a day. $hit testing is one of the ways they weed out the messages.

Some of you guys need to shift your paradigm. $hit tests are GOOD, it means she's considering dating/banging you.

Instead of: OMG! She gave me a $hit test!!! Need to find a woman that won't give me a $hit test, because I can't handle a woman who will do that to me!!! OMG!

Think: YES! It's on, here we go....

A $hit test should be considered as interest.----> She's engaging.

^This all being said, I agree there are women who will over do it, and are just looking for attention and/or to string you along. However, I feel if you do things right, these extreme $hit testers are few and far between.

Also, try to think of a $hit test as an OPPORTUNITY.

Me: "lets get together this week"
her"whys that"
me" whys what?"
her "why should we get together?"
YOU: Because I'm fun and charming, and I know you'll have a good time. ;)
Her: Sorry, I'm busy. :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Is it worth even trying to bang her after all these **** Tests. Sounds like a headache waiting to develop tbh