Worst date I've ever been on


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
She ordered a drink and I could see on her face that she expected me to pay for it. I didn't.
Lol you guys think that just because you refrain from being beta and 'falling for her tricks' she's gonna drop her pants then and there - it doesn't work like that. You have to give alpha/funny/pushpull/sarcastic on top of not being beta, or you'll just be useless to her (i.e. omega). You can get away with not paying if you're making her laugh, but if not you're just proving a point and wasting your time on the date - personally I have more important stuff to do than assuaging my ego by not paying for a carousel girl's dinner


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
casaanova said:
Lol you guys think that just because you refrain from being beta and 'falling for her tricks' she's gonna drop her pants then and there - it doesn't work like that. You have to give alpha/funny/pushpull/sarcastic on top of not being beta, or you'll just be useless to her (i.e. omega). You can get away with not paying if you're making her laugh, but if not you're just proving a point and wasting your time on the date - personally I have more important stuff to do than assuaging my ego by not paying for a carousel girl's dinner
Repped for logic

The thing that people are missing in OP's story is that he took her to the coffee shop after the date was already going sour, in that type of situation OP should have just left or crashed and burned ("Wanna come back to my place?")


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
I typed something up that was more detailed, but lost it. It pretty much said "I regret nothing."

I probably wouldn't have paid for her drink even if she was cool. If a girl gets pissed because I want to go dutch, then she isn't my type. On top of that, why should I reward her sh!tty attitude with my money? "First impressions are everything." Apparently this only applies to the guy, because you pussies seem to think it's fine that she wanted me to pay and bad that I didn't. F*ck off.

Only thing I regret is not getting up, saying "you're a spoiled b!tch with no personality," and leaving before she did. I would bet money this girl hasn't been laid in a good while.


-She told me she doesn't drink (through text)

-She canceled our evening date and reciprocated with the coffee date because she had to go out with her family for her birthday dinner that night.

You think I WANTED to meet for coffee at 2pm?
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
I typed something up that was more detailed, but lost it. It pretty much said "I regret nothing."

I probably wouldn't have paid for her drink even if she was cool. If a girl gets pissed because I want to go dutch, then she isn't my type. On top of that, why should I reward her sh!tty attitude with my money? "First impressions are everything." Apparently this only applies to the guy, because you pussies seem to think it's fine that she wanted me to pay and bad that I didn't. F*ck off.

Only thing I regret is not getting up, saying "you're a spoiled b!tch with no personality," and leaving before she did. I would bet money this girl hasn't been laid in a good while.


-She told me she doesn't drink (through text)

-She canceled our evening date and reciprocated with the coffee date because she had to go out with her family for her birthday dinner that night.

You think I WANTED to meet for coffee at 2pm?
Jeezus. Move on already. This girl's got you acting and talking like a b1tch.

P.S. not putting up that coffee money made you look like a brokea55 scrub. Don't believe me? Try doing it again and see what happens. You'll be back here again whining about how women are entitled blah blah blah


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
OptimumIndividual said:
Jeezus. Move on already. This girl's got you acting and talking like a b1tch.

P.S. not putting up that coffee money made you look like a brokea55 scrub. Don't believe me? Try doing it again and see what happens. You'll be back here again whining about how women are entitled blah blah blah

Exactly...looks like a scrub.....and why accept a coffee date in the first place? He let her downgrade him from the get go..i would have just rejected her date in the first place. Just say NO to coffee dates.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
I don't date to find a girl who i like spending time with...i am not screening for marriage nor GFs..yes i date them to bang them and then drop them unless i find one who is exceptionally hot or good in some other way....or ones who can make good plates...

Say what you will, but OP's negging game is over the top...i have noticed this in some of his other posts.....i currently have 6 girls i can call up and bang petty much any time i want so this advice is hardly coming from a dateless loser....good interesting convo mixed with just a little negging here and there goes a long way...you can't just neg neg neg from the get go....

the way the OP went about it was over the top and unnecessary...and i am sure the girl was a majorly entitled b&tch like most of them...but then again who cares, the goal was to pump and dump her...and paying five$ for coffee at the beginning of a date for a good pump and dump is hardly a bad investment in my eyes...i spend about $15-20 on drinks and appetizers all the time to pump and dump afterwards or keep them as plates if they are good enough that i never take out after the first date only invite them for sex at my place...and i don't do it to impress them, i do it because i am a generous person in general and take my guy friends out for dinner and drinks as well to a super cheap Vietnmaese restaurant here wheereu can also sing karaoke while eating nd/or drinking..it just feels good and promotes positive energy...plus it's a great place and atmosphere with dirt cheap beer an excellent food to break the ice and great relaxing atmosphere...first impressions are huge....beats the hell out of a coffee date and plus you both get tipsy....making the transition back to your place much easier and smoother...

Only if i have any good reason to think i aint getting sex afterward drinks and dinner ONLY then will i demand she pay half for practical reasons......besides overly concerning yourself over $5 reeks of a scarcity mindset in general and is college kid stuff...plus OP bought the coffee at the beginning of the date considering they met at a coffee shop...

There are so many mistakes in his actions and dialogue and the first big one was going on a coffee date in the first place.....that right there will lower your value subconciously in her eyes...seriously what kind of man wants a coffee date?? That is something that girls g on together with other girls as friends and reeks of desperation that you would settle for such date to appease her in the first place. I can't think of anything more boring than a coffee date. I used to agree t such ridiculous things as well back when i was younger as a college student...huge mistake.i have never had a good coffee date.IMO the cards are already stacked against you on such dates and she will label you as safe and boring.
i can see where you're coming from so fair call. its a good post.

i see dating pretty differently, i certainly don't take the girls that i don't about and see just for casual sex on dates, i don't see the point. All my previous girls and current girl for this purpose i've picked up from a club. i wouldn't spend either money or effort on a women that i only wanted for sex. i reserve that for women i actually like and want to spend time around, which is why i see compatibility with me as an important thing. also, i wouldn't want to waste my time and money on someone who isn't worthy, whether they have a ***** or not.

( currently f.u.c.king 2 girls, one i see purely for sex and the other for dating/companionship. )


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
I typed something up that was more detailed, but lost it. It pretty much said "I regret nothing."

I probably wouldn't have paid for her drink even if she was cool. If a girl gets pissed because I want to go dutch, then she isn't my type. On top of that, why should I reward her sh!tty attitude with my money? "First impressions are everything." Apparently this only applies to the guy, because you pussies seem to think it's fine that she wanted me to pay and bad that I didn't. F*ck off.

Only thing I regret is not getting up, saying "you're a spoiled b!tch with no personality," and leaving before she did. I would bet money this girl hasn't been laid in a good while.


-She told me she doesn't drink (through text)

-She canceled our evening date and reciprocated with the coffee date because she had to go out with her family for her birthday dinner that night.

You think I WANTED to meet for coffee at 2pm?
Theres nothing to regret. You effectively screened someone who was completely incompatible out of your life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Korrupt said:
I typed something up that was more detailed, but lost it. It pretty much said "I regret nothing."

I probably wouldn't have paid for her drink even if she was cool. If a girl gets pissed because I want to go dutch, then she isn't my type. On top of that, why should I reward her sh!tty attitude with my money? "First impressions are everything." Apparently this only applies to the guy, because you pussies seem to think it's fine that she wanted me to pay and bad that I didn't. F*ck off.

Only thing I regret is not getting up, saying "you're a spoiled b!tch with no personality," and leaving before she did. I would bet money this girl hasn't been laid in a good while.


-She told me she doesn't drink (through text)

-She canceled our evening date and reciprocated with the coffee date because she had to go out with her family for her birthday dinner that night.

You think I WANTED to meet for coffee at 2pm?
OP I know you're getting a lot of shyt in this thread. And You know what I think some of it is warranted and some is not. The girl was a major bytch no denying that.

However OP your game isn't as good as you think it is and thats why guys are harping on you.

NO point beating a dead horse with the over analysis

I had a date earlier this summer with some chick from ONLINE as well. She didn't look like her pics and I spend $15 on drinks I asked her to help with the tip she refused. Needless to say I paid the bill and moved on. I was pi***ed cause I coulda hanged out with a hotter chick but you live and you learn
Tomthebomb said:
i can see where you're coming from so fair call. its a good post.

i see dating pretty differently, i certainly don't take the girls that i don't about and see just for casual sex on dates, i don't see the point. All my previous girls and current girl for this purpose i've picked up from a club. i wouldn't spend either money or effort on a women that i only wanted for sex. i reserve that for women i actually like and want to spend time around, which is why i see compatibility with me as an important thing. also, i wouldn't want to waste my time and money on someone who isn't worthy, whether they have a ***** or not.

( currently f.u.c.king 2 girls, one i see purely for sex and the other for dating/companionship. )
Interesting, what if the girl insists to be taking out on a date? while I agree with your view and I do the same. I've noticed that women that highly attractive or higher caliber don't always just come home to phuck. Not saying they don't but usually a woman wants a date


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
No, he shouldn't have paid for her drink....not only was she rude....this was her date...not his...he accepted her offer to go out when she canceled his date!!

You broke one of major Golden Rules of Dating, which is a Cardinal Sin....you accommodated your date!!

Never do that!!! Because it won't turn out that well for you as you have just found out!!

Anytime you allow the chick to flip the script by changing your date...you will get burned!!

Guys will allow women to change the day/time/location on them...guys do that because they are afraid they will lose the date...so out of fear, these men accept what these women tell them...these guys usually get flaked on or don't get laid...This is your date...don't let it be her date...never just try to accommodate your date for her sake...you will get burned!!

Guys will do this all the time.....they will try to accommodate the chick every step of the way just to get a date...they will change their own plans to fit her needs...they will change their own original date just to please her....they will even accept her date offer making it her date instead.

You had plans with this chick....she canceled your date because of her "birthday party:"....she told you to meet for coffee at 2 pm in which you didn't want to do, but you accepted anyway....this now become HER date because you accepted what SHE wanted...this is not your date or your plans....they are her's....she views you as an eager AFC to have a date at her command....which is a reason for her lack of interest in you..not to mention your poor conversation skills that didn't go over too well.

I believe I told you this same thing before....quit doing this!!

Why are you accommodating this chick in the first place?

You are accommodating her needs and her wants...you are putting her's above yours....hell, you didn't even want to go at 2...so, don't ever do that again!!

Plan the date that YOU want...at the time and location to fit YOUR needs

It is obvious that she doesn't give a sh!t about yours....so why should you care about hers?

When you stat putting other people's interests ahead of yours....including your dates you will get burned...this is a perfect example!!

If a chick cancels your date, and tells you to go here at this day/time instead....just tell her "you are too busy" and reschedule the date at another time....when YOU want.

Chicks always cancel/change plans on guys who they don't have a lot of interest in.

Remember if she is interested in you, she won't lose interest in you when the date is rescheduled for later.

Chicks don't lose interest in guys that they like

If they don't want to go out later with you, then you just screened out a flake without having to go on a sh!tty date.

Chicks will lose interest in guys who will do anything that they want......because they know they will hold all the power over the beta/AFC man....you did that by accepting her date on her terms!!

Here is my thread that I have written a while back...The 10 Golden Rules For The DJ Mindset


Also How to Skip the chicks who flake is an excellent read as well


Solomon said:
Why bother staying on a date that's no going anywhere? if you knew it was gong bad you shoulda ended as soon as possible
You are giving out some pretty contradictory advice here

You tell this guy that he "shoulda ended as soon as possible" ("shoulda" isn't a word btw) but here you met up with a chick who misrepresented herself, and not only did you stick around with her, you got stuck paying for her drinks LOL :crackup:

Why didn't you end it as soon as possible?

She put one over you and got some free drinks out of you!!

You should practice what you preach!!


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
exactly, never should have accepted the date in the first place...frame was ruined..


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
THIS is why I almost never come to this forum anymore.

Advice: Don't over-analyze

What you all do on this forum: Over-analyze

Everything you all think matters DOESN'T. If she was a b!tch for afternoon coffee, she would have been a b!tch for evening drinks. The f*ck? Do you idiots really think that girls think the way YOU think they do? They don't. This girl wasn't thinking "oh he was cool with me canceling drinks and rescheduling for afternoon coffee? What a chump. I'm totally uninterested now." Nope. She's just a b!tch with no personality.

And I always laugh whenever I hear anything about "frame," or "red/blue pill," or any other PUA lingo. It's all stupid f*cking bullsh!t that idiots who love to over-analyze preach. Get the f*ck outta here. I've been a member of this forum for YEARS, and at this point I can confidently say that everything preached on this forum is grade-A B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.

I do agree about my conversational skills, though. They're terrible. They're so horrendous that I've only been able to f*ck ~40 women between 19-23 :cry:


You ALL f*cking disgust me.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
Welcome to BeDJ's world of self reflection!

You fvcked up with this girl and you are telling yourself that she is IMPOSSIBLE to attract. You think to yourself that no man will ever be able to game her because YOU FAILED TO GAME HER YOURSELF!

It's that EGO you must shatter. That ego is your very worst enemy. You will never improve your game until that EGO of yours is in check.


You BLAME her for not being attracted to you.
YOU rationalize why she wasn't attracted
You make EXCUSES for why you didn't succeed
You label her as a PRINCESS because you put her on a pedestal


You are not alone, instead of making excuses on why you weren't successful this this chick, own up to your own mistakes.

Take, for example, this guy. Should I REALLY take advice from someone who has been a member of this forum since 15-16? Christ, man.. The fact that you still haven't moved on shows that you're a complete loser and need mental help.

Ego? What are you talking about? Ego and pride has not one thing to do with attracting women. Are you slow or just stupid?

"Shatter that ego!"

"Find inner peace!"

Write a book you loony f*ck. I'm sure there are thousands of people just like you out there (idiots) who will buy into your worthless drivel. I'm directing this post at ALL OF YOU.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Tomthebomb said:
i think there's a lot of dateless losers in this thread telling op when he did wrong and how to learn from this experience. Who the hell cares? its some women. its a funny story nothing more.

i think the thing here is that these dateless losers think that the goal of dating a girl is to f.u.c.k her, to do apply whatever formula you need in order to get the girl in the sack, to debase and change yourself and do what you've gotta do to get that magical *****. for anyone that actually has some personal value (and does get laid) the point of dating is to find a girl that YOU want to spend time with, that is worth your company.

In the mind of the dateless losers not buying the chick a drink is a bad move because she might get upset which could lead to a chain of events culminating in not getting laid. To an actual MAN with a sense of pride and personal standard, requiring a girl to pay for herself is a good test to weed out the entitled *****s. If you like teasing, then teasing her is a good test to see if she is compatible with you. Only desperate, dateless losers are willing to change who they are just for some magical ***** (***** that is so cheap you can get it any given Friday/Saturday night should you choose to do so.)

lol @ you calling everyone here a dateless loser. Most of the guys in this thread are giving him good advice, boy ****ed up


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
in all seriousness, to the OP I have dated women like her before. She's a *****....who didn't like you. If she did like you than you'd be stuck with a *****...think of it as a blessing in disguise it's no big deal...


Solomon said:
She didn't look like her pics and I spend $15 on drinks I asked her to help with the tip she refused.
Hey chick, you got $2?

Oh dear lord, did your welfare check not cover this month's rent?

Korrupt said:
THIS is why I almost never come to this forum anymore.

Advice: Don't over-analyze

What you all do on this forum: Over-analyze

Everything you all think matters DOESN'T. If she was a b!tch for afternoon coffee, she would have been a b!tch for evening drinks. The f*ck? Do you idiots really think that girls think the way YOU think they do? They don't. This girl wasn't thinking "oh he was cool with me canceling drinks and rescheduling for afternoon coffee? What a chump. I'm totally uninterested now." Nope. She's just a b!tch with no personality.

And I always laugh whenever I hear anything about "frame," or "red/blue pill," or any other PUA lingo. It's all stupid f*cking bullsh!t that idiots who love to over-analyze preach. Get the f*ck outta here. I've been a member of this forum for YEARS, and at this point I can confidently say that everything preached on this forum is grade-A B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.

I do agree about my conversational skills, though. They're terrible. They're so horrendous that I've only been able to f*ck ~40 women between 19-23 :cry:


You ALL f*cking disgust me.
Korrupt said:
Take, for example, this guy. Should I REALLY take advice from someone who has been a member of this forum since 15-16? Christ, man.. The fact that you still haven't moved on shows that you're a complete loser and need mental help.

Ego? What are you talking about? Ego and pride has not one thing to do with attracting women. Are you slow or just stupid?

You're right, my apologies.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
OP chill out brah

Korrupt said:
THIS is why I almost never come to this forum anymore.

Advice: Don't over-analyze

What you all do on this forum: Over-analyze

Everything you all think matters DOESN'T. If she was a b!tch for afternoon coffee, she would have been a b!tch for evening drinks. The f*ck? Do you idiots really think that girls think the way YOU think they do? They don't. This girl wasn't thinking "oh he was cool with me canceling drinks and rescheduling for afternoon coffee? What a chump. I'm totally uninterested now." Nope. She's just a b!tch with no personality.

And I always laugh whenever I hear anything about "frame," or "red/blue pill," or any other PUA lingo. It's all stupid f*cking bullsh!t that idiots who love to over-analyze preach. Get the f*ck outta here. I've been a member of this forum for YEARS, and at this point I can confidently say that everything preached on this forum is grade-A B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.

I do agree about my conversational skills, though. They're terrible. They're so horrendous that I've only been able to f*ck ~40 women between 19-23 :cry:


You ALL f*cking disgust me.
If that's how you feel, that everything is bull-s-h-i-t then why are you here? your just making yourself look like a hypocrite and contradicting yourself if you feel that way and still post


Look I don't disagree with you, there is a lot of KJing going on. The last few years it has got even worse since most of the guys who write FR's have moved on. But you came here and posted this story and now are butthurt that people aren't giving you the answer you wanna hear, what do you expect?

The point is this yes the chick is a biotch, yes she didn't like you and NO your game is not as tight as you think it is




To sum up this thread,

The woman was being a b!tch because she saw no value in the OP.
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
To sum up this thread,

The woman was being a b!tch because she saw no value in the OP.
The point I'm making is that her being a b1tch is irrelevant. His game wouldnt
have worked on any woman, outside of the 3's on POF. Opening with a cheesy neg on first contact, hard negging like crazy after he got upset, getting super-defensive when the woman gave him a simple sh1t test. That's subpar game at best, regardless of the woman. But hey, if people like him think their lame game is tight, awesome! More women for me. Got a date with a hot one tonight. Korrupt's probably got a date with his hand.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
A good fun conversation while lightly teasing beats hard negging any day.