Work/gym game?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
So im a personal trainer/ weight room attendant. nice job while i go to school. and i recently got laid off from the gym i was working at, that gym was mostly guys and body buliders and stuff. Then i got hired at a huge rec center the city operates.

I was walking around cleaning the bikes the other night and this HB was doing crunches and planks and stuff saw her looking at me, so i said hi and she pretty much opened me. we got to chatting, she said she worked on their occasionaly too doing skating supervison for the kids. now the point of this post is that i was at work, and that interaction went well she even told me whens shes their and asked when i work, stoped by my desk to say bye when she left. but i dident go for the number. hopfully i see her again.

If i wasent at work i would have gone for the number but at this new rec center their is a tons of girls my age not just rich old ppl and body buliders like my old gym. How do I game chicks at work/the gym, I dont want to get complanits against me or look like im just their picking up chicks and not working? girls here seem to be more open to talking to me then the guys working out at the gym but im usually just professional, ive seen opther trainer or sales guys that get all the girls or numbers all the time. what do i do?

i dont usually even try gaming girls when im working out, but at this place its so distracting especially when i get alot of girls obviously checking me out while i work.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
You could always just invite them to "hang out". Which indicates that you want to chill with them outside of the gym, but it's not as "sexual harassment" as asking them on a date.

You're talking about your fun weekend. Then you're saying, "I saw a great show at X Bar. You might like this band. Come check it out with me next week." It's not overtly sexual to the point where you'd get fired or reported. And it's friendly and inviting.

Other people might have different advice, but this works for me. If a girl agrees to "hang out" with me, it's kind of an unspoken agreement that I'm gonna try to hook up with her.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Iceberg had a good suggestion.

To be honest in my opinion, i don't think it is a good idea. You shouldn't mix work and pleasure, maybe if it was a bar or something, but not a gym they regularly come in. I used to work in a gym as a fitness instructor and as soon as i made a single move, it somehow spread through the whole gym floor but it didn't really matter its just talk at the end of the day.

If you are going to do it, try to go for quality and quantity, because its very easy to just make loads of moves and get some numbers along with crash and burns. So instead build a continous rapport with some really nice HB's (this looks even good to your manager, shows you care for your "client", so it dosn't hurt the rep) and pick a couple you like the most and make a move. As long as your not doing it consistently it's not to bad, your only human and it is your right.

Also another note, ask them on what they are planning in future, i do this to any work colleague i find attrative. So if they are planning on leaving gym or are going back to there country in like 1 month or something else. Then you can time your actions and ask at the right time. I do this and it works quite well, so that way you don't have to worry if it messes up because u don't see them again.

Last bit of advice, there is billions of girls in the world just walking around you everywhere bus stops, parks, other side of road, coffe shops, shopping centres, trains, sitting on a bench, working in shops etc... These are your best targets in my opinion. The best girl to hit on is a stranger, if it ****s up no need to worry about it you will never see her again and if it ends badly she can't exactlly bad mouth you to anyone you know seeing she dosn't know you. Personal training is a good and rewardful career and relys a lot on word of mouth, so just be careful if you do decide to do it in the work place.