Women only preceive tall men as BF material? just my personal experience?


Senior Don Juan
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
You don't need to be a genius to know that taller guys have a big advantage, however it seems as in the last years height is becoming a MAJOR issue to women, or is it just me?
It seems to me like online dating and tinder made women even more hypergamous in the real word, especially when it comes to height.

I'm about 5'9-5'10 and i'm satisfied with my height. but looking back in my dating life i've come to conclusion that 90% of younger women nowadays only geniuely consider tall men as BF, period. (with the exception of being rich/famous or really really good looking). Most of my ex's or FWB's ended up with BF's way taller than me (even though in a lot of times they were sissy-males) and it always seemed to me as i'm only good FWB material. i've never had a GF longer than 4 monthes (!!! and i'm f*cking 25) A LOT of the girls would tell me that they would never even consider me more than a f*ck buddy.

I'm not complaining here, but just giving the facts as they are, here is a very recent example:

3 years ago i met this nice looking model through a friend. this girl had a huge crush on me but left the city about one month later because of her model career or some sh1t like that, we only met like 2 times and nothing happend. Then she met some famous athlete (not super famous but some of you probably know this guy) but he dumped her eventually.

we kept very low profile contact, and i haven't texted her like in a year.

This chick model was devastated, and she also happend to live back in my town so i decided to text her and introduced my self again, and suprise suprise, she remembers me and wants to meet.

So after 4 dates with this gurl and she is texting me like crazy. she also told me about this guy she has been dating and that he was such an @sshole. anyway i've finally banged the sh1t out of this p*ssy (escpially after my ex broke up with me and after having no sex for a while now...) we had another date with equally good sex. Then she went NC on me, 5 days later she tells me she got too attached, and that she is looking something more serious right now.

So at this point i just went blue pill, and just asked why. and got the response "you are just not tall enough, sorry".

So out all the things she have picked this sh1t? i'm a student with literally no cent in my pocket, but i guess my average height is a deal breaker... b1tch please.

This makes me wonder how will the future will look like for average/short men. height is now more important than money and looks both together.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
If you are 5'5 a large number of women will rule you out.
But if you are 6'8 a large number of women will rule you out too.
But neither man will be ruled out by all women. So change what you can, accept what you cant and go chase your dreams. If that consists of a woman or a harem of them its within your grasp.

Ive been told im too muscular before. Lol imagine that.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Women will complain about "body shaming" but they will be the first to body shame men for something that is relatively out of their control.

Meanwhile, they stuff their faces and fatten up like a cow and cry "body shaming" when they can't attract many men.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
You don't need to be a genius to know that taller guys have a big advantage, however it seems as in the last years height is becoming a MAJOR issue to women, or is it just me?
It seems to me like online dating and tinder made women even more hypergamous in the real word, especially when it comes to height.

I'm about 5'9-5'10 and i'm satisfied with my height. but looking back in my dating life i've come to conclusion that 90% of younger women nowadays only geniuely consider tall men as BF, period. (with the exception of being rich/famous or really really good looking). Most of my ex's or FWB's ended up with BF's way taller than me (even though in a lot of times they were sissy-males) and it always seemed to me as i'm only good FWB material. i've never had a GF longer than 4 monthes (!!! and i'm f*cking 25) A LOT of the girls would tell me that they would never even consider me more than a f*ck buddy.
Generally women are looking for security. Either same height or taller than they are. Why are you talking to girls you want to have sex about whether or not you would be a fb? You should want sex from them. They should want the relationship. Once you reverse the roles they will make your head spin easier than eating cake.

3 years ago i met this nice looking model through a friend. this girl had a huge crush on me but left the city about one month later because of her model career or some sh1t like that, we only met like 2 times and nothing happend. Then she met some famous athlete (not super famous but some of you probably know this guy) but he dumped her eventually.

we kept very low profile contact, and i haven't texted her like in a year.

This chick model was devastated, and she also happend to live back in my town so i decided to text her and introduced my self again, and suprise suprise, she remembers me and wants to meet.

So after 4 dates with this gurl and she is texting me like crazy. she also told me about this guy she has been dating and that he was such an @sshole. anyway i've finally banged the sh1t out of this p*ssy (escpially after my ex broke up with me and after having no sex for a while now...) we had another date with equally good sex. Then she went NC on me, 5 days later she tells me she got too attached, and that she is looking something more serious right now.

So at this point i just went blue pill, and just asked why. and got the response "you are just not tall enough, sorry".
Bro she baited you and you fell for it. Now she knows she can bait you anytime she wants.

"I'm looking for something serious now.'
'OK it good seeing you.'

So out all the things she have picked this sh1t?
Come on bro. You have awesome sex with a girl who looks like a movie star, and then you think like this?

She wanted good rebound sex because the professional athlete told her to go to hell. You gave her the sex. She is happy and now she can go back to her normal life. She picked one thing out of 1000 where she knew you would get emotionally upset, and ran with it. She knows if she wants sex again you will be there. After all she is a model.

When a girl picks out one thing out of so many other things, she is not interested. Today it's your height, tomorrow it's your bank account. Next day it's your family.

i'm a student with literally no cent in my pocket, but i guess my average height is a deal breaker... b1tch please.

This makes me wonder how will the future will look like for average/short men. height is now more important than money and looks both together.
Height is important but not more than money. You are plenty tall enough. Just don't go for 5'10 models.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
You don't need to be a genius to know that taller guys have a big advantage, however it seems as in the last years height is becoming a MAJOR issue to women, or is it just me?
It seems to me like online dating and tinder made women even more hypergamous in the real word, especially when it comes to height.

I'm about 5'9-5'10 and i'm satisfied with my height. but looking back in my dating life i've come to conclusion that 90% of younger women nowadays only geniuely consider tall men as BF, period. (with the exception of being rich/famous or really really good looking). Most of my ex's or FWB's ended up with BF's way taller than me (even though in a lot of times they were sissy-males) and it always seemed to me as i'm only good FWB material. i've never had a GF longer than 4 monthes (!!! and i'm f*cking 25) A LOT of the girls would tell me that they would never even consider me more than a f*ck buddy.

I'm not complaining here, but just giving the facts as they are, here is a very recent example:

3 years ago i met this nice looking model through a friend. this girl had a huge crush on me but left the city about one month later because of her model career or some sh1t like that, we only met like 2 times and nothing happend. Then she met some famous athlete (not super famous but some of you probably know this guy) but he dumped her eventually.

we kept very low profile contact, and i haven't texted her like in a year.

This chick model was devastated, and she also happend to live back in my town so i decided to text her and introduced my self again, and suprise suprise, she remembers me and wants to meet.

So after 4 dates with this gurl and she is texting me like crazy. she also told me about this guy she has been dating and that he was such an @sshole. anyway i've finally banged the sh1t out of this p*ssy (escpially after my ex broke up with me and after having no sex for a while now...) we had another date with equally good sex. Then she went NC on me, 5 days later she tells me she got too attached, and that she is looking something more serious right now.

So at this point i just went blue pill, and just asked why. and got the response "you are just not tall enough, sorry".

So out all the things she have picked this sh1t? i'm a student with literally no cent in my pocket, but i guess my average height is a deal breaker... b1tch please.

This makes me wonder how will the future will look like for average/short men. height is now more important than money and looks both together.
Uhhh, I think I disagree. Yeah, I have ran into women who preferred "tall guys" but that's hasn't been nearly as big of a problem compared to other issues I've been having with women in general, with just them being low quality to where nearly EVERY woman I meet there's something majorly wrong with her such as:

- Either she has weight issues (not too big but she's a little cubby)

- Either she has financial issues

- Either she has more than 2 kids

- Either she has some type of personality/attitude issue

I'm 5'9 - 5'10 as well. I think the only time you will have issues with height is if you are very short which is under 5'6.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
It's well known that women generally prefer that men be noticeably taller than them (preferably when she wears heels as well). It supports a woman in feeling more feminine. It accentuates the polarity of the feminine and masculine which stimulates her on many levels. At 5'10", you actually check that first box, for the majority of women. A man being 6'+ is a bonus. A woman is not going to pass up an amazing man because he is 5'10".

Your height isn't the primary issue of why women are not choosing to be with you. It's easy to default and blame, as it is out of your control. If height was the deal breaker issue, these women would never have entertained you to begin with. A woman doesn't see you a few times or become your GF and then leave after 4 months because suddenly your height becomes unacceptable or unbearable to her.

The woman who recently told you your height was "the issue," likely thought that was more kind and safer than telling you what the issue really was. Hurting or offending you, with her truth, wasn't worth it to her. She went for something she perceived as more neutral and offered something you have no control over. It also very intentionally conveyed there is nothing you can fix to re-attract her at a later date. Whatever it was that actually turned her off was a permanent deal breaker for her.

If you truly wish to have greater success, and LTR success, with women, look deeper, at how you come across, as a person and as a man, from a woman's perspective/experience. You may perceive yourself to be the total package, while over time, women may find you offensive, insensitive, or not the lover you perceive yourself to be, etc. There is something other than your height that turns women off, and significantly enough, that they permanently disengage.

Consider how, in the beginning these women were actually excited to be seeing you. That changed. Your height didn't.

Whatever it was that was offensive to those women, some variation, is also likely a reason you don't attract as many woman upfront, as you might expect to.

Sometimes the truth can seem harsh. It can also set you free, if you are willing to see it and embrace it.

TL;DR bolded above
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Yep. Agree with majority of posters. Height is not a major issue unless you are at the extremes. I'm 5'9 and recently got out of a 3 year relationship and the new guys I've seen or heard my ex is with are all a lot taller than me - to be expected given I'm below average height! I've been online dating properly for about 3 days and already have 5 dates set up and could have had more. Point being everything matters. Not just height.

Don't let something you have zero ability to change influence your belief system if you believe smaller guys have a major disadvantage then you will communicate this insecurity with your behaviour.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Agree. Your height is the excuse she gave but not the reason.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Having used online dating off and on for almost 10yrs, I would say the magic number to attract most women is 5'10" minimum. One time I put 5'11" on my dating profile just to see if it helped and it definitely did. Most of the girls I've talked to want a guy that is 5'10" or taller.

The average height of an American male is 5'10". In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58 percent.

I believe the height requirement has a lot to do with female security. The girls that demand a guy must be a certain height do so out of insecurity. So, use it as a disqualifier! Who the hell wants an insecure chic anyways!!!??? Most will say that they like to wear heels, so a guy can't be shorter than her with her heels on. I say BS....its because she is insecure and its just a "nicer" way of saying she isn't attracted to "short" guys.

My exwife was 6'0" and 2" taller than me. She loved to wear high heels, and had killer legs. Never ever did she care about me being shorter nor did I. But she was very secure with herself as well.
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Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
A buddy of mine recently got left by his girlfriend of 8 months. She was maybe a 6/10, had a kid. He's 6'3-6'4.

I have dated an attractive girl for close to 2 years and have had no real issues in relationships lasting. I'm 5'8.

I can only speak from my own experiences, but height doesn't really matter. Even if it does there's not much you can do to change it, so stop worrying about it. If you THINK it's a problem, you're gonna let it be an insecurity that will be the real cause of why women will leave you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Well duh!!;) She's a model, that had attracted the attention of an major athlete? Uh, don't look now but she is looking to score someone of his status or higher! See Des's high score theory!

If the height thing was that big of an issue then you would have never got between her legs. However where you went wrong was listening to her blabber aftwerwards. I would have taken her puzzy and RAN!:cool:

She probably would have chased cuz beautiful females hate hit and runs. Next time let her pin down the relationship details.
But like I said this was a pump and dump because she never had a relationship in mind. So get back out there and slay tail!


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
5'6 here and never had a problem. Of course there were women that didn't want to date me because of that but there were/are women that do want to date me so it is what it is. If you don't make it a big deal then it isn't. One of my Exes was actually the same height and would tower over me in heels but it didn't matter. You're 5'10 so it isn't even that bad for you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Tall makes a women secure... Tall people tends to be ''naturally stronger'' or have easier time getting in the trees....

that's the only reason Taller might have easier time... like I prefer shorter women... ****ing ego


Senior Don Juan
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
I'm confident enough with my height, this girl was my height (without heels...) maybe i should have mentioned it.
I also had many girls who were taller than me, and i actually disagree - short women are the worse when it comes to height. I had a GF who were 6'1, we never talked about height.

In my opinion getting to her pants is the easy part, you can look decent and with some kino you can f*ck most women (maybe not models...) I'm not saying that height was the only factor, but it is certinly a major factor when it comes to relationship (along with many others), that was what i was trying to say here.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
every single attractive girl i know or meet is dating the same guy, he is 6'0-6'2 white guy with a weak dad body, i think they all figure that type of guy is closest they will come to dating brad pitt so thats why they all go for that same type, its the same guy my sister has only ever dated as well


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Height doesn't matter as much as body shape does. The V-taper is what signifies dominance.

I'm a whopping 5'7, and have banged no less than a half dozen chicks 5'10+. Women really don't care about height unless you make a big deal out of it. Don't ever bring it up, because they'll sense it like a vampire can sense fresh blood. You have to truly own your stature, no matter how big or small you are.

There is one place where height really matters....

Having used online dating off and on for almost 10yrs, I would say the magic number to attract most women is 5'10" minimum. One time I put 5'11" on my dating profile just to see if it helped and it definitely did. Most of the girls I've talked to want a guy that is 5'10" or taller.

The average height of an American male is 5'10". In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58 percent.

The solution to the online dating "problem" is two-fold:

1) it's a numbers game. You should be messaging as many women as possible anyway, so you shouldn't notice if your response rate is affected by height.

2) LIE. You aren't having any less sex by putting that you're 5'10 instead of 5'8. Wear boots on the first date and come with tight game. Women are terrible at determining height anyway.

Funny story, I had a date with a chick that said she was 5'8 on her profile. Ended up being 5'5 in person. Lmao


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
If you are 5'5 a large number of women will rule you out.
But if you are 6'8 a large number of women will rule you out too.
But neither man will be ruled out by all women. So change what you can, accept what you cant and go chase your dreams. If that consists of a woman or a harem of them its within your grasp.

Ive been told im too muscular before. Lol imagine that.
I am 6'7" and I havr gone out with women who were barely 5' up to 6'2". I haven't met a lot of women who said I was too tall. I have had a bunch of women who after dating me didnt realise any more that 6'2" was tall.

Maybe I am too tall... Havent heard any complaints though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
I figure I may as well just own it... Heh heh heh.


Senior Don Juan
May 24, 2014
Reaction score
The lesson lernt here is not to mess with models, now i got a text from her saying i should not contact her anymore because this guy knows about me and hes not happy with it ( i didnt text her anytthing after her last text...weird chick)

I also saw a pic of them in instagram in a sport car

Time to find some other high quality p*ssy