Will you take the covid vaccine?

Will you get the vaccine...

  • Yes, as soon as possible

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • No way in hell

    Votes: 18 42.9%
  • I'm going to wait and see.

    Votes: 15 35.7%

  • Total voters
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
Wikipedia is unbiased, reputable too. Only owned by the Tribe, once again...
Really? Is that the best you've got? Evidence?

You do realize that Wikipedia is funded largely by donation, right? You do realize that anyone can make edits to the information, even people under the influence of the Delusional Fog, right?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Really? Is that the best you've got? Evidence?

You do realize that Wikipedia is funded largely by donation, right? You do realize that anyone can make edits to the information, even people under the influence of the Delusional Fog, right?
Believe me, they have Tons of money. Don't throw your money away. They're laughing when you do.

I know that "edits" go through a guild of sorts that you cannot change. Slander is prevalent on Wikipedia. History contrived.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
Believe me, they have Tons of money. Don't throw your money away. They're laughing when you do.

I know that "edits" go through a guild of sorts that you cannot change. Slander is prevalent on Wikipedia. History contrived.
A blatantly partisan "news" web site which has repeatedly come under scrutiny for deceptive reporting, but supports your worldview? A-Ok!

A bland, boring, largely neutral web site that primarily acts as an open repository for information but has some content that challenges your worldview? Must be trash!

Having made edits in the past to Wikipedia, I can personally attest that there was no "guild" overriding the changes to the content.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Really? Is that the best you've got? Evidence?

You do realize that Wikipedia is funded largely by donation, right? You do realize that anyone can make edits to the information, even people under the influence of the Delusional Fog, right?
and you should know by now wikipedia is not really trustworthy, anyone can change the info, hell there was a lot of trolling of people changing things on it jus tto take a piss on people, but yes lets point one source is fake based in anotehr source who is fake


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
and you should know by now wikipedia is not really trustworthy, anyone can change the info, hell there was a lot of trolling of people changing things on it jus tto take a piss on people, but yes lets point one source is fake based in anotehr source who is fake
There are plenty of other news sources that show Project Veritas to be a site that masquerades as journalism but has a long history of releasing deceptively-edited videos to support a partisan agenda. But had I quoted one of those, no doubt I'd be hit with "fake news" or "you can't trust the mainstream media!" So, as I've stated before, it really doesn't matter what source I cite. It's a given that it will be dismissed so long as its content doesn't line up with the conspiracy-driven worldview.

That said, Wikipedia is not even a news source. As you acknowledge, anyone can make edits. Which does makes some of its information problematic, I concur. But not in the way that you and others are implying (I.e., it's part of the "Tribe" that controls the information flow).

To make the false equivalency between an unapologetically right-wing news site with a history of publishing intentionally-deceptive material, and a crowd-sourced information repository is to be willfully obtuse.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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First responders, healthcare workers, and the elderly will start receiving the first doses by the end of this month. For the rest of us, it will probably be the spring.

There are two shots required. Both make you sick temporarily and the second shot is the worst. People should expect to have to take a sick day for the second shot.

It is a touchy subject to force people to get a vaccine. I know the local healthcare workers will probably be told the vaccine is optional, but if they get sick with covid, they have to take that time off from their own personal sick time instead of getting paid to stay home if they do take the shots. Professional licenses like nurses will be the first to make it mandatory, under threat of yanking the license.

Major league baseball will probably not start on time in the spring, at least with fans, and one of the ideas already being talked about is only letting in fans who show proof of vaccination.
I have nothing against vaccine as long as they are safe and do the job. On the flipside I don't want to be one of the first lab rabbits.

However; I know someone that own a larger biotech company (That research/develops and produces things like this) and with that in mind he says that you should at least wait until the 5th or 6th generation of a new vaccine before you can confirm that it is safe from negative side effects.

Also take note on that these new covid-19 vaccines has been rushed through trials and testing phases has been skipped to fast present a vaccine product ready for distribution. Normally it takes 2-3 years to develop a new vaccine product and get it approved by the government.

So I'd listen to his educated advice and will wait just like him and watch on the sideline as the fools pay the early bird price.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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However; I know someone that own a larger biotech company (That research/develops and produces things like this) and with that in mind he says that you should at least wait until the 5th or 6th generation of a new vaccine before you can confirm that it is safe from negative side effects.
Is this the reasoning most have for not wanting to take the vaccine, or is it because you think the government, big corporations, or elite want to deliberately poison us?


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Is this the reasoning most have for not wanting to take the vaccine, or is it because you think the government, big corporations, or elite want to deliberately poison us?
For me it is what I said. I'd like to take it when it is proven safe which it is historically speaking after it has further developed to later generation where they have found solutions / improved / removed the negative side effects.

I have nothing against vaccines. They are usually a good thing for us on individual level and for the humanity itself which is also historically proven.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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It all comes back to China for Global domination and mass extinction. I've been researching their plans and technology for a while. What they're doing behind the scenes is so evil, so sinister, so twisted, the average persons mind cannot even process it as truth. They have paid off all these corrupt politicians across the globe in hopes to achieve their end goal. I would have a listen at Cyrus Parsa as he is one of the main figures exposing it.

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Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I was informed by my 100-millionaire aussie contact today that whatever you do, do not take the Pfizer vax that it is 4 booster shots per year that will likely kill you. The other one he says he'll take. I told him I ain't takin sh!t. He has one of those ozone machines pumping into his business, $300 masks, everything. I guess if you have the money to burn :rolleyes:

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
He has one of those ozone machines pumping into his business
Ozone is actually bad for both people and plants. O3 is reactive oxygen. It wants to be 02, so it gives off the single oxygen atom in the first reaction it can find. That oxygen atom then becomes a free radical and can shoot through your dna and break something along the way, eventually leading to cancer.

Uvc light sterilizers are much better for ventilation systems. The light makes a person go blind if they look at it, which is why you don't see it more, too much legal liability for lawsuits from stupid people.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Of course they don't want people knowing the truth about the vac. The agenda must go on as planned. Notice how all these media outlets are panicking lately? Their lies are becoming so easy to read that it's become laughable. If many refuse they move to plan b. There is many heads of the snake with this evil agenda. One being the PCR tests are not even meant to be used in the manner that they are. Even the creator of the test Kerry Mullis said it's a scam. How many flawed tests does one need to see in order to realize you're being played?

Like Poonani Maker and I already mentioned there is big money in all this. Aside from the massive amount for each person hospitalized for fake positives, there is big money in the tests themselves. There is business's that test their employees every single day. The greatest trick the CDC ever pulled was convincing people they're sick without having any symptoms.

Dr's all over the country posting videos telling people not to take the vacine for reasons you only need some common sense to know the obvious. What makes me angry though is when they try to use God to push their agenda. All these media outlets are run by the Devil to lie, deceive, manipulate, create fear and ultimately control us. What's sad is how many out there can't see through the most obvious of liars.

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Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
Of course they don't want people knowing the truth about the vac. The agenda must go on as planned. Notice how all these media outlets are panicking lately? Their lies are becoming so easy to read that it's become laughable. If many refuse they move to plan b. There is many heads of the snake with this evil agenda. One being the PCR tests are not even meant to be used in the manner that they are. Even the creator of the test Kerry Mullis said it's a scam. How many flawed tests does one need to see in order to realize you're being played?

Like Poonani Maker and I already mentioned there is big money in all this. Aside from the massive amount for each person hospitalized for fake positives, there is big money in the tests themselves. There is business's that test their employees every single day. The greatest trick the CDC ever pulled was convincing people they're sick without having any symptoms.

Dr's all over the country posting videos telling people not to take the vacine for reasons you only need some common sense to know the obvious. What makes me angry though is when they try to use God to push their agenda. All these media outlets are run by the Devil to lie, deceive, manipulate, create fear and ultimately control us. What's sad is how many out there can't see through the most obvious of liars.

I don't see media outlets panicking, I see you panicking.

And what exceptional evidence do you have for your exceptional claims? What makes your information sources reliable? Looks to me like they are baselessly stirring up fear and paranoia. Kinda like they're panicking.

As for false positives, I have an asymptomatic friend who has been tested three times. My GF tested twice. My son was feeling fatigued with a low-grade fever over the weekend and got tested out of an abundance of caution. Guess what: the tests were all negative.

Who do you personally know that had false positive results? And how would you know if the positive was false?

Yup, this is true. I presume you intend to panic the masses by implying causation here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Like Poonani Maker and I already mentioned there is big money in all this. Aside from the massive amount for each person hospitalized for fake positives, there is big money in the tests themselves.
I'm sure there is, and stockholders in these drug companies are going to have a good year. Same with mask makers and funeral parlors and Zoom. But there's even bigger money in people being able to get back to work safely and in good health. From the CEOs to the ditch diggers. That's my conspiracy theory - and my hundreds of trillions trump Pfizer's billions.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
I'm sure there is, and stockholders in these drug companies are going to have a good year. Same with mask makers and funeral parlors and Zoom. But there's even bigger money in people being able to get back to work safely and in good health. From the CEOs to the ditch diggers. That's my conspiracy theory - and my hundreds of trillions trump Pfizer's billions.
Wow, it's almost like you are aware of the Broken Window Fallacy in economics!



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, it's almost like you are aware of the Broken Window Fallacy in economics!

TBH I wasn't. Just trying to apply simple logic to the situation. Money is the great motivator. Technically if Pfizer, Madura et. al. (or just one) thought it was a good idea they could introduce something like COVID to the population, wait a year and launch their vaccine. Setting aside the moral and logistical challenges, the cost would be deaths and layoffs (loss of manpower and consumers, less consumer spending on other drugs/products), diversion of resources from countless other R&D projects, and consumer paranoia/revolt. The government and other private industries (airlines, trucking and carting, lab equipment and processing, cold storage, private medical practice, insurance companies, pharmacies) would all have to work in concert in spite of the damage done to their own enterprises.

You could argue for instance that a hospital did great business (ran out of beds). But it doesn't help them if they're paying exhausted personnel to work around the clock, personnel are dying, patients can't pay, insurance won't pay, lab fees pile up, extra equipment is needed (suits, masks, ventilators), etc., etc.

Maybe I'm missing something obvious. It would be nice to think that a cabal of businessmen had this much power and control, but most people act out of self-interest. A plan like this would need mutual interests aligned with no detractors...not saying it's impossible, but hard to manage.

But hey, I'm open to different arguments.
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