Why Women Don't Respect Male Commitment


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
I think marriage is a good deal at all based PRIMARILY on the laws if the marriage ends, but we can't go around telling guys what their personal dating/relationship goals should be in relation to women.
I got a very clear idea on what I wanted as relationship. Soulmate, settling, kids, even doing a business together ... anyway, clear and maybe too Holywood.

Since my real first love years ago finished ... I have simply NO clue anymore what I want from a date.

Actually now it grows together day by day with the relationship. Like during last relationship I didnt want or maybe wanted kids (i dont want offspring just for the sake having them). But that idea grew little by little feeling confident in the relationship.

Anyway, still need to get a relationshio lasting longer than 2 years.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Women, on the other hand, NEVER stop looking for a better deal.
I believe this is slightly inaccurate. Women who've had that one guy who fvcked them physically and emotionally will see him as the better deal above every other man out there. What a lot of women are searching for is his replacement. Most other men will never live up to that one guy. If that guy were to pop back into her love life, she will abandon the other men she's entertaining and quit looking.

That one guy is the one she keeps trying to put into the cage. He's fvcked her physically and emotionally, and has left an emotional imprint upon her. She has one-itis for him, and one-itis for a woman is a terminal disease.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
That's why most men are here, and to deny that potential in woman is just plain misogynistic.
^^^ I 100% agree with this.

I've been posting here often for over 2 years now, but from the moment I started my journals here I could tell the Manosphere (Sosuave) was pretty much behind the curve on MANY things that I was experiencing in the field........and in a lot of ways just plain out of touch.

- I've been saying this is one of the worse markets of dating/relations ever, but that's mainly due to a change in culture from a Center Right country to a Center Left country. When I talk about low quality, I'm talking about women lacking TRADITIONAL behavior prior to the 1970's Feminist Movement.

- While saying this, I've also been saying that this is the worse market of men ever, in terms of men who are ambitious, trustworthy, and good honest "buddies". Let me tell you something, as much as I rail against women on here, I can write a book about how stupid, untrustworthy, and non loyal most of these guys are out here. I will trust a WOMAN wayyyyyy quicker than I would trust a DUDE. A dude will sell his best homie of 10 years out over the "opportunity" (not the access to, but just the opportunity) to hit a piece of ran through pvssy.

My writing on here is always more real life based. I get angry, frustrated, and I rant. But I also keep a balanced view of the field. Most of the guys here seem to be KBJs (keyboard jockeys) and just repeat shyt SOMEONE else in the Manosphere said. I also HATE the fact that 99% of everybody on here is hiding behind hidden profiles......they never (and I mean never) show one fvcking picture of themselves.

I also hate the cartoon characters created on here. You know like Alpha Male, Beta Male, Don Juan, PUA, Player, AFC, High Quality Woman, and all this other bullshyt. As if people are one-dimensional. I have never in my life met anybody who fit 100% into an Alpha Male or Beta Male category. NEVER. Because you can't be "alpha" in all situations and some situations require you to not be "beta". But according to the Manosphere, you are either one or the other.

I'm coming to terms that Sosuave "might be" nothing more than a cartoon show for anonymous losers in life to come on here and talk shyt about the world. Say what you want about "Tenacity", but at least I'm myself on here. You see my pics, my car, apartment, the city I'm in, etc. Who I am on here is who the hell I am in real life. What I SAY on here is what I say to people in REAL LIFE. Unlike most of you anonymous losers on here who talk shyt in the dark...........
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Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
I'm coming to terms that Sosuave "might be" nothing more than a cartoon show for anonymous losers in life to come on here and talk shyt about the world.
Sh1t can overcome you, but it still remains your own sh1t to resolve ... Hope this is at least clear to every dude here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I also HATE the fact that 99% of everybody on here is hiding behind hidden profiles......they never (and I mean never) show one fvcking picture of themselves.
I keep my profile as hidden as possible because I've had problems with stalkers and people using my posts against me in real life. This profile isn't my original one. Many of the other mods (past and present) have also had similar problems and have changed their accounts (some more than once). If anybody wants a picture of me or to know more about me, they can PM me. I'm not a closed book to those who are interested, but Sosuave is a public forum and anybody can see what you post.

My ex-wife has been here, one of my ex-girlfriends may be lurking here (who doesn't know I post here) and there's other people who know this place exists. I cannot put my details up for everyone to see. I would prefer being able to share my real-life experiences freely for the benefit of others as opposed to showing my real self on here and having my "misogynistic" views on women being shared with the women I'm involved with which could potentially destroy my relationships.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Any man entertaining the term 'misogynist' is not in his right mind.

Has anyone ever met a true misogynist (or misanthrope - for that matter) in this life? I haven't yet. I've met quite a lot of people.

This is the most basic sh*t-test to shame a man into a woman's frame.
That's why I used the term in quotation marks. I don't consider myself to be a misogynist, but others would see my thoughts and opinions as being misogynistic.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Excellent commentary as always by Poon King. I still just think we are getting too one-dimensional here.

Nobody on this website within the previous 24 months, has pointed out how fvcked up the market is more than me. But even with that fvcked up marketplace, you never have one-dimensional outcomes with every single girl.

- The reality is, I've had girls who liked me a lot.....and cared about me. It was either their weight issues, financial issues, and/or them having too many damn kids by too many thugs that made me not want to fvck with them.

- The reality is, not every chick is going to screw you over in Family Court. I know some women who have never put their baby father on child support, even though the guy makes good money. Also some women are like BeExcellent, and they are the breadwinner in their relationship so a divorce puts the woman in BeExcellent's situation of paying alimony.

- The reality is, not every chick is looking to screw you in the dating game either. Some chicks don't require I take them on dates. Many chicks I've fvcked on the first night and entered into short term relations with, that I didn't take on a date until we had fvcked multiple times.

I really think the Manosphere in relation to dating/women is just like the Fitness Community. You are going to be provided a TON of information, but it's up to YOU to take it and personalize it, tailor it to your life, and create your OWN individual goals for what YOU want out of this.
So you live your life for the exceptions instead of the rule? Do you see the white knighting in this post? Because ONE wolf out of a pack of 100 won't try to eat you for dinner.. that is reason enough to give all 100 the opportunity?

I preach actions that make logical sense based on probability and numbers. This is what people who live in REALITY do. They always do the intelligent thing. People guided by emotions, wishful thinking, delusion, and Disney values will follow their emotions down a path to doom.

I never said all women are out to screw men over. I honestly don't believe most of them are. Women are out to do what benefits them.. while most faggot white knights are out to do what benefits WOMEN.

If all you want to do is spin plates, you can create that for your life.

But if you want a life where you want to settle down in an LTR, make kids, and be married.....then you shouldn't let anybody here tell you what NOT to do. I don't think marriage is a good deal at all based PRIMARILY on the laws if the marriage ends, but we can't go around telling guys what their personal dating/relationship goals should be in relation to women. At least that's my opinion on it.
Stop looking for validation. I can tell men to do whatever I want. Men have a choice to follow my advice or ignore it. You have the same choice.

Based on many of your recent posts you seem to badly want the traditional Disney LTR with a "soul mate". You said it yourself that you want a "soul mate".
I think its time to ask yourself some serious questions like:
  • Why do I want a soul mate?
  • Why do I believe I will benefit from 100% commitment to one woman?
  • Why do I make women such an important factor in my life purpose?
  • Why do I believe a LTR will make my happier than I am now?
Answer these questions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
You don't understand how men get complacent?
A man getting complacent in a relationship is no different than a guy who lets himself get fat and out of shape. Sure, it can happen, but why would you let it? And if it does happen, wake up and fix it.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
And human nature, both masculine and feminine, always has the intelligence and freedom to live a more self-determined life. That's why most men are here, and to deny that potential in woman is just plain misogynistic. Personally, I love women too much to take that route.

So I see it as a balancing act. On the one hand, yes, you need to be aware and savvy to the way in which women are going to behave BUT you also need to be aware that the norm is one thing, and the ideal is another. To deny the ideal is very un-DonJuan in my opinion. For a Don Juan is a romantic and cultured figure who loves intelligence, writing, music, poetry, and love between the sexes.
How often to you come across the "ideal"?

You realize that labeling any individual woman as "ideal" is a form or pedestalization right? People are not Gods to be pedestalized and worshiped. Give me several examples from history where placing people on pedestals has benefited anyone other than the person on the pedestal.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I believe this is slightly inaccurate. Women who've had that one guy who fvcked them physically and emotionally will see him as the better deal above every other man out there. What a lot of women are searching for is his replacement. Most other men will never live up to that one guy. If that guy were to pop back into her love life, she will abandon the other men she's entertaining and quit looking.

That one guy is the one she keeps trying to put into the cage. He's fvcked her physically and emotionally, and has left an emotional imprint upon her. She has one-itis for him, and one-itis for a woman is a terminal disease.
This just proves my point.

Women who have the ONE guy they pedestalize is not any different from men who have that ONE woman they pedestalize. The pedestal isn't because the person was all that "special". The pedestal is because the person was never fully "theirs". The person remained a challenge during the entire relationship and ultimately escaped their grasp. People want what they can't have. Value is usually a matter of perception. This is why spinning plates is so important. It creates the perception of high value.. regardless of a man's true value. So ANY man can do it. Something hard to get is more valuable.. even if it isn't.

If the "man of her dreams" she lost ever become a passive faggot.. she would no longer remember him as "the one that got away". People ONLY desire what they don't have. You are thirsty until you drink. You are hungry until you eat. You are tired until you sleep. Women want you until they have you.

Think about all the relationships you have right now and ask yourself which of the two questions below you would rather be asked:

1. Where have you been?
2. Why have you come again?

Where have you been? = Am I losing you?
Why have you come again? = Give me some space!

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
^^^ I 100% agree with this.

I've been posting here often for over 2 years now, but from the moment I started my journals here I could tell the Manosphere (Sosuave) was pretty much behind the curve on MANY things that I was experiencing in the field........and in a lot of ways just plain out of touch.

- I've been saying this is one of the worse markets of dating/relations ever, but that's mainly due to a change in culture from a Center Right country to a Center Left country. When I talk about low quality, I'm talking about women lacking TRADITIONAL behavior prior to the 1970's Feminist Movement.

- While saying this, I've also been saying that this is the worse market of men ever, in terms of men who are ambitious, trustworthy, and good honest "buddies". Let me tell you something, as much as I rail against women on here, I can write a book about how stupid, untrustworthy, and non loyal most of these guys are out here. I will trust a WOMAN wayyyyyy quicker than I would trust a DUDE. A dude will sell his best homie of 10 years out over the "opportunity" (not the access to, but just the opportunity) to hit a piece of ran through pvssy.

My writing on here is always more real life based. I get angry, frustrated, and I rant. But I also keep a balanced view of the field. Most of the guys here seem to be KBJs (keyboard jockeys) and just repeat shyt SOMEONE else in the Manosphere said. I also HATE the fact that 99% of everybody on here is hiding behind hidden profiles......they never (and I mean never) show one fvcking picture of themselves.

I also hate the cartoon characters created on here. You know like Alpha Male, Beta Male, Don Juan, PUA, Player, AFC, High Quality Woman, and all this other bullshyt. As if people are one-dimensional. I have never in my life met anybody who fit 100% into an Alpha Male or Beta Male category. NEVER. Because you can't be "alpha" in all situations and some situations require you to not be "beta". But according to the Manosphere, you are either one or the other.

I'm coming to terms that Sosuave "might be" nothing more than a cartoon show for anonymous losers in life to come on here and talk shyt about the world. Say what you want about "Tenacity", but at least I'm myself on here. You see my pics, my car, apartment, the city I'm in, etc. Who I am on here is who the hell I am in real life. What I SAY on here is what I say to people in REAL LIFE. Unlike most of you anonymous losers on here who talk shyt in the dark...........
This post is a perfect example of what I believe your main problem to be: You put too much importance on the behavior of others.

You complain about the world not living up to your expectations or what YOU believe it should be:
  • Women suck
  • SoSuave sucks
  • Men suck
Its all about blaming everyone and everything around you for your unhappiness. Why do you think I constantly tell men to live on their own terms? THIS IS THE REASON WHY. When you live on your own terms you are taking control. You are not waiting for other people to make you happy or validate you. You are making yourself happy. Its liberating.

The main reason some men are afraid to live on their own terms is because they fear failure. Once you take control.. you can only blame YOURSELF when you fail. A lot of people like to blame others because it allows them to live in denial of their own inadequacy.

If your current situation is sh!tty.. then find a way to change it. No one else is responsible for your situation.. not women, not men, not SoSuave. Better to be the person people are b!tching about than the person always b!tching about people.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
A dude will sell his best homie of 10 years out over the "opportunity" (not the access to, but just the opportunity) to hit a piece of ran through pvssy.
Agreed. But this is a result of a scarcity mentality.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
So you live your life for the exceptions instead of the rule? Do you see the white knighting in this post? Because ONE wolf out of a pack of 100 won't try to eat you for dinner.. that is reason enough to give all 100 the opportunity?
Well, it's like this. It's reported that 76% of people today live paycheck-to-paycheck, based primarily on just piss poor financial management. So based on this metric, the RULE would be that "most people are bad with finances". But it doesn't mean that every single person is, because I surely am not bad with finances.

I'm not going to use some crap terms like N.A.W.A.L.T. (not all women are like that), but what I AM going to use a term known I made up which is S.C.T.B.D. (some choose to be different). Dave Ramsey always talks about making the deliberate choice of being "weird" when it comes finances, that is, while everybody else is buying shyt they can't afford, you are living within a budget, saving, and investing.

I preach actions that make logical sense based on probability and numbers. This is what people who live in REALITY do. They always do the intelligent thing. People guided by emotions, wishful thinking, delusion, and Disney values will follow their emotions down a path to doom.
Poon King I hear you buddy, the only issue is that if you go by probability, numbers, and statistics, Tenacity's a.ss isn't supposed to be talking to you right now. I should be either locked up in prison, strung out on drugs, somewhere broke, or laying in a grave yard. I damn sure am NOT supposed to be sitting here with a high net worth, 4 degrees including a master's, and looking so good at age 33 that I could pass for 26.


Stop looking for validation.
It's not validation per say that I'm looking for......it's a tag team partner based on MY specifications. The vast majority of women will not fit my specifications for a tag team partner, based on a variety of reasons. But if Tenacity finds the RIGHT tag team partner, all of my personal individual success is now multiplied by 2, while my expenses go down overall, and my personal happiness goes up.

I think its time to ask yourself some serious questions like:
  • Why do I want a soul mate?
  • Why do I believe I will benefit from 100% commitment to one woman?
  • Why do I make women such an important factor in my life purpose?
  • Why do I believe a LTR will make my happier than I am now?
Answer these questions.
- The soul mate is the tag team partner I outlined above. It's the 50/50, 60/40, or 70/30 agreement I talked about in another post.

- In terms of the 100% commitment, your level of benefits depends on the structure outlined with your tag team partner. For example (and I know this is extreme), MOST of the women I date are bisexual. So I'm their boyfriend but they still want a girlfriend. This type of structure allows you to have a tag team partner, while also being able to enjoy on the side the pvssy of other women WITH your tag team partner enjoying it with you. That would be the type of arrangement I would want to setup with my tag team partner because I agree with you.....just fvcking ONE pvssy for the rest of my life isn't cool with me.

- In terms of why, see the outline above for finding the right tag team partner. Your net worth should double and your expenses should go down.

- In terms of why would the LTR make you happier, it depends on your personal definition of happiness. I love chasing my passion in life which is making money, investing, and working out. The tag team partner I'm looking for should be a boost to all three. I explained how she would boost the money side of it, and she too should be a workout freak like me!
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
How often to you come across the "ideal"?

You realize that labeling any individual woman as "ideal" is a form or pedestalization right? People are not Gods to be pedestalized and worshiped. Give me several examples from history where placing people on pedestals has benefited anyone other than the person on the pedestal.
Well, never. It's like asking who has ever come across a mathematical point. The ideal is an idea we always have in mind, and towards which we strive. It's what humanizes us, and makes us ask what the Good Life might be....I guess it now goes by the name of self-improvement.

Any man worthy of the title [rational and self-determined] will examine himself, and then look to better himself by striving towards the ideal. I think most budding Don Juans would agree with this. The disagreement seems to come in our differing views of the ideal....yes, there is always an ideal/idea at work, however 'realistically' it is framed.

I don't think talk of the ideal involves 'pedestalizing' some particular women, but rather involves asking what an ideal relationship might be. And then whether some particular woman could fit into that.
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Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
People ONLY desire what they don't have. You are thirsty until you drink. You are hungry until you eat. You are tired until you sleep. Women want you until they have you.
If women want you until they have you, you have the wrong one, or in any way you feed an insecure empty woman where the relationship for her is TOO important. You just wait the exit. And mostly she will show you too.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
It's not validation per say that I'm looking for......it's a tag team partner based on MY specifications. The vast majority of women will not fit my specifications for a tag team partner, based on a variety of reasons. But if Tenacity finds the RIGHT tag team partner, all of my personal individual success is now multiplied by 2, while my expenses go down overall, and my personal happiness goes up.

- The soul mate is the tag team partner I outlined above. It's the 50/50, 60/40, or 70/30 agreement I talked about in another post.

- In terms of the 100% commitment, your level of benefits depends on the structure outlined with your tag team partner. For example (and I know this is extreme), MOST of the women I date are bisexual. So I'm their boyfriend but they still want a girlfriend. This time of structure allows you to have a tag team partner, while also being able to enjoy on the side the pvssy of other women WITH your tag team partner enjoying it with you. That would be the type of arrangement I would want to setup with my tag team partner because I agree with you.....just fvcking ONE pvssy for the rest of my life isn't cool with me.

- In terms of why, see the outline above for finding the right tag team partner. Your net worth should double and your expenses should go down.

- In terms of why would the LTR make you happier, it depends on your personal definition of happiness. I love chasing my passion in life which is making money, investing, and working out. The tag team partner I'm looking for should be a boost to all three. I explained how she would boost the money side of it, and she too should be a workout freak like me!
So your passion is making money, investing, and working out. That's great.

Here is another question: If you never find a "tag team partner" can you still enjoy making money, investing, and working out? OR are you doing these things in hopes of getting a tag team partner?

Life is like a cake and women are like icing. The cake is still good without icing, but icing makes it a little better. However, if you cannot enjoy the cake without the icing.. then you might have to ask yourself if you enjoy the cake at all. Maybe the icing is all you really care about.

Here is a deeper question to ask: If you found out you would never have sex again and never be with a woman again.. would you kill yourself? I have asked myself this question and the answer is an EASY "no". However.. if the answer for you is "yes" then you have lost the game.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
If women want you until they have you, you have the wrong one, or in any way you feed an insecure empty woman where the relationship for her is TOO important. You just wait the exit. And mostly she will show you too.
You missed the point.

No woman wants a faggot she can dominate and no woman respects a man who will never leave her. This is not to say she won't enjoy it on some level. But my posts are about men getting as much as possible from women while offering them as little as possible. My posts are not about how to be a woman's ideal partner.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
Here is a deeper question to ask: If you found out you would never have sex again and never be with a woman again.. would you kill yourself? I have asked myself this question and the answer is an EASY "no". However.. if the answer for you is "yes" then you have lost the game.
Every relationship I'm richer ... I understand always better a lot of minds are fvcked up with the non-existing Disney romance.

There definitely are relationships acting like this. But this is not the value I want to lower me. It's still worth to hunt my value ... even after te break-ups I got so far.