Why Women Don't Respect Male Commitment

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Women don't respect men who completely commit to them. Here is an in-depth explanation of the reasons why:

A lot of men are lazy and get into the habit of getting "comfortable" once they believe they have secured a woman. The attitude goes something like this:

"I have a girlfriend, so now I'm off the market. I can put my feet up, relax, and just assume this woman will stay by my side as long as I am nice to her and treat her well".

Women, on the other hand, NEVER stop looking for a better deal. They see relationships more from the perspective of:

"I have a boyfriend now.. lets see what he is made of and lets make sure there isn't something better out there for me."

Too many men view women as a "destination" rather than an experience. Men will get a girlfriend and act like its "game over" instead of keeping his eyes open for someone hotter and better. This is a critical mistake because women can always sense when their job is done. When a man is 100% satisfied with her and no longer a challenge for her to keep, she starts to lose interest. Why keep working if your job is done? In addition.. when a man gets comfortable it communicates he does not believe there is anything better out there for him. Women view men who get "comfortable" as lazy and lacking ambition. If the man does not believe he can do better.. the woman wonders if she can do better.

No satisfaction comes from catching an animal that wants to be in a cage. Satisfaction comes from catching the wild animal that can escape any minute if you don't keep your eye on it. This is what the alpha male is. He can leave or cheat any minute because he is in high demand. Therefore, she must watch him and WORK to keep his attention on her. This is what women WANT. Status comes from being able to secure a man with many other options.

One way women test men whom they suspect to be faggots is they open the cage and see if the man runs out of it. If he stays in the cage.. she knows her job is done and spends the rest of the relationship looking for someone more challenging. If he leaves the cage (ignores her to hang with his friends, flirts with other women, cheats, etc.) she knows she has more work to do. Ever wonder why women forgive cheating so often?

The harder a woman must work to "tame" a man.. the more satisfied she is when she finally succeeds. But here is the secret: She doesn't want to succeed 100%. She needs a little bit of doubt that one day her man might sneak out of the cage to have some fun. You create this doubt by spinning plates, flirting with other women, etc. If you put your feet up and "relax" you lose the game.

REMEMBER: Spin plates and never commit 100%. There is no benefit to complete commitment whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
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Great post Poon King. Always keep them asking for more, and in (some) doubt.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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also most of these men don't respect thenselfs so how a woman would respect then?

most will take test after test and do everything in his power to keep her happy, even if that menas he is unhappy because it his duty to make her happy.

you just need to remember what happens when you want a girl, and what happens when you don't care about a girl, i'm far more willing to play the ones I don't care then risk the ones I do


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
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The natural relationships for men to have is either non commitment or poligamy if he wants to invest in his offspring. Manmonogamy was invented by betas so they were assured pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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Poon King,

Excellent post.

It also helps explain why you should never get married. Once you put a ring on it, you're screwed (or not screwed, heh). And the longer the marriage goes, the more she thinks she has the whip hand. And if she gets to the point where she believes the outcome for you is so horrendous (loss of your money, loss of your children, child support, alimony) that you would put up with anything rather than blow up the marriage, she quite literally has you by the balls. Game over.



Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Poon King,

Excellent post.

It also helps explain why you should never get married. Once you put a ring on it, you're screwed (or not screwed, heh). And the longer the marriage goes, the more she thinks she has the whip hand. And if she gets to the point where she believes the outcome for you is so horrendous (loss of your money, loss of your children, child support, alimony) that you would put up with anything rather than blow up the marriage, she quite literally has you by the balls. Game over.

This reminds me of a great quote I heard from The Simpsons:

"Marriage is a coffin and each kid is another nail."
- Homer Simpson.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
It reminds me of the South Park bit about Broadway musicals. Husbands take their wives to them, because it is the only way to get a blowj0b.

Blowj0bs to women are the bullet they use to capture their prey. So for a wife to blow a husband would be like killing a deer, dragging it home, and then shooting it again. There's no point. It's already dead.


Mar 12, 2011
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This site goes back and forth with hundreds of posters and thousands of threads trying to figure out what's correct, how to attract women, how to keep them, what to say, how to say it, etc, etc, etc.

Poon King then comes in and kicks all our butts in 18 seconds with a few paragraphs :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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It reminds me of the South Park bit about Broadway musicals. Husbands take their wives to them, because it is the only way to get a blowj0b.

Blowj0bs to women are the bullet they use to capture their prey. So for a wife to blow a husband would be like killing a deer, dragging it home, and then shooting it again. There's no point. It's already dead.
To be honest, most women aren't very good at bl0wjobs so they should probably be a lot less impressed with their own talents...As long as they were into anal we were good to go


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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Same in marriage.... Never get comfortable and always be ready to get out of the gate running if dumped.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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Poon King then comes in and kicks all our butts in 18 seconds with a few paragraphs :D
True, I think why what PK says is relevant from what I've seen is that what he writes is consistent with what our DJ thinking values should align. He's more logic approached and less basing decisions off of emotions/reactions.

We have to be honest with ourselves, many of us here struggle to keep our frame consistent and outcome independent with our life priorities and dating in general. It's hard when we're not spinning plates or succumb to oneitis. Ergo, it's easier to go with the flow or allow ourselves to get comfortable with a plate(s). We fundamentally understand comfortable breeds contempt. Contempt breeds withdrawal/distancing. We can't afford to ignore those signs...

Regardless of whether or not a woman (or women) have high IL or LTR potential; we have to always keep asking ourselves as DJs, what are we striving towards? What are we doing with our lives that give our life meaning? Are we consistently living our lives the way we instinctively know we should?

Like PK repeats often: when we start living our lives for a woman (or women), they know this and decide we don't respect ourselves to a large degree. IL plummets.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Regardless of whether or not a woman (or women) have high IL or LTR potential; we have to always keep asking ourselves as DJs, what are we striving towards? What are we doing with our lives that give our life meaning? Are we consistently living our lives the way we instinctively know we should?
What ARE you striving towards? I don't understand why so many guys here seem to have no sense of self control. Why do y'all lose all sense of self respect once you enter a LTR? Why do y'all instantly turn into a bunch of pvssies unless you are surrounded by a small harem of women? I can understand it from a young guy who is new to dating, but from anyone with a little experience under his belt? I don't get it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Long time lurker and my first post here. I love how this site explores the nature of relationships and what it is to be a real man.

I notice that PoonKing is a well-respected poster on the nature of casual relationships and dating etc, and I have learnt a lot, yet I can't help but feel this post on male commitment is 'over-reaching'. I take it that a DJ, and authentic man, is primarily a man of experience and pragmatic. He has escaped the herd mentality, the idealistic Disney one, and yet refrains from the easy reactionary mode of falling into some 'realistic' ideology. He eschews the black and white, and glories in the mutli-colored mode of existence.

If 'everything is what it is and not another thing' then we should allow, in potential, for all manner of relationships. The DJ's job is to discern what kind of relationship he is entering, which no doubt hinges on what kind of relationship he wants, which no doubt in turn revolves on where he may be situated in his particular trajectory in life. His mind with his life will enjoy a certain kind of flux, and not ossify into some simplified and reduced view of life [red pill to the blue]; he will adapt and evolve in the pursuit of excellence, and perhaps, to use the classical term, even virtue.

So why write off the possibility of a loving committed relationship with a woman? Why sell yourself short? Why not see relationships in terms of a series of concentric circles with the most casual on the outer ring, and the most intimate at the center? Even if the vast bulk of actual relationships fall short of the ideal, that does not entail that a more meaningful and idealistic [loving] relationship is not possible. Indeed, how would we even know that they fell short if we didn't have that ideal in mind? That said, I completely agree with the need to guard yourself in the minefield that is dating and courtship today. Yet, at some point, the armor has to come off when faced with amor.

The sphere of human relationships need not be modeled on the market place where each is pitted against the other. That's just one perspective. If the DJ is truly interested in excellence then he will look for an excellent woman. And then they might strive together to forge a stronger bond, complementing each-other instead of incessantly competing. Let the lion lie down with the lamb. Don't we still believe in love... or is that too "Disney'?
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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As you said in another thread, women will leave you for a better deal (or atleast what they perceive to be an upgrade) without guilt or remorse.

Brother, it's time to drop this knowledge Jesus style. I tell you the truth, until a man has experienced this for himself he cannot truly fathom the true nature of women. And what ALL men must realise is that all this - spinning plates, being ambiguous with our intentions, the duplicity, the entertaining of other women during relationships, the lack of commitment is simply operating at the level women function on as a default. These b!ches want to play tennis with you, take away your racket and call it fair. They may deride us as "evil", "horrible", "untrustworthy", "weak", "lacking in morals" - hell even men on this very site will foam at the mouth at the idea of men straying in a monogamos relationship and to them I say fvck off with your bastardised female centric moral constructs. They do not serve me.

PK, you are without a doubt one of the best posters around here right now. Keep posting your thoughts and continue dropping hard truths.


Mar 12, 2011
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So why write off the possibility of a loving committed relationship with a woman? Why sell yourself short?
Bro PK is the King. Don't think about arguing with him.

No one has ever preached to write off the possibility of a loving committed relationship. Who says you are selling yourself short by doing it? You are assuming.

The main point is there is no benefit to committing emotionally to one woman. No one has said NOT to do it, it's just that there is no benefit. And also doing what's in your best interest at all times.

I completely agree with the need to guard yourself in the minefield that is dating and courtship today. Yet, at some point, the armor has to come off when faced with amor.
Bro if you take off armour with a woman who you have entered a legal contract with or emotionally committed with, she will absolutely DESTROY you if she decides there is something better, sexier, and more fun out there for her. She only does what is good for her, she does not care about your feelings, you love, your commitment, your work, your family.

The sphere of human relationships need not be modeled on the market place where each is pitted against the other. That's just one perspective. If the DJ is truly interested in excellence then he will look for an excellent woman.
What is an 'excellent' woman? One who doesn't smoke or one who gives good sex? You are assuming because the woman is "excellent', she doesn't do what is in her best interest. You think if the DJ cannot make money or is not valuable to the excellent woman anymore, she would give a damn about him? The excellent woman would be out the door in 17.5 seconds if the DJ had no use for her.

And then they might strive together to forge a stronger bond, complementing each-other instead of incessantly competing. Let the lion lie down with the lamb. Don't we still believe in love... or is that too "Disney'?
Disney with a little Sesame Street sprinkled top. Bro if you believe in love and think an excellent DJ an excellent woman can be together to make the world a better place, you are dreaming. Women don't care about 'stronger bond' or 'complimenting each other.' They care about use, security, showing off, novelty, sexiness, money, fame. You give her those things and can pay for some things and can give her sex, she will stick around. If you can't give her sex, money, fame, security, but 'love her', she will destroy you, spit in your face and make herself the victim.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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There's b!tches I'd not give the time of day, no matter how hot,. and there's b!tches I'd allow into my humble kingdom in droves because they worship at my altar., She either treats me right or she loses my favor, much as a hired hand would always treat me lavishly because her boss would want maximum profit or a returning customer. I deal with lots and lots of hired hands, from ALL walks of life, from all myriad swaths of professions. When I'm not getting lavished and I've been lavished by the most superior customer service in the United States on a daily basis. There's Peak customer service, then there's ho-hum, then there's deplorable. There's professional and non-professional. So you get the woman away from work, she can turn it off. She can Then show you her True colors. To see the switch is fascinating, yet some may go on in their nicety and be That lavishing even in their personal lives. They never turn it off, it's just Who they are. Then you see the ones with deplorable. I mean, can they get any WORSE in their personal time away from work?? or would the switch flip back to being a beaming light of gracious hospitality to You, the male (probably not, I mean, so she just hates work? and when she's away from work, she's ecstatic like she should be displaying her best self at work?). In a highly competitive market (where I live),. you are subject to the pinnacle of customer service a great majority of places you go. I went on vacation in North Carolina recently and I saw a downing of customer service most places I went (you know, hotels, restaurants, bike rentals..).

So the female, no matter how hot, MUST treat me how she would display for her dear life to hang on to her job (for whatever need or want she wanted to hang on to whatever job she wants to hold down/keep). She must be this servitude and fawning over me AT ALL TIMES. If she is not, then I am Not to be with her. I am the Man. She is the Helper. Either she takes her traditional role, or I will not see her. She shall be vanquished from my presence. I do work that she could probably never do, and bring home the bread she could probably never bring home without quotas or polishing her boss' knob.

I know what it's like to be lavished (to be treated like a king, rolled out a red carpet for me). You get this as the customer. You grow accustomed to the 'hired hand' experience, you can think "it's fantasy...this is not how people really are...(away from work)," but I demand my woman to be much like this excellent customer service AT ALL TIMES. She can lax, she can rest, but 90% of the time she'd better make the bed, do the dishes, spruce the place up (make it smell good, look clean), cook, do her womanly duties.

So laughable how the Real Female has been swallowed WHOLE (probably only a sad, paltry 10% left out there) by our current contamination of their mass entitlement. It's been flipped. The serving female (AWAY from work for money/getting ahead for HERself) is virtually non-existent nowadays. Women are very adept at being 2-faced. At least many years ago, they kept that 1 face shown to you of PEAK customer service to You and your Kids, 95% of the time. You'd get a glimpse of that Other face, but she'd be ashamed of it and keep it suppressed, at bay. Now, they show that nasty face a good 70% of the time Without Shame.


Jun 23, 2014
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Excellent commentary as always by Poon King. I still just think we are getting too one-dimensional here.

Nobody on this website within the previous 24 months, has pointed out how fvcked up the market is more than me. But even with that fvcked up marketplace, you never have one-dimensional outcomes with every single girl.

- The reality is, I've had girls who liked me a lot.....and cared about me. It was either their weight issues, financial issues, and/or them having too many damn kids by too many thugs that made me not want to fvck with them.

- The reality is, not every chick is going to screw you over in Family Court. I know some women who have never put their baby father on child support, even though the guy makes good money. Also some women are like BeExcellent, and they are the breadwinner in their relationship so a divorce puts the woman in BeExcellent's situation of paying alimony.

- The reality is, not every chick is looking to screw you in the dating game either. Some chicks don't require I take them on dates. Many chicks I've fvcked on the first night and entered into short term relations with, that I didn't take on a date until we had fvcked multiple times.

I really think the Manosphere in relation to dating/women is just like the Fitness Community. You are going to be provided a TON of information, but it's up to YOU to take it and personalize it, tailor it to your life, and create your OWN individual goals for what YOU want out of this.

If all you want to do is spin plates, you can create that for your life.

But if you want a life where you want to settle down in an LTR, make kids, and be married.....then you shouldn't let anybody here tell you what NOT to do. I don't think marriage is a good deal at all based PRIMARILY on the laws if the marriage ends, but we can't go around telling guys what their personal dating/relationship goals should be in relation to women. At least that's my opinion on it.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Yes, I don't think a Don Juan, which is what I gather us men here want to be, can afford to make hard and fast generalizations about the species of 'women'. That reflects more our own mind than reality... not to mention the nature of 'group think' which has proliferated with the advent of the internet. These days, we can subscribe to one particular bandwidth, and ignore all the others.

Sure, we can think hard about the nature of relationships, but that will have to remain a practical science, or an art, and not a theoretical one. Even if the norm is this... and most women do that.. this in no way gives you the 'nature' of women. At most, it just tells you about the particular epoch we happen to be living in. And human nature, both masculine and feminine, always has the intelligence and freedom to live a more self-determined life. That's why most men are here, and to deny that potential in woman is just plain misogynistic. Personally, I love women too much to take that route.

So I see it as a balancing act. On the one hand, yes, you need to be aware and savvy to the way in which women are going to behave BUT you also need to be aware that the norm is one thing, and the ideal is another. To deny the ideal is very un-DonJuan in my opinion. For a Don Juan is a romantic and cultured figure who loves intelligence, writing, music, poetry, and love between the sexes.
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It reminds me of the South Park bit about Broadway musicals. Husbands take their wives to them, because it is the only way to get a blowj0b.

Blowj0bs to women are the bullet they use to capture their prey. So for a wife to blow a husband would be like killing a deer, dragging it home, and then shooting it again. There's no point. It's already dead.
What an analogy. Nice work.