why women are conditioned to respond sexually to "animalistic, dominant behaviour" !


New Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Most men who are not successful with women, automatically assume
"BLACK AND WHITE". In other words that men are evil and women are saintly.

I mean give me a break, women can't possibly be attracted to a sexually dominant, take-charge male or want sex right?. Remember "girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice and boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails"...Therefore we should be super nice guys with a "keep our hands to ourselves" type of mentality because that is what women want ....

By the way.....garbage like this is usually spewed by those who are failures with the opposite sex and that couldn't land a date if their life depended on it.

Bottom line.

This couldn't be further from the truth---------------!!!!

Remember this ....women are sexually attracted to a man who will lead and dominated them and shatter their "white picket fence fantasy" This is a sub-conscious response, of course.To compliment this notion most women want a man that they can look up to as a father figure.

A good example of this would be Olivier Martinez in the Movie "Unfaithful" and how he shatters a woman's( Diane Lane) nice sub-urban life with her goody, two-shoes, white collar husband (Richard Gere) by introducing this dominant, caveman type of personality. Well look what happens, she is overtaken by it to the point that she is even willing to jeopardize her own
family life.

Don't believe me ?

Read Nancy Friday's book "My Secret Garden" and you will discover things about the female psyche that will rock your world. The book's premise is just what I am talking about and is based on countless accounts of dreams of several women across the United States, many of which are extremely educated and intelligent with high paying jobs. You discover from the content of the dreams of these women that it is filled with deep, dark sexual fantasies of being dominated and even raped by a strong, dominant, take-charge alpha male.

What we can derive from this along with what I have experienced "Live in the field" during my countless interactions and relationships with women is that they are attrated to a strong, physcially dominant, ALPHA MALE
that doesn't make any apologies for who he is, what he wants and especially for his sexual desires.

Think about it...why do you think they are attracted to

Rebels and badboys....

The reason for this is because these "Alpha traits" are of "High survival value" to a woman or conducive to her long-term survival and is in fact what a woman's reptilian brain( The part within her brain that generates sexual attraction to the opposite sex)is constantly checking for in each and every male she meets. It will then determine, based on the exhibition of these traits , if he is mating-worthy.

Now a women's reptilian brain or attraction circuitry is constantly assessing where we fit into the social heirarchy and matrix based on our "Non-verbal" communicaton or body language and behavioral patterns towards her.

In other words, are we low value or status or high value and status

Guys who are lower on that ladder, do the following- treat a woman with supplicating respect, give her too many undeserving compliments, don't make physical and sexual advances towards her out of fear of rejection, treat her as an equal, sexually- meaning sometimes allow her to wear the pants in the relationship, act as her emotional tampon, try to rationlize her problems for her.

In a nutshell they present themselves with the same type of value a "Gay male friend" or same sex best friend would have but not as a potential sexual partner or mate.

The sad result- these guys who for the most part are REAL GOOD and NICE GUYS who can offer a woman alot, can't offer her the one thing that turns her on and that is VALUE and STATUS. Consequently, they eventually end up being taken advantage of, being used and abused, and perceived and treated as "Let's just be friends only" material.

What kind of man is a woman sexually attracted to then? That's right, the other kind- The one who demonstrates Alpha traits-in particular leadership and dominance. In other words, one who respects and treats her fairly, but also sees himself as the prize just as much as she thinks she is it, one who leads the interactions with her making physical and even sexual advances when he sees that thier is an open window of opportunity and interest from her being projected, one who isn't afraid to touch her, grab her by the waist and lead her to the dance floor, kiss her. In addition, a man who isn't afraid to put her in her place if she disrespects him-

The same way her father would....Notice also the parallelism here. Punishment and reward being set up based on behavior as well as conditions, standards and principles being upheld for her to conform to.

What we can take from this is obviously not to go out there and call women "*****es" and "ho's" like the "Pimp daddy's" in the documentary "American Pimp" but of course to lead and dominate our "interactions with women.

Treat a woman with respect and nicely but DO NOT supplicate to her like a "Beta male"
Have your own opinions
Teach her things
Take her to places both physically, emotionally and sexually she's never been before
Lead and dominate her physically and sexually-Believe me she expects this when the time is right
Reward her when she does something that you like and "diplomatically" put her in her place when
she steps out of line or disrespects you, your time, your property, your friends, your family
Once again, she expects this punishment-reward system to be set up for her to conform to.

Irionically these are the qualities that most badboys or Jerks display that attract the opposite sex. We can however, exclude the dirty and unclean aspects of the Jerk type personality but we can take from it, what we need to to consistently and successfully attract the most beautiful and highest quality of women.

|By the way for more excellent, in depth articles, seduction tips, dating advice you can join our Facebook Group. It only takes minutes!

Here is the link:

Until next time, get out there and be a man


Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Nice read. I'm so sick of the "white picket fence" I get from girls. I'm not gonna buy you a house!!! You can forget it! Kids first, then the house, MAYbe.