Why it’s cheaper to pay a lady of the night, rather than waste your time and money trying to “pick up” women in bars and nightclubs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Technically I am an incel, a life long one, and I hate nightclubs (i can't stand dance/hip hop music, plus I don't drink alcohol), and I did approach women, but I gave up (too many instant rejections because of my ugly looks), so I said f*ck it, I'll just pay for it, and that's excatly what I've been doing for the past 35 years.
Night clubs are bad unless you live in a heavily rotating tourist destination which seems bad in itself already lol. They are overpriced, the music is bad, and you see the same women there too. Some of my most depressing times in life, I remember hoping for the weekend so I could go to the club and hopefully get lucky….CRINGE

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
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What is your take on the red pill? The red pill is better than the blue pill.

Trying to form healthy relationships with women in Australia isn't easy. Australia is a woke feminist shiithole. New South Wales is the state where Sydney is located. I can see why you have been judged harshly on looks in Australia with entitled feminist women chasing top tier men.
The Blackpill is what the redpill used to be, until the PUA frauds and dating roaches hijacked it, but yes the redpill even in its current form, is much better than the blue pill.

Australia, especially NSW where I'm from is indeed very woke and feminist, but at least prostitution is legal.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
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Night clubs are bad unless you live in a heavily rotating tourist destination which seems bad in itself already lol. They are overpriced, the music is bad, and you see the same women there too. Some of my most depressing times in life, I remember hoping for the weekend so I could go to the club and hopefully get lucky….CRINGE
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have too much luck trying to meet women in a nightclub, but that's not your fault, nightclubs always have, and always will be the worst places to meet women, they are sausage fests (too many men, not enough women), the alcohol is overpriced, the music is too loud, and they are just horrible places.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Night clubs are bad unless you live in a heavily rotating tourist destination which seems bad in itself already lol.

There are a lot of problems that happen when living in a city that is tourist friendly. In the USA, Phoenix, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Miami are highly populated examples of this.

nightclubs always have, and always will be the worst places to meet women, they are sausage fests (too many men, not enough women), the alcohol is overpriced, the music is too loud, and they are just horrible places.
Only dating websites/swipe apps are worse.

In the 1990s, dating websites were created because nightlife venues in the 1970s-1990s were so difficult.

The swipe apps now are bigger sausage fests than a lot of nightlife venues.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
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Looks are part of the story, not the whole story. They preselect based on your perceived status with them: how are other women responding to you,? do you look comfortable in your own skin? There are people on here who have classical good looks but they are not vibing properly because they don't believe in themselves and those insecure vibes undermine their good looks. You have ugly people on here that play the numbers game, don't care about rejections and score some victories that they feel great about (ie what is a victory for an ugly person is just another girl to a chad right so the feeling of reward and happiness is different)?

You are seriously limiting yourself by your beliefs and you should take note of posters like @characternote who are ugly but successfuls seducers. He cold-approaches because OLD won't work with his looks. His secret? He doesn't give up and keeps trying. Try modelling successful seducers with ugly looks like him. You have normie-tier seducers like @SW15 who also focus on cold-approaching and he is doing well for himself. So, I think if you are really motivated you should be able to seduce a woman as uglier guys have charmed women.
If you are spoiled because you are having hot sex with hb8+ model escorts then that's another story. However, why are so many guys saying the chase is better than the reward? You might really be missing out by limiting yourself to just using escorts.
I'm sorry, but LOOKS are pretty much all of the story, if you don't pass the looks test with a woman, it's game over, and no amount of smooth talking is going to win a woman over. I used to know this Chad (he was 6ft tall, full head of hair, athletic physique), when I went out drinking with him, he always picked up a girl (or should that read, he got PRESELECTED by girls), and he used no game (not that game exists), the women that he went home with him, checked him out, smiled at him, gave him choosing signals and the rest is history.

Most of my 200 odd rejections, in my lifetime, have been body language ones, ie. I didn't have to ask said woman out for her to reject me, I already knew I had been rejected, simply by observing the often hostile,dismissive and combative language eg. the silent treatment, back turns, dirty looks/death stares, one word answers etc.

Ugly looking men rarely attract women, no matter how hard they may try, the only time an ugly looking man gets laid is if he pays a hooker, or he is rich and he is stupid/simpish enough to date/marry a gold digger.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Only dating websites/swipe apps are worse.

In the 1990s, dating websites were created because nightlife venues in the 1970s-1990s were so difficult.

The swipe apps now are bigger sausage fests than a lot of nightlife venues.
Apps aren’t that bad for me. Clubs are hell on earth lol.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
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I’d posit something that was told to me once by a female friend and have confirmed several times over the years with women actively dating:

Women know in 60 seconds IF they might be willing to have sex with you, not if they are going to.

But seriously guys, hookers? Really?
You have to undertstand that some men are just so physically unattractive, that paying for sex, will be the only way they will experience female intimacy (albeit paid for).


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
You have to undertstand that some men are just so physically unattractive, that paying for sex, will be the only way they will experience female intimacy (albeit paid for).
Unless you look like a Clicker from the Last of US, how is a man so physically unattractive?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Unless you look like a Clicker from the Last of US, how is a man so physically unattractive?
I can think of things. Morbid obesity, bad teeth, neckbeard, acne, and many other things.

Women will disqualify on a lot of things.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Morbid obesity, bad teeth, neckbeard, acne, and many other things.
Every one of those can be overcome, it will take work, yes, but it can be done.

If something comes without effort, we do not value it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I'm sorry, but LOOKS are pretty much all of the story, if you don't pass the looks test with a woman, it's game over, and no amount of smooth talking is going to win a woman over. I used to know this Chad (he was 6ft tall, full head of hair, athletic physique), when I went out drinking with him, he always picked up a girl (or should that read, he got PRESELECTED by girls), and he used no game (not that game exists), the women that he went home with him, checked him out, smiled at him, gave him choosing signals and the rest is history.

Most of my 200 odd rejections, in my lifetime, have been body language ones, ie. I didn't have to ask said woman out for her to reject me, I already knew I had been rejected, simply by observing the often hostile,dismissive and combative language eg. the silent treatment, back turns, dirty looks/death stares, one word answers etc.

Ugly looking men rarely attract women, no matter how hard they may try, the only time an ugly looking man gets laid is if he pays a hooker, or he is rich and he is stupid/simpish enough to date/marry a gold digger.
Why didn't you just get an Asian girlfriend then? Some Asian women practially preselect all white guys or are you limiting yourself to only dealing with white women? Some escortcels on here are like that. They won't touch women of other races but then cry incel. I've seen a white guy on a wheel-chair with an Asian girl. I've seen ugly and funny looking white guys with hot Asian girls here. In fact, a white guy from this board visited Toronto, and an Asian girl gave him an all expense paid tour of the city and other attractions and gave him condemless sex and refused to take any money. With that level of insanity, I can't believe you are a trucel like you are making yourself out to be. Your preference is to use escorts but I don't think you have to.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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That's supposed to be an accomplishment? The pinnacle of seduction? :rolleyes:
First off, that woman must've been a combination of drunk/on drugs/seriously messed up. Secondly, sex in a parking lot with that kind of a woman sounds much less appealing compared to sex in a room with a hooker.

A busy man who's on his purpose and just wants to have some fun and unload has the options of 1. go to a nightclub/bar and hope to find a really messed up woman, amenable to being 'seduced' and have sex in the parking lot or at a nearby hotel that same night 2. hire a hooker. It's a no brainer.
Um. I never said his girlfriend/my friend was a girl he banged in a parking lot. Check your reading comprehension. This is a man so good at seduction he pulled women at will wherever he went.

I introduced my girlfriend to him by giving them each others contacts because she was moving to Maui, where he resides & she didn’t know anyone there & he knows everyone.

My girlfriend speaks 5 languages and has a PhD as well as being a knockout who is totally his type. They are also from the same neighborhood of the same city, so I knew they’d have lots in common.

He is so happy with her he hung up his player hat long ago.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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That’s what you constant complainers cannot seem to wrap your brain around.
They can't because "game" is esoteric, since most just don't go into detail enough for those that don't know...
Good game levels the playing field. The best playboy I know is trim but is nothing to look at really. But he LOVES women & Ive seen him literally talk the panties off the girl of his choice & go bang in the parking lot.
Maybe you can help them by explaining in great detail how your playboy friend flirts and seduces women. The tone he uses, what he talks about, how he looks at them, things he says...


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Um. I never said his girlfriend/my friend was a girl he banged in a parking lot. Check your reading comprehension. This is a man so good at seduction he pulled women at will wherever he went.

I introduced my girlfriend to him by giving them each others contacts because she was moving to Maui, where he resides & she didn’t know anyone there & he knows everyone.

My girlfriend speaks 5 languages and has a PhD as well as being a knockout who is totally his type. They are also from the same neighborhood of the same city, so I knew they’d have lots in common.

He is so happy with her he hung up his player hat long ago.
Speaking of reading comprehension, how did you get the idea I was talking about your friend/his current girlfriend? :rolleyes: I didn't mention her at all and I only quoted the bang in the parking lot part from your post.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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bang in the parking lot
If a man is a strong enough seducer to bang women from nightlife venues in the parking lot of that nightlife venue, he is less likely to perceived a need to directly pay for sex.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Speaking of reading comprehension, how did you get the idea I was talking about your friend/his current girlfriend? :rolleyes: I didn't mention her at all and I only quoted the bang in the parking lot part from your post.
No harm no foul.

My playboy friend routinely banged random women. He would fly to Cali from Hawaii, buy a Harley and ride from CA to New Orleans on I-10, stopping at honky tonks, bars & so forth along the way & pick up girls. Then he’d swing over to the Eastern seaboard via Nashville, go to Maine up I-95 and do the same thing. He had regular plates, sporadic plates, women he’d meet & bang on the way cross country he’d stop back by to see on the return trip, you name it.

This guy was a retired state trooper, divorced, several grown kids, grandkids and still would slay.

How did he do it? @DonJuanjr wants to know….

He is fearless. He loves women & is utterly fearless.

This man has looked down the business end of a gun more times than he can count and learned that talking his way out of a situation is typically better than shooting your way out….but if you gotta shoot your way out you god dam better not miss.

So this guy, who stands about 6’1 and is trim, skinny really, could sell ice to Eskimos in Antarctica and they’d love him for it. So it doesn’t matter what he says. Usually some observational snarky but funny stuff BS he comes up with on the fly.

And he is fearless about closing women. He’s also an excellent country western dancer. I met him because my best friend was a plate of his for 8 or 9 years and he’s from the same state as me so we hit it off. Some time after my best girlfriend and he broke things off was when I facilitated him meeting his current gf. And she will be his life partner. They are hilarious together.

He LOVED the chase. The hunt. Loved it. He thought men who paid for Poon were sad sorts who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. He loved the uncertainty of it. But he’s very happy now. They are an absolute scream together.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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They can't because "game" is esoteric…..

Maybe you can help them by explaining in great detail how your playboy friend flirts and seduces women. The tone he uses, what he talks about, how he looks at them, things he says...
It not what he says or does. It is WHO HE IS.

That’s what some folks here do not grasp. It doesn’t matter what my friend says. He has an ease with himself, a swagger, a confidence and a fearlessness that is something to behold. He never knows exactly what he’s going to say because nothing he says is a canned routine. He’s just his swaggering self at all times.

And he is tall and skinny, white hair, brown eyes and very charming & likable but also no fvcks given fearless.

The men here afraid of women are not going to pull that off with some routine to say this or that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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You have to undertstand that some men are just so physically unattractive, that paying for sex, will be the only way they will experience female intimacy (albeit paid for).
Nobody is that ugly unless by choice. I’ve seen seriously ugly men with cute wives, physically disabled men even (a random couple I saw at an airport recently comes to mind)…

True ugliness arises from attitude more than looks. If you are cool to hang around? There is a cute chick who will get with you.

Creepy vibe, super negative ugly attitude or outlook? Ya no. That’s really repulsive….even on cute guys.