Why do women play these games?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Interceptor you have to realize our side has got nothing against you and the morality crew.

In fact we acknowledge that your teachings, advice and way of life are quite good for those that they appeal to.

I've always said that each of us has to do what works for us and if a DJ wants to be a member of the morality brigade and go that route more power to them.

Don, myself and MANY others simply go the route of Leykis 101 which means we will say and do whatever gets us results whether its true or not and yeah we tend to be proud cynics. There's no need for that to have been turned into a dirty word but unfortunately it has been by the morality crusaders who can't seem to live and let live.

You make all this noise about us being negative and depressing but isn't the self righteousness you've been exhibiting of late towards us with opposing beliefs to your own a negative unto itself?

A negative that is dragging you down??

I think it is and I think you realized that which is why you have said in your last post that you intend to follow your own advice with the Bruce Lee quote.

And for all this talk of our negativity who was it that convinced you to stay on the forum a while ago when you were getting disgusted with the place and had lost faith in the members?

Thats right.

It was cynical old me who despite my misanthropy and scary nihilistic beliefs thought Interceptor was a better man than that and I told you so.

And here you still are helping others with your great advice.

Bravo sir.

Now please let us all just try and live in harmony with eachother's seperate beliefs once again as we have done for so long up to this point.

BTW, I have arguably as many if not more pages of PM's from members against the morality crusader advice as you have for those against our way so its kind of pointless to clang swords over which group here has the greater following and support.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
kind of pointless to clang swords over which group here has the greater following and support
Kontroller, you assume too much.
I dont care about trying to " clang swords over which group here has the greater following and support".
That's all you , bud. Good luck with your 'followers'.
And BTW, I never really said I 'left' SS. Where did you get that?
And damn, of course Im going to help others with my advice here!!! Can you blame me?
BTW, of course Im going to follow my advice, silly!
And another thing, you're scaring me with your references to 'your ways' , like some sort of freakin' cult.
Very creepy.

Oh well, carry on.

BTW, have you spoken to Victory Unlimited lately?

Ohhhhh...thats right. He's on the 'other' side...
Never mind.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
If you didn't care you wouldn't be trying to mock our side at every turn.

As for the cult reference...grow up already.

Thats it man, this is all I can say to you.

Grow up.

"BTW, have you spoken to Victory Unlimited lately?"

No, but the last time I did speak with him we were on good terms.

And for my part I still regard VU highly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
DonGorgon said:
This dynamic gives them, more options and choice in the dating game and and in that game (options = power).. For every 1 girl the average dude can attract the average woman can attract 10 dudes... So.. 90% of women go for the top 10% of men and reject the other 90% of "lesser men"... This leaves many men taking what ever they can get.
You keep saying women have all the power but as you proved there they don't. If 10% of men attract 90% of women then it's up to the man to get into the 10%. Become a DJ and you'll have plenty of options.

Everybody has the ability to become a DJ so the power is within you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
watching you two fight is a shame. You are two of the better posters here and should be above this sort of petty bickering. Walk away fellas. Let it go.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I wont waste time contending/disagreeing with nonsense in your last post - its like talking to the wall.

Sad thing is not that you have convinced yourselves of this bs.. its that new guys who come here who actually want to learn and come up in various aspects of life will read AND internalize this garbage written by dweebs like you.

Hopeless pathetic waste of life - both you and your buddy.

I wont talk bad about lets see who else talked the same way...
MadManic; Jack-something - the guy who talked about how manly he was but hated girls because they would use the sad chump for rides in his car, so some other dude would **** them LOL, and of course the midget. those three havent been posting lately because they probably killed themselves or something - I would not even be surprized.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
KontrollerX said:
You have to come off as the badass that doesn't give a damn about them.

A sense that you are devouring them with your eyes and not in a creepy 711 store clerk manner but in a way that conveys to them you look at them like a sex object and have no apologies whatsoever for doing so.

Most hot chicks think they are worthless on a deep level which is why they are so unattracted to guys that would act loving and kind towards them ie AFC's.

The bad boy is a safe bet for these hotties to get with as they know he harbors no false beliefs that she is a perfect princess or even a good person on the inside (beliefs about women the AFC holds dear) and she will not be held to that standard by him so she is relieved.

She is also not bothered by having to worry about the bad boy getting emotionally attached to her and thus her feeling guilty about it if things were to end as the bad boy is only interested in one thing from her and we all know what that one thing is.

So basically you have to come at these really hot women in a ****y, confident, cool and unaffected way and not try and make them your girlfriend.

You have to somehow get them to hang out with you and make them have so much fun and be so charmed by you that it is the other way around where they are begging to be your girlfriend.

Seriously read some SunnyD posts if you want to know exactly how a bad boy tamed her. Thats exactly how you want to wrap a woman around your finger. Just like SunnyD all obsessed with you and fvcked up in the head ready to suck your c0ck on command.
Kontroller summed it up nicely for you here Dibosh. Well put man.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
By the way - how IS it riding in "victory unlimited's plane"? Fun?

LOL ok bro, keep droppin them nukes homie, whatever melts your butter. Just saying that your little metaphor is something that a 13 year old boy would say, who likes to go on quests in an RPG game.

I personally don't know who your hero victory limited is, and i dont wanna know.

For example one of the posters that I respect a lot is Interceptor.. but I would NEVER pound my chest proclaiming: "on Interceptor's battle ship, shooting at AMOGS and mother hens". Stupid


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
As far as "ingnoring" them goes, a lot of times that doesn't work either. A good example of this is when you're passing a hottie and pretend you're not phased by her, in which you don't acknowledge or look at her. I can't tell you how many times I've done this, where they've never seemed to care whether I was checking them out or not. I'm tellin' ya, there's not a lot a guy can work with out there. It's rough.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Anyway... back to your original question... why do women play these games?

We do not have the answer because we are not women. But we can hypothesize. I had a female friend who told me this and it's because they want to weed out the weak vs the strong. The weaker are the nice guys... nice guys are everywhere. No woman wants nice guys, especially attractive women.

You see, I think women are naturally very competitive with each other. They want to prove to each other they have the best catch. If not the Prince Charming, then he has to be the best catch. It's something they can tell their friends about. When they get together, they talk about challenge.

women get together to complain about their boy. They do that because indirectly, they're saying to each other how much of a challenge he is. so, when you go wussy on her, you lose and you embarrass her.

At the end of the day, these women want the best catch. When you refrain from being so available, you give her the impression that she's not being attractive enough. She has to prove to herself that she can get you. Her reputation is at stake! Now do you understand? This is also social proof 101. When she gets the jock, she gets to be with one of the cool guys. The cool guys give her the "self esteem" and power when walking across the hall. She doesn't care about the nice guys at the end of the hall. She wants the attention. any girl under the age of 26 wants this. It's a fun ride. They don't have to worry about settling yet. They know they have the p>ssies that every nice guy wants. And if push comes to shove, they'll just go with the nice guy when they know they're ready to settle. Because again, nice guys are everywhere. Look at the clothes they wear, the way they walk. They all mount to one thing. That's status and power.

Now, there are some classy girls who don't do that kind of thing. Don't get me wrong. Not ALL women are like that. There are some genuine women who will love you for you. But you have to look for the right one. Choose and choose wisely. Now that you know about the game, play along.

Come now, we guys know we always go for the hot chicks. They know this. They set up this game to attract us. They want someone who's a challenge to them. Do you see that?

Both KontrollerX and Inceptor are right. i don't know why you guys are arguing. Calm down guys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Are you also on Leykis' airplane?

What am I saying - how dare I? The fat know-it-all fvck is at Mikky D's at the moment we should not disturb him.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy, if you have nothing positive to contribute, stfu.

you're sounding like a child that wants to stir trouble.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
If you didn't care you wouldn't be trying to mock our side at every turn.

As for the cult reference...grow up already.

Thats it man, this is all I can say to you.

Grow up.

"BTW, have you spoken to Victory Unlimited lately?"

No, but the last time I did speak with him we were on good terms.

And for my part I still regard VU highly.
Talk about projecting.
Where did I say that I DIDN'T "Care"?

Of course I care, dude.

And I am not 'fighting' anyone here.
Thats ludicrous.

As far as mocking...
No, I dont 'mock' what I think are disempowering and ultimately self polluting and toxic beliefs. I simply state what my position is on it, just like you.

Maybe someone should remind you and everyone else here that I too can speak my mind on your opinions and everyone else's, and present an alternate viewpoint.

My cult reference was humorous. Obviously, you didnt 'get' it.
But I am bringing to light how you seem to have this notion of your following, and followers, and your 'side'.
Which concerns me.
Only people who want to dictate others, and dominate them want people to choose sides,inflate their ego, and create divisiveness would bring forth this 'argument' which doesnt hold water. This also goes for those who want to shut up others who present an alternate point of view.

I have a valid opinion just like anyone else's.
And ultimately CANNOT 'respect' beleifs or a person's 'platform' that actually makes people think that having morals, class,and character is being naive, and foolish. And to continue to goad others into a method of behaving in the world which is ultimately self defeating, disempowering, and treats people as objects and goals to acquire is not healthy.

I understand people who are only concerened with results.
I can see just how much the lack of results and a happy life can skewer one's view.
And I can see how one can begin to believe that to not have values, morals, character, Class, and the integrity to stick to them, and instead become a cynical, narcissistic sociopath is appealing to them.
I understand it.
But I dont condone it.
And I can speak out about it.

One thing that I CAN do, is I can still extend courtesy and civility to the PERSON, while disagreeing with the BELIEF.

However, no on is ENTITLED to my courtesy, politeness, and respect.
And no one can assume that I will continue to extend it when the other party is more concerned with being offensive.

Im not afraid to speak out on what I disagree.

My disagreements are not in any way DENYING , or HINDERING, nor STIFLING you, and any of your followers posts and beliefs in any way.
So for you, or anyone to lash out, and beleive they are being mocked, when all that is happening is one guy voicing an alternate viewpoint is quite baffling.

Oh, and I dont believe you hold VU 'in high regard' anymore, Kontroller.
You are not the same man I knew.
And you you cannot hold VU in high regard if you also hold your current beliefs as well.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Are you also on Leykis' airplane?

What am I saying - how dare I? The fat know-it-all fvck is at Mikky D's at the moment we should not disturb him.
From what I have heard about Leykis, asking Leykis for advice on women and dating, is like asking a poor homeless man on how to start and run a multimillion dollar business....

@Vladdy, whats up with this Leykis dude? Why are people on his nuts?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Interceptor I can respect many beliefs other than my own.

I'm sorry you cannot do the same.

Its my way or the highway with interceptor apparently.

Real childish dude.

I thought better of you in the past and I'll continue to hold the high regard for the Interceptor that I knew.

Not what you are now.

And with that I'll take Warrior74's excellent advice and not engage you in this pointless and childish argument anymore.

"By the way - how IS it riding in "victory unlimited's plane"? Fun?"

Well for one thing VU is a really good pilot...


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
You have to come off as the badass that doesn't give a damn about them.

A sense that you are devouring them with your eyes and not in a creepy 711 store clerk manner but in a way that conveys to them you look at them like a sex object and have no apologies whatsoever for doing so.

Most hot chicks think they are worthless on a deep level which is why they are so unattracted to guys that would act loving and kind towards them ie AFC's.

The bad boy is a safe bet for these hotties to get with as they know he harbors no false beliefs that she is a perfect princess or even a good person on the inside (beliefs about women the AFC holds dear) and she will not be held to that standard by him so she is relieved.

She is also not bothered by having to worry about the bad boy getting emotionally attached to her and thus her feeling guilty about it if things were to end as the bad boy is only interested in one thing from her and we all know what that one thing is.

So basically you have to come at these really hot women in a ****y, confident, cool and unaffected way and not try and make them your girlfriend.

You have to somehow get them to hang out with you and make them have so much fun and be so charmed by you that it is the other way around where they are begging to be your girlfriend.

Seriously read some SunnyD posts if you want to know exactly how a bad boy tamed her. Thats exactly how you want to wrap a woman around your finger. Just like SunnyD all obsessed with you and fvcked up in the head ready to suck your c0ck on command.

Let's try to get back to the original question here. The OP seems to be a newbie, and all this information is probably overwhelming for him. For the sake of tyring to keep things simple, Kontroller's advice is spot on. I'm assuming your still pretty young, maybe H.S., college? No one knows who they really are at this age. You have the rest of your life to figure that out. But for the time being, and I'm speaking from REAL FIELD EXPERIENCE, Kontroller has excellent advice. Through time you will learn and evolve into your own identity that is unique to your own experinces and beliefs.

Don't overcomplicate things right now, girls at your age are AW's and love to play games because they have so much freaking emotions going through them. Life is a journey and over time you will gain so much knowledge and experience that all this sh!t will be cake...that's of course if you continue to learn here.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Interceptor

Interceptor said:
Kontroller, you assume too much.
I dont care about trying to " clang swords over which group here has the greater following and support".
That's all you , bud. Good luck with your 'followers'.
And BTW, I never really said I 'left' SS. Where did you get that?
And damn, of course Im going to help others with my advice here!!! Can you blame me?
BTW, of course Im going to follow my advice, silly!
And another thing, you're scaring me with your references to 'your ways' , like some sort of freakin' cult.
Very creepy.

Oh well, carry on.

BTW, have you spoken to Victory Unlimited lately?

Ohhhhh...thats right. He's on the 'other' side...
Never mind.
We need to deal with others as we deal with our woman

Be kind…………………

Be firm………………..

Be patience……………


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Interceptor said:
Don, honestly, I dont think you guys are 'realists' AT ALL, dude.
I think you guys are cynical pessimists.
And so do a lot of guys on here.
You are an optimist and that is fine the world needs optimists , pessimists and realists to be balanced...

Good post though, i am glad you were moved to express yourself soo profoundly... IT WILL help you stay focused and optimistic in a "self motivational" sort of way...:cool:


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
slaog said:
...If 10% of men attract 90% of women then it's up to the man to get into the 10%. ...
LOL.. ok now read that ^^^ slowly... 3 or 4 times..!
You are not making sense...

If 90% of women are going for the top 10% of men, they are not going for the top 20% ... So what this means is that women become more and more picky and demanding as men try to do more to impress them (be in the top 10%)... Which is also why women have soo much power... As too many men compete for too few women in the dating game, desperate men are doing more and more favors for women in hopes of winning over the next 30 men trying to get her so what do women do? They take as much as they can from as many men as they can get it from.