Why do us guys, men, have to be perfect everything in order to get girls?


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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initiatorhater06 said:
Seriously, it's easier for a girl to be hot than it is for a guy to be confident and talk right
eh not really. a non-hot girl is kinda stuck with how she looks. confidence and talking right can be learned.

you should want to be a better person anyway (not for hot girls but for yourself).

i mean - this is kind of the problem, dudes focus on 20% of girls and moan about how easy they have it and kinda totally ignore the other 80% then complain when girls do the same

difference is, its easier for a dude to move from the 80 to the 20 than it is for a girl to do the same. stopping being lame and boring is a good start. girl can't get herself a new face quite so easily as you can learn to be a bit more exciting


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
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haha. good point. we have to be perfect to get anything because we want goodness! we can cut a few corners here and there, such as money, friends, or lifestyle (i duno wtf that is, maybe the ability to go out and have fun?) but you want to plan things out a bit. have a few strengths in you. :)


If a man only wants a trophy girlfriend on his arm to raise his 'reputation' amongst his peers then he is an idiot and not only that the relationship won't last.

Men do not have to be near perfect to get women. I have seen various men who I have thought are replusive with good looking women and good quality women. They in turn have turned out to be quality men in terms of where they are in life and their personalities and characters.

I get my fair share of female attention from time to time. I am short, I am skinny and sometimes I walk around with a face like David Haye when he sees a picture of Wladimir Klitschko giving him the middle fingered salute. It's because I am laid back, have a fantastic smile, have a dimple or two and have a good sense of humour. The easy thing is attracting the girl, it's a lot harder to keep her and keep her interested. That's the bit I haven't worked out yet. :whistle:


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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I just hate how us guys, men, it always or usually comes down to our attitude, social skills, conversation skills, mentality, way of thinking, the way people view and perceive us that determines our success with girls, because it is a lot of ****in' work in order to become that way, meanwhile girls, they can be bratty, boring, have no life, be immature, be a Harry Potter nerd or geek as long as they look like a Supermodel


Senior Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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Las Vegas
initiatorhater06 said:
:mad: Seriously, it's like in order for men, guys to be successful with women, girls, we have to be perfect everything, it's like the list of positive qualities that women look for in men is way longer than the list of positive qualities that men look for in women. Seriously, women, girls they just have to be hot, pretty, cute, look good and automatically they are girlfriend material for us guys. Us guys, we have to have a life, we have to have things going for us in our life, we have to love ourself, we have to have confidence, we have to have goals, have a passion for something, it comes down to the way we talk to people and socialize, social skills and conversation skills, have the right attitude, or just a good, great attitude, the right way of thinking, the right mentality, we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, breathe right, think right. We can't be clingy, needy, desperate. Most of us guys don't care if a woman, girl is a bratty person, boring life or boring personality, has no life, have no goals, have no passion for anything, they can be clingy, needy or desperate and still get a boyfriend or get action. I'm not saying that being needy, desperate, clingy is good thing, it's just ****in' hard to not come across like that.
Its not about being perfect. It's all about the mindset. It's and attractive Mindset. Guys who are succesful with girls and success itself have a certain mindset. It goes back to survival and replication.

We can be ugly as ****, but have resources or display them through the way we act (having a certain mindset) we will get the girl. Girls on the other hand to guys are just for sex and making babies. If you want to think of terms of S&R value. Plus more natural ideas like RSd they talk about congruence and being 100% congruent.

- So stop this bull crap about being perfect. Its about being your best self and having that certain mindset.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Craig Reeves said:
lol. Man I can't STAND IT when some hot girl puts a sexy pic of herself up and a whole legion of dudes tell her how "beautiful" she is....and then she puts up more and more and more and they keep coming back and telling her how hot she is. Ugh....
Things like this and all the other stuff many men(AFC men) do is what allows women to behave this way. I scoff every time I see one of my attractive friends put a provocative pic up just because she knows all these chumps will tell her how sexy she is. We gota be above those typical compliments they fish for.

If more men had higher standards, were picky, and had the same abundance mentality that women do, then the dating realm would equalize.

I was arguing with my buddy awhile back telling him that in the past I have forgone sex because I knew I could do better than the girl who was trying to **** me. I know I am the goddamn prize now and I said "look, no sex is better than bad sex in my case. And if Im not super attracted to the girl I wont really have fun with it, plus I have my pride, I dont NEED to just **** anyone"

I wish more of us could think this way. Because I feel I gain nothing if I lower my standards or think to myself "man I can get better than this girl im with"


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
initiatorhater06 said:
I just hate how us guys, men, it always or usually comes down to our attitude, social skills, conversation skills, mentality, way of thinking, the way people view and perceive us that determines our success with girls, because it is a lot of ****in' work in order to become that way, meanwhile girls, they can be bratty, boring, have no life, be immature, be a Harry Potter nerd or geek as long as they look like a Supermodel
Keep in mind that this laundry list of things men need are just intended to compensate for lack of looks or just average looks. The hot guy needs very little on that list. They are just a bonus.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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Guys only have to be perfect to get the perfect or close to perfect girls. In general, a guy can get a girl without being perfect...


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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I'm with him, thats what pisses me off too, us guys have to work on ourselves more than girls do


initiatorhater06 said:
I just hate how us guys, men, it always or usually comes down to our attitude, social skills, conversation skills, mentality, way of thinking, the way people view and perceive us that determines our success with girls, because it is a lot of ****in' work in order to become that way, meanwhile girls, they can be bratty, boring, have no life, be immature, be a Harry Potter nerd or geek as long as they look like a Supermodel
Only a low quality man wants a trophy girlfriend on his arm.

I want a high quality woman, in my eyes a girl being pleasing on the eye doesn't automatically mean she is a high quality woman.

No man in his right mind would want a boring, immature, selfish woman on his arm regardless of her appearance.

If a man wants a woman like that, then he has insecurity issues.


playergamehater said:
I'm with him, thats what pisses me off too, us guys have to work on ourselves more than girls do
Guys should work on themselves regardless of women.


lili19771 said:
Guys only have to be perfect to get the perfect or close to perfect girls. In general, a guy can get a girl without being perfect...
There is no such thing as a perfect human being.


Oct 20, 2006
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The most annoying thing to me is that most girls are extremely artificial.

They have fake hair, a painted face, acrylic nails, silicon boobs, plumped-up lips, plucked eyebrows, Botox injections, artificial tan, high-heels, and have had plastic surgery... and then act like they are better than most of the men - the vast majority of whom are are 100 original.

Then these girls use their artificial look as an excuse to mistreat people, underwritten by the fact that lots of men hit on them at bars.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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i definitely do NOT go for those kind of girls. i always go for the down to earth type. the ones with straight perfect hair, caked on make up, big fake boobs or whatever with snotty attitude. eww, not my type. i always go for 6 or 7's.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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perseverance said:
Only a low quality man wants a trophy girlfriend on his arm.

I want a high quality woman, in my eyes a girl being pleasing on the eye doesn't automatically mean she is a high quality woman.

No man in his right mind would want a boring, immature, selfish woman on his arm regardless of her appearance.

If a man wants a woman like that, then he has insecurity issues.
That's a very good point and also something I want to stress with all the BPD talk going on on this forum (which isn't surprising as many hot girls are insecure narcissists). You don't end up with a BPD girl or a an immature girl who screws you over, because she tricked you. On some level you always knew. In order to get a good girl, you have to have self esteem.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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LoneWolf said:
i definitely do NOT go for those kind of girls. i always go for the down to earth type. the ones with straight perfect hair, caked on make up, big fake boobs or whatever with snotty attitude. eww, not my type. i always go for 6 or 7's.
Yeah, something I've recently noticed in myself as well. I used to go for the 9's and 10's. But after all the drama they have given me and the little they have provided in return, I tend to appreciate 7's more. And let's face it, most of those 9's are 7's, it's just that they spend hours a day on their appearance and thus become uninteresting.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
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initiatorhater06 said:
:mad: Seriously, it's like in order for men, guys to be successful with women, girls, we have to be perfect everything, it's like the list of positive qualities that women look for in men is way longer than the list of positive qualities that men look for in women. Seriously, women, girls they just have to be hot, pretty, cute, look good and automatically they are girlfriend material for us guys. Us guys, we have to have a life, we have to have things going for us in our life, we have to love ourself, we have to have confidence, we have to have goals, have a passion for something, it comes down to the way we talk to people and socialize, social skills and conversation skills, have the right attitude, or just a good, great attitude, the right way of thinking, the right mentality, we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, breathe right, think right. We can't be clingy, needy, desperate. Most of us guys don't care if a woman, girl is a bratty person, boring life or boring personality, has no life, have no goals, have no passion for anything, they can be clingy, needy or desperate and still get a boyfriend or get action. I'm not saying that being needy, desperate, clingy is good thing, it's just ****in' hard to not come across like that.
You don't. Only if you want all the women. The one's that like you, are gonna like you and they are going to be as obvious as can be. There will be no doubt when a chick likes you.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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leeraconteur said:
You don't. Only if you want all the women. The one's that like you, are gonna like you and they are going to be as obvious as can be. There will be no doubt when a chick likes you.
not really, because a lot of guys can't read a girl's subtle hints