Why do guys continue to usually pay for women on dates???

Jan 12, 2010
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S0LID said:
If I'm going for a coffee, I don't mind paying.. I'd buy a coffee for a guy friend as well. I think it's nice to treat people, it shows a bit of personality :)
I'd love to have a friend who paid for my coffee or lunch! Do I sound like a selfish azzhole?

Because I didn't sound any different in the above line than what most women think about dates - they see dates as getting something free just in case it ends up being a waste of time (aka no connection with the guy).

As a few others have already repeated my point, the solution is her place/your place + movie + music + alcohol = good and easy sex


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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Trader said:
Again, the theme is the same, you create your own reality. The reality you have chosen to live in is the one the feminists have created

I prefer to create my own world where I lead, girls follow. Paying for dates is just one aspect of it, guys on top during sex is another.

You are basically buying into 'role reversal' by refusing to pay for dates. Nothing wrong with that, you are free to do what you please, but don't be surprised when in sex, you end up taking a dildo up your ass - enjoy being penetrated
So it's all just about the reality you create eh? You prefer the reality where you pay for a woman's company? I'm happy you enjoy that reality then! :D As for me I prefer to get more action for no money. I think a smart person will definitely prefer that!

Guys who choose to pay are just pussies who can't get girls without paying. Once you master the skills of getting chicks without paying a cent, you'll be dumbfounded as to why anyone will consider paying anything for it.

It's like paying 10x the price for organic vegetables. When you realize the regular potatoes in the supermarket tastes the same and have the same nutritional value, then you will realize that you are a fool for buying that ****.
Jan 12, 2010
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If I was giving advice to girls, it would go something like this:

girls, there are TONS of guys who are total pvssies and will be easy to use for $$, free meals, gifts, and who knows what else, and you don't even need to have sex with them to get all this!! When it comes to sex ladies, I suggest you go for guys who will give you the best experience and the best orgasms, and those are the guys who act selfish, like azzholes, and generally do not care about women, but boy oh boy do they know how to fvck!! They are full of testosterone, aggression, and energy, and they will wear you down physically.

Make sure to keep a good balance in your dating life of guys! You should always have at least 2 types of guys around you at all times, one guy who will pay for things for you and give you company, and another one who gives you orgasms and sexual pleasure. Keep this balance of guys and you will be happy in your dating life!



Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
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^ so you're saying someone's sex game is inversely proportionate to whether they will pay for your meal...



Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
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Rescue Mission said:
I'd love to have a friend who paid for my coffee or lunch! Do I sound like a selfish azzhole?

Because I didn't sound any different in the above line than what most women think about dates - they see dates as getting something free just in case it ends up being a waste of time (aka no connection with the guy).

As a few others have already repeated my point, the solution is her place/your place + movie + music + alcohol = good and easy sex
Haha I'll buy you a coffee you seem cool for a sociopath :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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CoolBlue said:
So it's all just about the reality you create eh? You prefer the reality where you pay for a woman's company? I'm happy you enjoy that reality then! :D As for me I prefer to get more action for no money. I think a smart person will definitely prefer that!
A smart person realizes the cost benefit analysis is not strictly limited to dollars and cents.

CoolBlue said:
Guys who choose to pay are just pussies who can't get girls without paying. Once you master the skills of getting chicks without paying a cent, you'll be dumbfounded as to why anyone will consider paying anything for it.
Totally irrelevant. No one said you cannot get sex without paying.

The point is, you cannot establish yourself as a leader if you do not pay. If every single time in a relationship, you split it 50/50, then your relationship is going to be 50/50. Just like how it is near impossible to be the leader in a relationship if she is making all the money and you are a deadbeat.

CoolBlue said:
It's like paying 10x the price for organic vegetables. When you realize the regular potatoes in the supermarket tastes the same and have the same nutritional value, then you will realize that you are a fool for buying that ****.
Your analogy is completely busted.

Trader said:
Note, I didn't say you had to take her to some fancy restaurant. All I'm saying is, you ask the girl out, YOU decide where to go, and of course, since you plan everything, you pay. This is the most natural thing in the world.
Rescue Mission said:
girls, there are TONS of guys who are total pvssies and will be easy to use for $$, free meals, gifts, and who knows what else, and you don't even need to have sex with them to get all this!!
You exaggerate everything.

You can take the lead and pay for the date without spending exorbitant amounts of money, like I said in my previous quote. How is a guy paying $7 for a movie ticket or $15 for a simple meal being *milked* and *used* by girls?

There is a happy medium between not paying at all, and trying to buy her with lavish meals and gifts. You fail to understand that point, so you employ chick logic.

Rescue Mission said:
I'd love to have a friend who paid for my coffee or lunch! Do I sound like a selfish azzhole?
Don't worry about how you sound - no one will bother to be your friend - cheers!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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Trader said:
A smart person realizes the cost benefit analysis is not strictly limited to dollars and cents.
Not just dollars and cents? What advantages do you get by paying that overcomes the value of money? Don't tell me establish yourself as a leader as everyone can lead the girl and get pussie without paying! You need to show me what higher value you will receive by paying for it to be worthwhile.

Trader said:
Totally irrelevant. No one said you cannot get sex without paying.

The point is, you cannot establish yourself as a leader if you do not pay. If every single time in a relationship, you split it 50/50, then your relationship is going to be 50/50. Just like how it is near impossible to be the leader in a relationship if she is making all the money and you are a deadbeat.
LOL. Sign of a pussie right here. So the guy that pays for everything is the pure leader of everything right? Guys who bags chicks without money aren't showing any leadership at all? So if you are a leader in your workplace, you will pay for all your subordinates meals and stuff? LOLLLL.

And yea you're damn right I want the relationship to be 50/50. I don't want to be the one putting in all the effort and money while she does nothing. 50/50 is the way to go. It'll be the best if I can get her to pay for my stuff!

Who says she's making all the money? I'm just not spending my hard earned money on her for no reason that's all. She needs to show that she's worth it before she can see any cash.

Trader said:
Your analogy is completely busted.
Busted because you can't counter it! Face it, anybody who chooses to pay more for stuff when he can get the same quality for much cheaper is a total fool. And you're one!

Trader said:
You exaggerate everything.

You can take the lead and pay for the date without spending exorbitant amounts of money, like I said in my previous quote. How is a guy paying $7 for a movie ticket or $15 for a simple meal being *milked* and *used* by girls?

There is a happy medium between not paying at all, and trying to buy her with lavish meals and gifts. You fail to understand that point, so you employ chick logic.
You're being milked as you are providing her with a lifetime of free movies and meals and getting nothing back in return. You don't even get goodwill out of it. With others get more ass than you spending less then you're doing it wrong!


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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The bottom line is, you don't need to pay for a damn thing in order to kiss or bang a girl. If you do have to, this girl isn't worth it and you should kick her to the curb ASAP. AFTER she has proven herself worthy of your time and company, then you can take her out on a date. Hell, you can even wine and dine her lavishly. Just don't waste your time and money on a girl you barely even know who may or may not work out.

Paying for her meal or her movie tickets, popcorn etc. doesn't boost your chances of getting laid unless she's a total wh0re. Just because you might have gotten sex from a girl after you paid for these things doesn't mean you could not have gotten it without paying.

If a girl truly likes you, she'll make it easy for you after your initial advances. If you have to jump through hoops (e.g. buy her dinner) in order to get into her pants, then she is not worth your time. There's plenty of girls out there: only pursue those who are actually turned on by you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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Lexington said:
The bottom line is, you don't need to pay for a damn thing in order to kiss or bang a girl.
Of course that's true.

Lexington said:
Paying for her meal or her movie tickets, popcorn etc. doesn't boost your chances of getting laid unless she's a total wh0re. Just because you might have gotten sex from a girl after you paid for these things doesn't mean you could not have gotten it without paying.
No one is arguing against that.

Lexington said:
If a girl truly likes you, she'll make it easy for you after your initial advances. If you have to jump through hoops (e.g. buy her dinner) in order to get into her pants, then she is not worth your time. There's plenty of girls out there: only pursue those who are actually turned on by you.
This is where you are wrong. I know girls who would just walk away from you if you didn't pay for the date. Why? Because they want a real man, the traditional man, the man who provides, these are the traditional girls.

My point from page 1 of this thread is simply this: if you are treating dating as the *new-world* relationship where everything is 50/50, don't be surprised when your balls are cut off in the relationship.

It's just hillarious that you think you can date a girl, and never pay for her, and then think when it comes time to make the decisions, you'll be able to call the shots in the relationship. Nope, it's all 50/50 from here on out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
Trader said:
Of course that's true.

No one is arguing against that.

This is where you are wrong. I know girls who would just walk away from you if you didn't pay for the date. Why? Because they want a real man, the traditional man, the man who provides, these are the traditional girls.

My point from page 1 of this thread is simply this: if you are treating dating as the *new-world* relationship where everything is 50/50, don't be surprised when your balls are cut off in the relationship.

It's just hillarious that you think you can date a girl, and never pay for her, and then think when it comes time to make the decisions, you'll be able to call the shots in the relationship. Nope, it's all 50/50 from here on out.
Every girl I've ever had sex with required me spending ZERO amounts of money. I'm not kidding, in fact they bought me sh!t and even took me on vacations. And these girls were obsessed with me and probably would've killed for me had I requested it! Before I had much experience under my belt, I'd pay for dinner or whatever. And my success rate was expofvckingnentially lower. I don't care about being a 'traditional' man because I'd rather get results. A 'traditional' man today is a predictable, bore who cannot game a woman without luring her with money.

And a few rules of thumb, if a chick 'expects' you to pay, she's an assh0le. And if you're putting yourself in the situation where you're not sure if you should pay, then you're not escalating sexually quick enough and are on the wrong kind of date


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Paying for girls is a sweet thing to do. It makes them smile and say 'aww thank you'.

Its definitely not something for the first date.

Set up your non-caring, i-get-it-everyday, badboy player image first, then show your sweet side after once in every few months.

The nice guy christain 'chivalrious and manly' thing sounds nice to the ear, and might be an easier concept to rationalize, but it doesnt mean its true. You guys make the mistake of accepting something that you make yourself believe, while ignoring the truth.

I expect it to be down the middle untill i say so. If she tries to suggest otherwise, i laugh and make ****y jokes. You can immediately see the positive 'wow this guy is so cool' expression light up in her face.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Trader said:
This is where you are wrong. I know girls who would just walk away from you if you didn't pay for the date.
These are precisely the kinds of women you should immediately kick to the curb. This proves that she doesn't want you, she wants your money and your ability to provide for her. They're not entitled to a god damn thing unless they earn it.

Why? Because they want a real man, the traditional man, the man who provides, these are the traditional girls.
I'll provide for them once they've proven themselves worthy of being provided for. When you just meet a girl, you have ZERO idea how it will actually turn out. She might initially seem great, but for all you know she could be a complete b*tch.

If a woman expects you to provide for her before you've even kissed her, then she can go to hell. Good quality traditional women understand that relationships are a two way street. You should at least know that she likes you before you start providing for her.

If anything, it is "new-world" for a woman to assume that her very presence is a favor to you. "Why thank you for agreeing to hang out with me, that's so very nice of you! Because you were so kind as to take some time out of your day to spend with me, I will foot the bill."

My point from page 1 of this thread is simply this: if you are treating dating as the *new-world* relationship where everything is 50/50, don't be surprised when your balls are cut off in the relationship.
I'm not advocating that you split everything 50/50 once the relationship starts. I'm talking about the chumps who pay for everything before the girl has even kissed them.

If a girl truly likes you, she'll hang out with you for free. If she'll only agree to hang out with you if you pay for everything, that should be a very serious red flag.

It's just hillarious that you think you can date a girl, and never pay for her, and then think when it comes time to make the decisions, you'll be able to call the shots in the relationship. Nope, it's all 50/50 from here on out.
If you read my earlier post, you'll see that I said that dates are for girls you are actually dating i.e. those with whom you have established a romantic/sexual relationship. I have no problems with that.

What I do have a problem with are guys who wine and dine girls they have just met. They have absolutely no idea if these girls are of good quality. Hell, they don't even know if there is any kind of attraction or chemistry there.

Take a girl out because you like her and she likes you. Take a girl out because you enjoy her company. But do not take a girl out in order to curry favor with her in hopes that she might let you into her pants.
Jan 12, 2010
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Trader, a man who pays for women to look like the leader is a PVSSY who doesn't know anything about being a don juan!!

A don juan leads women SEXUALLY, PHYSICALLY, and EMOTIONALLY......not with his wallet.

Some of the best 1st "dates" I have had, involved just me and the girl, sitting at my place/her place, talking, drinking some cheap wine, cuddling, making out, and eventually having passionate hot 1st date sex - no one needed to be bought with money like a PVSSY such as yourself would do.

I agree with the rest of the guys here, that once a woman has given me enough orgasms, I will gladly take her to a movie or dinner - however there is still no reason to pay for her EVER, because she knows what she's got with you - really good sex, and THAT right there is enough for her to want to pay her own way.....she doesn't see you as a provider of $$, she sees you as a provider of really good sex.

In fact, get her feminist equal azz to pay for YOU, mack her as much as you can, because when a woman has really good sex, she does not care if she spends $$ on you, she just wants to make sure you stick around to continue to give her orgasms!!

You will be "that" guy that she complains to every AFC friend about, YOU will be that guy who is an azzhole that she just can't seem to break up with. And after you have used her for long enough, you will then be the "my ex was a jerk, didn't treat me well, never bought me anything, ughhh what a jerk he was!

you want to be THAT guy, and not the PVSSY who rarely gets PVSSY


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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There is one major problem with this issue.

Guys who are not yet successful with women will have a hard time pulling off the not paying thing.

I can just imagine some n00b who read this thread taking a girl on a date and when its time to pay he just looks at her and says something like, "I'm not paying". Since he isn't smooth the girl instantly loses all interest.

IMO a better thread will be one that talks about various cheap dates and how to avoid paying for everything.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
Maxtro said:
There is one major problem with this issue.

Guys who are not yet successful with women will have a hard time pulling off the not paying thing.

I can just imagine some n00b who read this thread taking a girl on a date and when its time to pay he just looks at her and says something like, "I'm not paying". Since he isn't smooth the girl instantly loses all interest.

IMO a better thread will be one that talks about various cheap dates and how to avoid paying for everything.
Once again, if you're putting yourself in the situation where you feel put out by paying, then you're on the wrong kind of date. Not paying isn't supposed to come from a mindset a cheapness, but a mindset of extreme worth. Take a girl to play frisbee and bring a bottle of wine, take a hike in the woods, who gives a fvck...


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Maxtro said:
There is one major problem with this issue.

Guys who are not yet successful with women will have a hard time pulling off the not paying thing.

I can just imagine some n00b who read this thread taking a girl on a date and when its time to pay he just looks at her and says something like, "I'm not paying". Since he isn't smooth the girl instantly loses all interest.

IMO a better thread will be one that talks about various cheap dates and how to avoid paying for everything.
So we should teach "n00bs" bad practices in the hopes that they'll unlearn them when they get better with women?

Like I and others have said, don't waste your time and your money on a girl who hasn't even demonstrated that she likes you. If a girl isn't attracted to you, taking her out to dinner isn't going to increase the chances of you getting in her pants unless she's a wh0re. Maybe, if you're very lucky, once in a blue moon, a girl will give you a pity fvck.

If a girl is actually attracted to you, she'll allow you to make a move on her regardless of whether you wine and dine her not. She'll hang out with you for free. If she refuses to, then she is not someone you should associate with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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WhitePimp said:
*snip* Take a girl to play frisbee and bring a bottle of wine, take a hike in the woods, who gives a fvck...
Sounds like some good cheap ideas. A beach trip if its close also seems fun. Maybe some volleyball.

Lexington said:
So we should teach "n00bs" bad practices in the hopes that they'll unlearn them when they get better with women?
Telling a n00b to not pay is about as helpful as telling somebody to be cool, or get rich. There needs to be more substance.

Like I and others have said, don't waste your time and your money on a girl who hasn't even demonstrated that she likes you. If a girl isn't attracted to you, taking her out to dinner isn't going to increase the chances of you getting in her pants unless she's a wh0re.

If a girl is actually attracted to you, she'll allow you to make a move on her regardless of whether you wine and dine her not. She'll hang out with you for free. If she refuses to, then she is not someone you should associate with.
Of course.

There is still no denying that some activities are better than others. An experienced man could probably get sex from a girl if he took her to play bingo. While a lesser man would only end up boring the hell out of the girl.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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There is still no denying that some activities are better than others. An experienced man could probably get sex from a girl if he took her to play bingo. While a lesser man would only end up boring the hell out of the girl.
The "lesser man" would bore the hell out of her if he took her out for a nice sea food dinner as well. At some point you have to show her your personality. If she doesn't like you for you, she isn't going to put out just because you paid for her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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If she doesn't like you for you, she isn't going to put out just because you paid for her.

And an expensive sea food dinner is not a good choice for a date either.

Do you see what I'm trying to get at? Some dates are better than others. I think the best dates are ones that are cheap and fun for the both of you.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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The things you guys get all worked up over on here baffles me!

I've paid, split bill, and had women pay for me.... Hell - 2 weeks ago, i had a woman pay for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 bottles of wine, and a hotel room... of course i paid her back by ****ing her 6 [times] in 11 hours we were together in that room; but im the one who walked away without dropping a penny.

At the same time - i've bought plenty of meals for women (normally after i've fvcked them though).

I do not consider this topic something people need to give a lot of thought to. Unless you're bad at reading women (in which case you could end up getting used a lot) or believe that being anti-woman makes you a man.
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