Why are people on here posting about women?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I don't get it, we are still in the middle of a COVID, where literally anything social is either heavily modified or closed down entirely. Your only means of meeting women is through OLD sites or apps, which are complete garbage. Out of boredom the other week I was swiping through tinder and anything above 25 in my area was a 4 at best, almost all of them literally looked bat **** crazy (unnatural hair colors, septum piercings, covered in tattoos, etc.). The attractive and decent quality ones weren't hanging around this whole year single with no man, they were already locked down before COVID even hit or have already had a man lined up early on this year. If you are willing to dumpster dive or deal with women that aren't really what you are looking for that's your business, I just never would put it on my list of things to accomplish.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Uh, because this is a website nominaly devoted to helping men be PUAs, no matter the method? :rolleyes:


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Because your OLD experiences are not everyone's OLD experiences. Typically the people who talk badly about it the ones who have little to no success. Guess it makes them feel better that all the women are "low quality". Meanwhile the "high quality" woman they met out and about has gotten 10 messages via OLD by the time they got her number and made it home. Comical how delusional people are with this.

Maybe your ability to communicate, create interest via messaging or style doesn't work well with OLD and maybe you should consider trying something different?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score

How much time do you spend posting on this forum? You literally responded to this thread within a few minutes of this being uploaded.

You aren't meeting anyone in real life, you just post on here about supposedly doing so. If you were, you wouldn't spend this much time posting on here nor replying so quickly to threads.

It's like you post on here just to talk crap to other people or try to live out some fantasy life online.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score

How much time do you spend posting on this forum? You literally responded to this thread within a few minutes of this being uploaded.

You aren't meeting anyone in real life, you just post on here about supposedly doing so. If you were, you wouldn't spend this much time posting on here nor replying so quickly to threads.

It's like you post on here just to talk crap to other people or try to live out some fantasy life online.
Lmao...everything I post on this forum is true. Instead of getting butthurt because other people are able to succeed in ways you are not maybe you should find out what they are doing instead of coming here to cry about your inabilities.

It is the same type of posts over and over from you...what have you done to improve in this area? Anything? Like seriously....if there is one thing that I do very well, it is look at what isn't working for me and change it. As often as I need to until it works. I had a rough stretch from August to early September and got a little frustrated and made a thread about it. But did I sit here and cry about it? No. I knew it was on me. I had control and the ability to change what I was doing. And it worked.

Or is it just easier to keep pretending the problem is always the women you meet so you don't have to face the truth and make changes?

As far as talking crap, well, I tend to not do well with people who are unwilling to accept responsibility for their failures and want to blame everyone and everything else for them. You are in control of your life and if you don't like something about it then change it. If you aren't willing to put in however much work it might take to do that then you have no right to complain about it. Sorry not sorry.
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Don Juan
Sep 26, 2019
Reaction score
Sounds like you should spend your time minding your own business rather than coming here to be self righteous. And I've personally done no new dating since covid hit.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
I'm old and thought I was a PUA. Apparently in my own mind. I'm learning new stuff, and of my old screw up's.
What better time to bone up <no pun, and enlighten my mojo.. Next I will learn to text:oops:

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
I don't get it, we are still in the middle of a COVID, where literally anything social is either heavily modified or closed down entirely. Your only means of meeting women is through OLD sites or apps, which are complete garbage. Out of boredom the other week I was swiping through tinder and anything above 25 in my area was a 4 at best, almost all of them literally looked bat **** crazy (unnatural hair colors, septum piercings, covered in tattoos, etc.). The attractive and decent quality ones weren't hanging around this whole year single with no man, they were already locked down before COVID even hit or have already had a man lined up early on this year. If you are willing to dumpster dive or deal with women that aren't really what you are looking for that's your business, I just never would put it on my list of things to accomplish.
We can still talk and learn from each other. Now's a good time for learning so that when you go back out there you'll have more game.


I don't get it, we are still in the middle of a COVID, where literally anything social is either heavily modified or closed down entirely. Your only means of meeting women is through OLD sites or apps, which are complete garbage. Out of boredom the other week I was swiping through tinder and anything above 25 in my area was a 4 at best, almost all of them literally looked bat **** crazy (unnatural hair colors, septum piercings, covered in tattoos, etc.). The attractive and decent quality ones weren't hanging around this whole year single with no man, they were already locked down before COVID even hit or have already had a man lined up early on this year. If you are willing to dumpster dive or deal with women that aren't really what you are looking for that's your business, I just never would put it on my list of things to accomplish.
Maybe it's a sign that you should delve into cold-approaching.

After covid, I've decided that it's time for me to take up the reigns again.

Join me on the journey, kid.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
Reaction score
This thread is pointless. You need to realize that there are people who can use OLD in their favor by doing some progress and getting dates. You can never generalize because of your inability to get something online, and need to realize that your area isnt the same and can't be matched to other parts of the world.

Also this forum is for people to get more knowledge and advice primarily about women and ofcourse other life areas. If you don't like, don't use it. Simple as that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
We can still talk and learn from each other. Now's a good time for learning so that when you go back out there you'll have more game.
I'm not sure if you've picked up on this yet, but the stuff you see posted on this forum is just the same repetitive crap over and over and over again. There are some legitimately good posts and those who post on here but I could sum up this forum with the following.

- Don't double text
- Talk to multiple women
- If you are out of shape get in shape
- Always be working towards self improvement
- How to spot red flags/bat **** crazy women

To top this off, you have a fairly large number of posters on here that appear to live out some odd fantasy life online or just come on here to harass/troll, though it's a bit subtle with these off hand remarks.

For instance, we have posters on here who are well into their middle age or even older that I see now or seen in the past. Why the hell is a man in his 60s posting on a site like this when in the real world he should have other stuff going on?

This thread is pointless. You need to realize that there are people who can use OLD in their favor by doing some progress and getting dates. You can never generalize because of your inability to get something online, and need to realize that your area isnt the same and can't be matched to other parts of the world.

Also this forum is for people to get more knowledge and advice primarily about women and ofcourse other life areas. If you don't like, don't use it. Simple as that.
It definitely is relative to your area but OLD is trash for the most part, especially if you are older. I don't care what anyone says, an attractive 21 year old woman is not going to have her age criteria set to include men up to 40 for instance, nothing to do with game but just simple reality.

I have a friend who constantly brags about all these women he meets off of tinder. I've met a handful of them and they were all pretty average, one was trashy AF and the other was an insufferable leftist type. He'd also show me matches of these profiles that showed an attractive woman and it was clearly a fake profile/bot. This is what you are going to get online for the most part unless you have some sort of celebrity status, and this is coming from a white man who is 6'4" and in shape.
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I'm not sure if you've picked up on this yet, but the stuff you see posted on this forum is just the same repetitive crap over and over and over again. There are some legitimately good posts and those who post on here but I could sum up this forum with the following.

- Don't double text
- Talk to multiple women
- If you are out of shape get in shape
- Always be working towards self improvement
- How to spot red flags/bat **** crazy women

To top this off, you have a fairly large number of posters on here that appear to live out some odd fantasy life online or just come on here to harass/troll, though it's a bit subtle with these off hand remarks.

For instance, we have posters on here who are well into their middle age or even older that I see now or seen in the past. Why the hell is a man in his 60s posting on a site like this when in the real world he should have other stuff going on?

It definitely is relative to your area but OLD is trash for the most part, especially if you are older. I don't care what anyone says, an attractive 21 year old woman is not going to have her age criteria set to include men up to 40 for instance, nothing to do with game but just simple reality.

I have a friend who constantly brags about all these women he meets off of tinder. I've met a handful of them and they were all pretty average, one was trashy AF and the other was an insufferable leftist type. He'd also show me matches of these profiles that showed an attractive woman and it was clearly a fake profile/bot. This is what you are going to get online for the most part unless you have some sort of celebrity status, and this is coming from a white man who is 6'4" and in shape.
You're right about advice getting stale. If I'd been getting advice for 2 years, I'd find it boring too.

One thing I didn't see you mention, is actually approaching women in real life.

I know for a fact that @LARaiders85 condones this only, on a regular basis, so you're conveniently leaving that option out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
For a moment I thought this thread is on the lines of:

"why aren't more guys posting about their progress in life?"

ie. fitness, grooming, health, diets, career, finance, startups


bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you've picked up on this yet, but the stuff you see posted on this forum is just the same repetitive crap over and over and over again. There are some legitimately good posts and those who post on here but I could sum up this forum with the following.

- Don't double text
- Talk to multiple women
- If you are out of shape get in shape
- Always be working towards self improvement
- How to spot red flags/bat **** crazy women

To top this off, you have a fairly large number of posters on here that appear to live out some odd fantasy life online or just come on here to harass/troll, though it's a bit subtle with these off hand remarks.

For instance, we have posters on here who are well into their middle age or even older that I see now or seen in the past. Why the hell is a man in his 60s posting on a site like this when in the real world he should have other stuff going on?

It definitely is relative to your area but OLD is trash for the most part, especially if you are older. I don't care what anyone says, an attractive 21 year old woman is not going to have her age criteria set to include men up to 40 for instance, nothing to do with game but just simple reality.

I have a friend who constantly brags about all these women he meets off of tinder. I've met a handful of them and they were all pretty average, one was trashy AF and the other was an insufferable leftist type. He'd also show me matches of these profiles that showed an attractive woman and it was clearly a fake profile/bot. This is what you are going to get online for the most part unless you have some sort of celebrity status, and this is coming from a white man who is 6'4" and in shape.
I think the repetitiveness is probably a good thing - it confirms that this advice is accurate. A lot of the questions are also repetitive (does this girl that is ignoring me and giving me lame excuses but that wants to chat all the time like me, etc).

As far as older men giving advice, I actually think that they probably know more about women and dating than the average 18 year old, for example. They have a whole lifetime of experience.

As for trolls, I treat them the same way as I would treat an uncooperative woman - I just add them to my ignore list.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You're right about advice getting stale. If I'd been getting advice for 2 years, I'd find it boring too.

One thing I didn't see you mention, is actually approaching women in real life.

I know for a fact that @LARaiders85 condones this only, on a regular basis, so you're conveniently leaving that option out.
OP always makes sure to let everyone know he is in good shape, white, 6'4" and good looking.

But OP fails to mention how, with all these advantages he believes he has, why he is failing, only blaming the women everytime something doesn't work.

OP is a man who lacks accountability to himself for his failures in these areas, instead espousing his great traits as proof on how women must be dumb since they reject/ghost him after a date or two. If you review his threads he has created, they all are literally some version of the exact same thing.

OP fails to realize that body language, social skills, conversational skills, ability to talk with women in ways that excite them and get them wanting to find out more are more important. Looks get you in the door but without anything else to offer women quickly lose interest.

All I can say is OP likely will not change because he refuses to believe he should and in his reality women should want exactly what he is offering and if they don't they are to blame. OP is selling a product nobody wants but instead of changing the product he blames the buyers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I think the repetitiveness is probably a good thing - it confirms that this advice is accurate. A lot of the questions are also repetitive (does this girl that is ignoring me and giving me lame excuses but that wants to chat all the time like me, etc).

As far as older men giving advice, I actually think that they probably know more about women and dating than the average 18 year old, for example. They have a whole lifetime of experience.

As for trolls, I treat them the same way as I would treat an uncooperative woman - I just add them to my ignore list.
I never said they were older men giving advice. I remember seeing a post from a man in his 60s who was talking about spinning plates lol. I'm not going to mention specific names but I feel half the stuff I read on here is just fantasy.

As for the repetitiveness of this forum, it's super common sense and I just don't see why it's even worth mentioning.

The whole point is this entire year the social fabricate has been significantly altered due to COVID and that your means of meeting a single woman who is of at least decent quality is going to be pretty low. Instead of posting on here about trying to meet single women, it should be about what to focus on in the mean time. This year is a good time to focus on other goals in your life. This COVID stuff is going to pass sometime in the future but this entire year you'd only have access to what you see on apps and dating sites, which for the most part are made up of low quality women.

If someone is into women who are significantly overweight, who smoke pot, have pink hair, etc.that is their business......I just sure as hell would not be bragging about it nor going out of my way to bring them into my life.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
I never said they were older men giving advice. I remember seeing a post from a man in his 60s who was talking about spinning plates lol. I'm not going to mention specific names but I feel half the stuff I read on here is just fantasy.
Some of it might be fantasy. Who knows. But it could also be that because you're not experiencing that level of success yourself, you don't believe it's possible.

Why are people on here posting about women?
Because it's a pick up forum.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Some of it might be fantasy. Who knows. But it could also be that because you're not experiencing that level of success yourself, you don't believe it's possible.

Why are people on here posting about women?
Because it's a pick up forum.
Dude, I'm a white guy who is 30, 6'4" and is super fit lol. I have a 46-47" chest and a 34" waist, I'm not going to get too detailed because it isn't necessary. Are you going to say a guy like me is going to have less success than some guy that is out of shape and over 40? Give me a break lol.